Anabolic steroids and SARMs are perceived to be the fastest, most effective, and easiest way to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat percentage. And for the most part, that is a correct statement. It would be wrong to deny that these medical compounds can aid bodybuilding in ways that border on fantastic. There are negative effects, yes, but those consequences are often overlooked because of the gains that men and women get from steroid and SARM use. The practice of supplementing fitness training with steroids began back in the 1940s. Over time, the use of steroids led to some really noticeable and serious health issues. Sports associations agreed that steroid users had an undue advantage in events because of the synthetics. Thus, steroid use was banned, and athletes began to look elsewhere for respite.
In came SARMs – selective androgen receptor modulators. Developed as a possible remedy for muscle wasting conditions, the effects were supposed to be similar to that of traditional steroids but without as many side effects. SARMs are designed to target only certain androgen receptors which could then produce very specific results. This made for a better bodybuilding aid. The SARMs were so particular in their results that one could choose a particular SARM for particular results – building muscle mass, fat burning, more energy production, muscle tissue preservation, enhanced athletic performance, and bone strength. SARMs were a godsend since steroid use was frowned upon (recreational use of steroids is still prevalent though). SARMs may sound like a better idea but using them is not easy or safe.
To drive this point home, we shall compare two popular SARMs – Andarine S4 and Cardarine GW501516. We shall take a closer look at what they are, what they do, the benefits, and the consequences. In fact, we would even provide you with better, safer, and legal options.

Andarine S4 vs Cardarine GW501516: For Your Bulking & Cutting Needs
Before we begin, we must make this clear – we do not condone the use of steroids or SARMs for bodybuilding purposes. The information presented here is only to create awareness about these medical compounds. On the contrary, we wish to convince you to consider natural alternatives to the research chemicals themselves.
Andarine S4
Andarine, also known as SARM s4 is a selective androgen receptor modulator that is designed to prevent muscle wasting, remedy benign prostatic hypertrophy, build muscle tissues, and develop better body composition. S4 is one of the strongest SARMs that can provide results similar to anabolic steroids and do so in a shorter window. Andarine binds itself to the androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, increasing protein synthesis and increasing strength and endurance. Because of these very specific benefits and add to that the much shorter time for these benefits to manifest, s4 use spread like wildfire in the fitness community. Andarine is potent and we cannot mention this fact enough; even a small dose goes a long way. There is no official dosage to follow as research for this SARM has stopped entirely. It did make it to human trials, but the research has not been published. The consensus though is that a dose of 25mg a day should suffice. Some up the dose towards the tail-end of the cycle – which lasts eight weeks, but you should never cross 50mg a day. Andarine has a short half-life of 4 to 6 hours, so breaking the daily dose down into 2 or 3 doses works.
Andarine S4 Benefits & Side Effects
Andarine is extremely bioavailable so you should see results in a matter of weeks. Andarine is not as effective a bulking compound as other agents like Ostarine or Ligandrol. However, it does have other benefits.
- Stronger, harder, drier, and more vascular muscle for a ripped physique.
- Aids muscle gains and preservation of lean muscle mass during the cutting phase.
- Can increase endurance, strength, and stamina quickly.
- Prevents water retention, male-pattern hair loss, and gynecomastia
- Provides an anabolic environment.
- The side effects of the SARM include:
- Light sensitivity
- Incorrect color perception
- Difficulties with vision, night vision & peripheral blindness
- Mild testosterone suppression.
Most consider these side effects mild as they are easy to correct (the vision issues right themselves after the end of the cycle and post-cycle therapy would take care of the natural testosterone production). However, you should carefully consider the consequences of using a questionable research chemical that can damage the body, even if it’s only temporary.
Cardarine GW501516
Cardarine GW501516 is not a SARM in the strictest sense. It is a PPAR-Delta activator developed to prevent the formation of tumors in the breast glands and colon and cure prostate enlargement. With further research into the drug came the revelation that Cardarine was also able to boost metabolic rate, melt body fat, check obesity, enhance physical performance, and reduce recovery times. You don’t need us to tell you what happened next. Cardarine became the ace cutting agent in gyms across the world. Cardarine targets your liver and induces fatty acid oxidation which is then used as the primary energy source. Cardarine has a longer half-life comparatively; 16 to 24 hours. Ideally, a single dose of 10 to 20mg would suffice but some choose to split the dose for that extra push. A Cardarine typical cycle last for twelve weeks with a break of four to six weeks. Some prefer to take a break in SARMs instead of PCT (post-cycle therapy) but PCT is best.
Cardarine GW501516 is best used for cutting on its own or stacked with Winstrol, Anavar, Masteron, or Trenbolone but there are those who use it for bulking, stacked with LGD 4033.
Cardarine GW501516 Benefits & Side Effects
The use of the SARM is prevalent because of the benefits that it comes with. There are quite a few which makes it quite popular.
- Quick & effective fat loss
- Increased strength & endurance
- Greater insulin sensitivity
- Better blood lipid levels
- Enhanced athletic performance
- Support the cardiovascular system and the brain
- Improved recovery times.
These benefits don’t come free of cost. The price is hefty.
- A very high possibility of liver damage
- Increases cancer risk significantly
- Insomnia and sleep disturbances.
Like with Andarine S4, the side effects here are not considered that dangerous or drastic. That doesn’t really mean that Cardarine GW501516 is safe. It means that the immediate adverse effects are slight and there is little to no knowledge about the consequences of long-term use.
The Verdict on the SARMs Andarine S4 & Cardarine GW501516
As tempting as the use of SARMs may appear, we can give you more than a few reasons to stay well away from them.
There are certain pharmaceutical companies from where the SARMs can be purchased. They are sold and marketed as research chemicals. These brands know how these substances are being used but the health of users is secondary to the awesome profits they earn. Mind you, they are being sold at prices that are obscenely high too.
The use of Andarine S4, Cardarine GW501516, and other SARMs poses very real health risks. No one talks about that in the bodybuilding community because there is no greater gain than lean muscle tissue. However, there is a life after building muscle and a healthy long one is preferable to most. SARMs can cause liver and cardiovascular issues, raise the risk of cancer, cause gynecomastia, and hair loss, suppress natural testosterone production, and a lot more. And these are just the ones we know about. Long-term studies for some SARMs have been abandoned, while others are still in the works. We do not know what is in store for the users, especially those who take to stacking SARMs for greater benefits.
If you are trying to bulk up for only cosmetic or recreational reasons, then you’re in the clear. However, if you ever wish to compete professionally, it would be difficult for you to qualify. Athletes caught with SARMs running through their veins are looking at lifetime bans and suspension of coaching licenses. You would be a pariah in sports communities everywhere.
Most users of Andarine and Cardarine enjoy the benefits and later on face the consequences as well – an unavoidable eventuality. However, there are a few fitness supplements that provide you with all the benefits of the potent SARMs but with none of the side effects. On the contrary, they would be able to improve overall health and well-being. These supplements emulate the SARMs in every way leaving aside the damage. They are natural, safe, better, and most importantly, legal. These dietary supplements are created by companies that have dedicated efforts to eliminate the unhealthy habit of steroid and SARM use from the fitness community.
Once you get to know about the natural alternatives to SARMs, muscle gain, weight loss, increasing energy levels and body recomposition will never be the same again.
Legal SARM Alternatives: The Natural Way for Lean Mass Gains & Fat Loss

