Before we begin, here are some facts you should know. 1) Greens powders are dietary supplements that contain fruits, green vegetables, and herbs in powder form. 2) The better brands offer antioxidants, anti-inflammatory action, essential vitamins, and minerals, and could fill in nutritional gaps. 3) Dieticians are not big fans of the use of green powders as many tend to use them instead of eating a completely balanced diet.
That being said, greens powders are a godsend to certain demographics in society – those that do not have the time or the means to buy and prepare farm-fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Research suggests that only 1 in 10 Americans can meet the daily nutrition guidelines. Fast food, frozen meals, and takeaways are affordable, fast, and much better tasting. The temptation to pick up the phone and call in a meal is very real indeed. So, the convenience, ease, and health benefits that one can get from a greens powder tin make it a dietary supplement worth investing in. However, green drinks are not meal replacements; you should not use them to replace a meal, but they should be used to supplement the meal – like an accompaniment to breakfast.
Are greens powders good for you? The short answer is yes. A lot depends on the green powder brand. The cheapest greens powder brands do not use the best ingredients or in sufficient amounts and with the use of such brands, health benefits and nutrition are not an expected outcome. Yet other greens powders claim to use organic supplies that are responsibly sourced and use this claim to hike prices obnoxiously. To see whether a green powder is worth the money and time you put in, you need to take a closer look at it – the benefits it claims to provide, the ingredients, the reviews, the price, and even the refund policy. A lot can be said when you look at that supplement label. Since we do not wish for you to deep-dive into the underbelly of the internet, we compared three popular greens powders for you – Amazing Grass, Green Vibrance and SuperGreen Tonik. Let’s take a closer look at them to see which is worth your attention.

Amazing Grass vs Green Vibrance vs SuperGreen Tonik: What About Them?
No. #3 – Amazing Grass

What began in 2002 is still going strong today as Amazing Grass has built quite a range of plant-based supplements and health products. The company is dedicated to finding and utilizing only the best quality ingredients to ensure maximum benefits and efficacy. Amazing Grass markets itself as a brand that puts its growth secondary to that of the customers’ needs. As commendable as the claim is, it is difficult to swallow. The Amazing Grass Greens Blend is a green superfood powder that claims to provide ultimate nutrition and with-it health benefits and immunity.
Available in 3 Flavors:
- Original,
- Chocolate, and
- Berry flavors.
The greens powder can be used to make green juice and smoothies or can even be used for cooking. The brand claims to benefit digestion, immunity, provide antioxidation and promote overall health. The product is non-GMO, has no added sugar, and is 100% plant-based and gluten-free.
Each serving of Amazing Grass Greens Blend would give you 30 calories, 5g of carbs, 3g of dietary fiber, 2g of protein, and less than 1g of sugar.
No. #2 – Green Vibrance

Green Vibrance is a greens powder from the brand Vibrant Health. The brand has more than a few success stories and the official website is packed with products for weight management, joint health, strength, digestive health, and nutrition. Green Vibrance is a plant-based green powder with a twist – it includes probiotics. Formulated to provide the body with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, essential vitamins and minerals, and beneficial bacteria, Green Vibrance claims to be the whole package in overall nutrition. Green Vibrance follows the principle that the human body is capable of staying healthy but the calorie-high but nutrient-deficit diets of today, leave the body with a dearth of essential nutrients. Green Vibrance aims to fill in the gaps. The product is soy, dairy, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly.
Each serving of Green Vibrance includes 40 calories, 8g of carbs, 3g of dietary fiber, 2g of protein, and 2g of sugar.
No. #1 – SuperGreen Tonik