Certain dietary supplement brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have made it their mission to eradicate the use of anabolic steroids and SARMs from the bodybuilding community. This is no easy task as the use of medical substances has been a part of the fitness arena for a very long time. However, they have tried and succeeded in creating natural and safe alternatives to almost every steroid and SARM that is misused. The first few customers were understandably skeptical because no one believed that natural ingredients could have anabolic effects like those of the drugs but were left pleasantly surprised and most users became ardent promoters of the said supplements. Both brands provide a bulking and cutting stack, a SARMs stack for extra strength and endurance, and also include remedies for gynecomastia. And, of course, there are options for both Andarine S4 and Cardarine GW501516.
Brutal Force’s AndaLean – Natural Andarine Alternative

Brutal Force is the one that has an Andarine alternative called AndaLean. Packed with fat-burning abilities, Andalean provides you with more energy, more strength, enhanced muscle building, and quicker recovery. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Formulated to mimic Andarine S4’s ability, the Brutal Force alternative can burn fat while simultaneously increasing muscle mass only using natural ingredients, nutrients, and amino acids.
The supplement can be used by men and women and doses do not need to be adjusted on the basis of gender or experience. Also, the most important factor is that one need not worry about side effects as there are none – zero.
How to use Andalean?
Take 3 capsules, 15 minutes after your workout. The only ask is that you use the supplement in tandem with a healthy diet and a suitable exercise regime. Brutal Force recommends the use of the product for at least two months to enjoy the full range of benefits.
The AndaLean Benefits
Like the SARM, AndaLean provides you with a range of benefits, namely:
- A faster increase in strength, stamina, and endurance
- Lean muscle mass growth
- Faster recovery from exercise
- Quicker weight loss from melting body fat
- The ability to break through plateaus and muscle growth lags.
This is in addition to a boost in physical performance, better liver function, control of inflammation, and an improved metabolic rate. These benefits are courtesy of the natural ingredients that work to improve several physiological systems.
The AndaLean Formula