Created by someone who needed it, SuperGreen Tonik came into being when the founder, Adam Wright, found no supplement that could help him recover from the chronic fatigue syndrome he suffered from. So frustrated was he, that he decided to create a greens powder that did what it claimed. Unlike other greens powders that only address nutrition and digestion, SuperGreen Tonik is made to help the brain, immune system, and cardiovascular system to work better too. And there is scientific evidence and customer reviews that state that this green juice can actually do it.
Available in Fresh Mint and Berry Flavors, SuperGreen Tonik attempts to revitalize the body, help it repair and recuperate and keep it strong for the stresses of tomorrow. SuperGreen Tonik is a product in motion and by that, we mean that research has not ended. Research is constant and the formula is updated anytime there are new scientific revelations. SuperGreen Tonik is dairy and caffeine and soy-free, non-GMO, and vegan-friendly.
Per serving you get 35 calories, 6g of carbs, 2g of dietary fiber, 3g of protein, and zero sugar.
To learn more about Supergreen Tonik, the Best Green Superfood Supplement, visit here!
What Should You Expect from These Greens Powders?
As far as benefits go, all three brands have quite a list of benefits and results that you can expect from the product. However, you must understand that adding a greens powder to your everyday routine does not establish perfect health. A balanced and healthy diet, a moderate amount of exercise, healthy lifestyle habits, less stress, and more sleep all come into play when your overall well-being is being addressed. The greens powders are only a start, so it would be wise not to expect overnight results.
Here is a concise list of what each product claims to do for you.
Amazing Grass Greens Blend | Vibrant Health Green Vibrance | SuperGreen Tonik |
A list of benefits is easy to print but the true test of a product is the ingredients it uses, and the reviews left by users. Let’s take a closer look at the formula each of the greens supplements uses.
The Greens Powders Formulae
The Amazing Grass Greens Blend Formula
With every morning smoothie that you take with Amazing Grass, you get a healthy dose of vital nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. To provide these, Amazing Grass takes to using proprietary blends each of which represents either a food group or the possible benefits. Almost all the ingredients used are prefaced by the term ‘organic’, so you know that the quality of ingredients is assured.
Green Food Blend
This group includes the leafy greens that one would ignore at the grocers. With inclusions like wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa grass, spinach, spirulina, chlorella, and broccoli, this blend forms the base for the greens supplement. Providing color, protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, this blend provides your body with nutrients that are required for optimal function and health.
Antioxidant Blend
Packed with the fruits and vegetables that you promise to eat more of every New Year, the antioxidant blend promises to keep free-radical damage in check. Free radicals cause cell damage and this damage is mostly visible as signs of aging – joint pains, skin wrinkles, and hair issues. The blend includes rose hips, pineapple, carrot, acerola cherry extract, green tea leaf extract, acai berry, beetroot, raspberry, and maca root.
EFA Fiber Blend
Consisting of flax seed and apple pectin, this blend promotes health by providing you with a supply of omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. This supports bowel movements, blood lipid levels, nutrient absorption, and gut integrity.
Digestive Enzymes & Active Culture Pre/Probiotic Blend
Including F.O.S. for prebiotic nutrition for the gut bacteria, amylase, protease, lipase, lactase, and cellulase to ensure quick and efficient metabolism of food, and a healthy dose of Lactobacillus acidophilus for re-establishing gut health, the digestive blend should set your digestive system right. This would eventually influence weight issues, nutrient absorption, and inflammation.

The Green Vibrance Formula
Cereal Grasses
Some would argue that Green Vibrance has gone overboard as the supplement label makes for heavy reading. Others claim that the drink is ideal to increase your fruit and vegetable intake. We would let you be the judge of whether Green Vibrance has done a good job or otherwise. Per serving you get water- and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, C, D, E, K, folate, and B12 and essential minerals like calcium iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, chromium, sodium, potassium, and selenium. But unlike Amazing Grass’s proprietary blend system, Green Vibrance takes the time and effort to individually mention the name and dose of each item included. We cannot leave that gesture unappreciated. All ingredients are certified organic.
This group of ingredients includes wheat grass leaf, barley grass leaf, oat grass leaf, barley grass juice, oat grass juice, and wheat grass juice. You will see a trend of repetition of the same ingredients used in different forms. These components provide the color and greens powder base.
Plant-Based Micro-Nutrition
In truth, apart from where these ingredients come from, there is not much of a difference in benefits between the previous and this group of ingredients. Here, you will find a vegetable blend of spirulina, chlorella, parsley, beetroot, zucchini, carrot, spinach, broccoli, Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed, and kale leaf. Most of the nutritional gaps are filled by this and the previous group. The following groups are almost like the supporting cast in a movie.
Antioxidant Life Preservers
As the name suggests, this group of ingredients aims to eliminate free radical damage that is caused to cells by including whole fruits like tomato, strawberry, acerola fruit, camu camu, goji berry, turmeric root, selenium yeast, ginkgo biloba, grape seed and skin, green tea, pomegranate, and chromium.
Immune Support
Astragalus, saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, and larch arabinogalactan extract ensure that your body is ready to fight the good fight against infections and invaders.
Eleuthero root and holy basil are added to provide the body with the ability to handle and diffuse mental and physical stress. Ginkgo biloba does that as well but was added to another ingredient group.
Skeletal Support
In addition to calcium and vitamin D, boron is also added. This is particularly vital for women as they begin to lose calcium after a certain age.
Fiber Blend
Here, you would find acacia gum, flaxseed gum, apple fruit, inulin, and fructooligosaccharides. This blend is most responsible for gut health, weight management, and promoting a feeling of fullness.
Liver Support
To support the efficient metabolism of fat and the breakdown of compounds that are required by the body to function, Green Vibrance adds burdock root, Silamarina milk thistle, and dandelion root to improve liver health.
Enzymes & Tonics
Protease, amylase, lipase, invertase, and cellulase are all enzymes that promote healthy digestion and nutrient extraction. Ginger is a natural remedy for many stomach issues but the addition of cayenne pepper here is a mystery and is probably the cause of the slightly peppery aftertaste that many of the users mention.
Probiotics – 25 Billion CFUs
Other nutrients can help the body function but for ultimate health, the gut has to be healthy, and to stabilize gut health, one needs probiotics. While many greens powders add a few strains to show representation, Green Vibrance actually includes a healthy blend of beneficial bacteria like breve, longum, animals, and bifidum from the Bifidobacterium family and others from the Lactobacillus family like acidophilus, paracasei, rhamnosus, lactis, and helveticus. There are others that feature here as well.

The SuperGreen Tonik Formula
Like Green Vibrance, SuperGreen Tonik completely avoids the proprietary blend drama and just puts in the effort of mentioning the names and doses of the ingredients used. These components are grouped but the groups are not mutually exclusive. They have been created based on the major contribution of the ingredient to health. Also, the names of the groups are straightforward. In each serving, you get vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the whole range of B vitamins. You also get iron, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, sodium, and potassium. The number of inclusions is lesser than that of Green Vibrance (thankfully) but each inclusion here, has a purpose.
Greens Blend
This cluster of ingredients comprises super greens like spirulina, collards leaf, spinach, barley grass, chlorella cracked cell wall powder, and horseradish tree leaf powder. All the inclusions are organic and are powerful antioxidants, that:
- Control blood sugar and lipids,
- Remove toxins,
- Support heart health,
- Promote weight loss,
- Improve eye health, and
- Keep blood pressure down.
Nootropic Blend
Including ashwagandha, l-theanine, ginkgo leaf, bacopa leaf and root, and Rhodiola root, the nootropic blend assures that the mind is also taken care of. This potent combination of amino acids and herbs could help to:
- Promote cognitive performance,
- Eliminate mental fatigue, and
- Also provide stress relief.
What’s even better is that these components could also reduce the severity of symptoms and delay the onset of cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Immune Blend
Dandelion root, garlic bulb, olive leaf, and black pepper fruit make up this cluster of components. While the former three are actively involved in bolstering the immune system, the last, pepper, is added for yet another reason. Pepper is known to improve the bioavailability of the supplements it is added to. The spice ensures that your body is able to absorb and use the nutrients provided by the supplement.

Where & How to Buy These Green Powders?
The best way to get your hands on these greens powders is to order them directly from the official websites. Here, you would get offers and deals that are not available on third-party vendor sites.
Buy Amazing Grass
- Amazing Grass Greens Blend can be bought in a 30, 60, or 100 servings tub or you could get a box of 150 capsules or a box of 15 individual packs which makes for easy travelling. The tubs cost $39.99, $69.99, and $99.99 respectively while the capsules cost $39.99 for a box that lasts a month.
- The travel packs (box of 15 packets) are out of stock and have been so for a while, but they cost $28.99.
The product is available in 3 flavors and if you are unhappy with the product, you have a 30-day return window from the date of receiving the order to return the product.
Buy Green Vibrance
- Green Vibrance can be bought in tubs for 15 days at $32, 30 days for $49.60, 60 days for $82.40, and 83 days for $104.80.
- For 15 travel packs, you would have to $35.20.
- Should you choose to subscribe, you get free shipping on all products purchased from the brand and a 30% discount on the price. The refund policy with Green Vibrance is unclear though.
Buy Supergreen Tonik