Brutal Force uses only the most premium of natural ingredients that can benefit the body by creating anabolic activity at a cellular level. That is how the Brutal Force supplements work. The body is already equipped with the processes that allow for fat loss, muscle growth, and extra performance. It only needs a tiny push which AndaLean provides. The components used in this supplement include the following.
- Soy Protein Isolate & Whey Protein Isolate are high protein components packed with amino acids that promote muscle building, connective tissue repair, and several other physiological processes.
- BCAA 2:1:1 consists of l-leucine which helps support liver function for fat metabolism, l-isoleucine for muscle preservation and fat burning and l-valine to support protein synthesis and increase glucose intake.
- Wild Yam for appetite suppression supporting, controlling inflammation and muscle spasm.
- ElevATP is a trademarked components that improves athletic performance, strength gains and muscle mass.
AndaLean can be easily stacked with other Brutal Force creations like CutSR9, IbutaLean, and CardaLean to create the ultimate Ripped Cutting SARMs Stack. To begin use, you only need to click here to log on to order AndaLean, from the Official Brutal Force Website.
- A month’s worth of product, which is 1 bottle would cost $59.99.
- If you buy 2 bottles at once, you also get a third bottle absolutely free, which means a pack of 3 bottles for just $119.98.
However, if you are not satisfied with the results, you are covered by a 100-day money-back guarantee. This offer only applies to purchases of 2 bottles or more, though.
CrazyBulk C-Dine 501516 & Brutal Force Cardalean: Natural Cardarine GW 501516 Alternatives
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have created natural alternatives for Cardarine. The CrazyBulk option is called C-Dine 501516 and the Brutal Force one is called CardaLean.
CrazyBulk C-Dine 501516

The CrazyBulk option first. C-Dine 501516 is formulated with ten potent but safe natural ingredients which work together to provide you with the benefits that you wish to receive from the SARM Cardarine. Designed as the ultimate cutting tool, C-Dine 501516 can raise endurance, aid weight loss, burn body fat and use stored fat as fuel for your punishing gym sessions. It can do so with the simple procedure of revving up your metabolic rate and keeping your body in fat-loss mode all day. And just like Brutal Force, there have been no reports of side effects yet and CrazyBulk has been around for a while.
How to use C-Dine 501516?
Take 4 capsules with water, 20 minutes before your first meal. Continue use for 2 to 3 months for better results. A healthy diet and exercise are a necessity though.
The CrazyBulk C-Dine 501516 Benefits
What you expect from Cardarine, you can expect from CrazyBulk’s C-Dine 501516.
- Significant fat burning
- Better muscle definition
- Preservation of muscle tissues
- Weight loss
- Increased endurance
- Used fat as fuel so you can stick to your diet
- Protect the cardiovascular system.
These benefits and more are a result of the natural ingredients that the alternative uses. Let’s take a close look at that now.
The C-Dine 501516 Formula

CrazyBulk supplements all work on the same premise; the body has the capacity, all it needs is a little nudge in the right direction. The CrazyBulk supplements work to repair, tone, and maintain the various anabolic systems in the body to provide you with the results you want. To do so, C-Dine 501516 uses the following components.
- Vitamin C provides antioxidative support, recovery from exercise and supporting weight loss.
- Iron to support RBC production for better oxygenation of the muscle tissue.
- Vitamin B2 for a speedy recovery from exercise.
- Vitamin B6 for neurotransmitter production and proper metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins.
- Vitamin A increases protein synthesis for muscle building and testosterone production.
- Iodine to improve thyroid gland function which boosts metabolic rate.
- Chromium for muscle mass growth and fat oxidation.
- Southern Ginseng for natural testosterone production, muscle growth and fat metabolism.
- Choline for increasing metabolism and suppressing appetite.
- InnoSlim® for the activation of AMPK and adiponectin.
- And last but not least, Capsimax® for thermogenic fat burning.
C-Dine 501516 can be stacked with Ibuta 677, Ligan 4033, and Stena 9009 – all-natural alternatives to other SARMs. This cutting stack would help you to lean up and reveal those muscles you worked so hard to develop. To know more and to purchase the supplements, you can click here to visit the official CrazyBulk website.
- A single bottle of this natural option would cost $69.99.
- If you buy 2 bottles, you get a third free, so a pack of 3 bottles is priced at $139.99.
- And if you buy 3 bottles, you get 2 months’ worth of product free, so a pack of 5 bottles is priced at $209.99.
In case you are not completely satisfied with the product, you could avail of the 60-day money-back guarantee that is applicable on all purchases made from the CrazyBulk official website.
Brutal Force CardaLean