Click here to visit the Official Website to buy SuperGreen Tonik.
- A one-month supply of this greens powder would cost $87,
- The price of a three-month supply is set at $227 and
- The cost of a six-month supply is $377.
The latter two purchases would get you free shipping too. All purchases are covered by a One-Year Money-Back Guarantee. If at any time, you feel that the product is not delivering what it promised, you will be refunded the purchase price. All you need to do is contact customer service and a refund would be processed immediately.
So, Which Is the Best Greens Powder?
Let’s get one thing straight. Looking at the quality of diets that are consumed across the country today, adding greens powder supplements is a great idea. Any fruit and vegetable blend is better than none at all. Most greens powders do just that; the brands throw fresh organic produce in a dehydrator and then a blender and they are in the business of selling greens powders. It isn’t that simple though. Before you invest time, patience, and money into a product, you should weigh the potential benefits, risks, and costs. Customer reviews help too.
#3 – Verdict on Amazin Grass
Amazing Grass is not a bad product but when compared to some of the best greens powders, however, it does seem to fall short on two fronts.
- The first is the nutritional value; of the three brands we compared, Amazing Grass delivers the least in terms of nutrients.
- The ingredients are another problem – proprietary blends. Blends are what many brands use to cover dosage issues. We aren’t sure if that is what is happening here but there is a question as to how much of what is added and whether the benefits Amazing Grass claims to have been, in fact, attainable. Reviews for the product, though, are positive.
#2 – Verdict on Green Vibrance
Green Vibrance comes from a good place. The effort is there, and the product is sincere. The ingredients are too many and the repetitions in the label only make one wonder about what the attempt is about. There is such a thing as overcrowding a recipe and Green Vibrance is proof. However, it is a product that can deliver on the claims made. It isn’t a bad product but isn’t a great one either.
Reviews are mixed for the product; some love it while others complain of gas, acid reflux, upset stomachs, and an aftertaste that is nasty. A grassy taste is expected but some claim that with this supplement, it is pretty strong.
#1 – Verdict on Supergreen Tonik
SuperGreen Tonik is a clear winner for us for several reasons.
- One, it does not only address the physical issues but also takes into account the mind and cognition. This comes as no surprise, as the founder found mental fatigue an absolute killer of physical well-being.
- Two, nutrients-wise, the product is packed, and it gives you all the vitamins and minerals and throws in a few amino acids as well.
- Three, SuperGreen Tonik practices restraint. Instead of packing the tub full of ingredients that provide just one or two benefits, it found herbs and fresh produce that could provide multiple benefits. So, the supplement label does not look heavy, and the doses are potent but efficient.
- Four, sleep is addressed. None of the others address sleep. For health and well-being, sleep is vital, and it is the only greens powder that does so. A definite plus for SuperGreen Tonik.
- Reviews are positive but some claim that the price makes it a luxury rather than a necessity. However, the way we see it is that what you pay for the supplement you save on medical bills.
To give you a better idea of how the three greens powders compare, here is a side-by-side comparison of the three products.

Amazing Grass Greens Blend | Vibrant Health Green Vibrance | SuperGreen Tonik | |
Unique Selling Point | Filling in nutritional gaps with organic and nutrient-dense foods. | Formulated to support digestion, immunity, and circulation | Designed to improve physical, mental, and cognitive well-being. |
Pros |
Cons |
Ingredients Count | 23 | 70 | 17 |
Customer Reviews | Positive | Mixed | Positive |
Audience | Men & women over the age of 18. Please consult a physician if you are pregnant or lactating. | ||
Price | Starting at $39.99 | Starting at $32 | $87.00 |
Refund | 30-day return window | Policy unclear | 365-day money-back guarantee |
Summary & Verdict
Most find it difficult to add fresh produce to their diet every day because of time or financial constraints. However, the nutritional gaps that are formed because of this lapse are very real. To counter this, the addition of greens powder supplements has become an easy, convenient, and affordable remedy.
We compared three of the best greens powders and found that SuperGreen Tonik, even though considered pricey, is the best possible choice. Because of the complete range of benefits that the product provides, it is also nutrient dense and provides the body & brain with nootropic benefits – a feature that is absent in Amazing Grass and Green Vibrance. If you are looking for the best possible addition to your diet, SuperGreen Tonik is what we recommend.
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