The Brutal Force offering CardaLean works on principles similar to that of its CrazyBulk counterpart. The CardaLean formula attacks fat cells and facilitates fat oxidization to lose weight and also increase vascularity. The product is also designed to preserve the muscle mass you have developed so far. It also promotes nitric oxide retention which can only result in more muscle growth and preservation even if you are on a calorie-deficit diet. The results would leave you wondering why you had once even considered using the pure and illegal SARM as a cutting option.
How to use Cardalean?
Take 3 capsules with water 20 minutes before your first meal. Continue use for at least two months along with a suitable diet and exercise.
The CardaLean Benefits
The CardaLean formula works as the ultimate fat burner that would work to reveal lean muscle mass.
- Heightens the ability to lose fat
- Boost the body’s metabolic rate for greater energy production
- Enhances endurance
- Improves blood circulation in the muscle tissues
- Boosts nitric oxide retention
- Improved vascularity
- Prevents muscle fatigue and curbs injury to muscle tissue.
The CardaLean Formula

Along with Wild yam and Ginseng (benefits discussed above), CardaLean uses amino acids and botanicals that are proven to work with the body and enhance its performance. These ingredients are:
- L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate for an increase in HGH – human growth hormone release, increase in muscle size and quality, and protein synthesis.
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine which encourages weight loss and reduces muscle wear and tear.
- L-Citrulline for keeping physical performance and energy levels in form even when on a calorie-deficit diet.
- And Puncture Vine which reduces blood lipid levels and improving muscle strength and endurance.
CardaLean can be used with AndaLean, CutSR9, and IbutaLean to become the alternative to a Cardarine stack. To purchase CardaLean, simply click here to stop at the Official Brutal Force website, where:
- A month’s supply of CardaLean, which is 1 bottle can be bought for $59.99.
- And if you buy 2 bottles at once, you also get a third bottle absolutely free (like Andalean), which means a pack of 3 bottles for just $119.98.
The purchase offers and money-back guarantee are the same as AndaLean as the policies apply across all Brutal Force supplements.
Comparing the SARMs to The Natural Options
When it comes to results for the bodybuilder, the befits one can get from the research chemicals and the safer alternatives are, more or less, the same. In fact, SARMs come with a laundry list of side effects that may or may not affect long-term well-being. The question is, why aren’t natural alternatives the go-to fitness aid? Here is probably the only flaw that natural alternatives have – predictability or rather the lack of it.
SARMs like Andarine and Cardarine work by altering the very biochemistry of the body. This is why there are side effects. Instead of enhancing the body’s natural abilities, SARMs hijack the body to make it work unnaturally well. Because of this feature, regardless of who you are and what your health and genetic makeup are, you will see results. And you can see these results during the cycle and after it.
On the contrary, natural alternatives work with the body repairing, maintaining, boosting, and supporting the various body systems that allow for anabolic activity. This includes antioxidation and anti-inflammatory action, increasing the production of testosterone or raising vasodilation. These processes promote weight loss, endurance, and lean muscle growth.
However, the speed at which they work is not possible to predict. Natural components are influenced by age, health, genetics, diet, lifestyle, and psychological state. There will be results, only it is difficult to predict when those results would manifest. This is why the legal options come with timelines and not specific cycles.
Considering the health risks though, predictability is a minor factor but many experienced users of SARMs use that one feature of SARMs as a trump card. It isn’t that simple though. To help you see the difference better. Here is a side-by-side comparison of the two categories of bodybuilding agents.
Andarine S4 | Brutal Force AndaLean | |
Purpose | Developed as a possible alternative to steroids for medical purposes. | Designed for the sole purpose of providing strength and muscle gains and fat loss as Andarine S4 |
Pros |
Cons |
PCT Required | Yes recommended | Not required |
WADA Approved | No | Yes |
Price | Depends on source | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Refund unlikely | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy Andarine S4? | Not Sold Legally. | Click here to Buy Andalean from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Cardarine GW501516 | CrazyBulk C-Dine 501516 | Brutal Force CardaLean | |
Purpose | Formulated for the prevention of heart disease and metabolic syndrome. | Designed to emulate the benefits of Cardarine GW 501516 | |
Pros |
| |
Cons |
| |
PCT Required | Yes recommended | Not required | Not required |
WADA Approved | No | Yes | Yes |
Price | Depends on source | $69.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Refund unlikely | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy Cardarine GW 510516 Legally? | Not Sold Legally | Click here to Buy C-Dine 501516 from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click here to Buy Cardalean from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Summary & Verdict
Andarine S4 and Cardarine GW 501516 are prevalent for lean muscle preservation and weight loss. As beneficial as they are to the bodybuilder, they also carry serious health risks, are illegal, and are not approved for human consumption.
To eliminate such use of dangerous research materials, brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have created natural and safe alternatives for steroids and SARMs. These dietary supplements are the best possible alternatives to drugs used for anabolic gains and they also have rave reviews from new as well as experienced users. We recommend the use of the natural options over that of the real thing.
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