If you are a bodybuilder, weightlifter, or just someone who works out a lot, you know that the hardest part is losing weight while trying to keep the hard-earned muscle intact. There are some things that you could do, though, but you should know that all athletes and professional bodybuilders face the same problems. The following are a few of the tricks they use.
- Keeping a food log helps. Instead of guesstimating the number of calories you have taken, a food log can provide you with accurate information about how much of what you can have.
- Avoid completely or rarely using high glycemic foods like agave, fructose, honey, rice, or corn syrup. Because these foods cause a spike in insulin levels.
- When your body runs out of food, it begins to break muscle. So, keep eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours. This keeps your metabolism working and can burn fat better.
- You need protein; at least 1 gram for every pound you weigh.
- You need energy, and the healthiest way to do it is to supplement your diet with green vegetables and fruit. Such foods are usually high in energy and low in fat.
- Keep moving. Even during your hours of rest, try stretching or going for a walk. This helps to keep the fat-burning process going.
- Cardio, aerobics, and treadmills are your friends.
- The body releases HGH – human growth hormone while you sleep. HGH helps to maintain lean muscle mass and burn fat. Don’t sacrifice sleep for training longer.
- Practice carb cycling – eating more carbs on the days you train while curbing intake when you don’t go to the gym can prove to be a smart move. This increases the body’s insulin sensitivity, which triggers fat to be burned for fuel.
- Use a thermogenic fat burner. A thermogenic fat-burning supplement helps to raise the body’s temperature, which induces fat oxidation for fuel.
Not all fat burners are thermogenic fat burners, so you need to know how to differentiate. Thermogenic fat burners include herbs, botanicals, or other natural or synthesized elements that can induce the body to burn fat for fuel. Some of the best thermogenic fat burners are natural. Natural fat burners are safer and legal, and they give you better results without the side effects that synthetic fat burners have.
Instant Knockout Cut and Animal Cuts are two such natural fat burners that claim to help you lose weight naturally, safely, and legally. Whether they can help you with your weight management issues is a justified question that we may be able to answer. Following is a comparison of the two weight loss supplements, and at the end of this, you should be able to make an informed decision about what your body needs.

Instant Knockout vs Animal Cuts: What Are They?
#1 – Instant Knockout Cut

Instant Knockout Cut is the choice of MMA fighters and trainers everywhere. A product from Roar Ambition, a fitness supplement giant, Instant Knockout Cut dietary supplement is designed for those serious about weight loss, staying fit, and for dedicated athletes. However, the product’s use is not restricted to professionals. If you are looking for a solid start to your weight loss journey, Instant Knockout Cut is a good place to start. Because the company works closely with real trainers and fitness junkies, it knows that the biggest hurdle during weight loss is cravings. This fat burner makes amends for that and helps you lose weight by adding natural thermogenic ingredients and also adding components that work towards appetite suppression. With that out of the way, all you have to do is keep up a healthy diet and exercise, and you will be home dry.
Instant Knockout brand also hasa meal replacement product known as the Instant Knockout Complete that you could use in addition to the fat burner to achieve weight goals further. This fat burner can be used by men and women alike.
How to use Instant Knockout Cut?
Take 4 capsules a day, 1 at equal intervals during waking hours.
For the latest news and updates on Instant Knockout Cut, tap on this link!
#2 – Animal Cuts

From Universal Nutrition comes Animal Cuts. Designed as a weight loss supplement that does so much more, Animal Cuts comes from a line of fitness supplements, so the brand does mean business. What is unique about this particular fat burner is that it includes components that aid all aspects of weight loss and working out. It aids water shedding, provides nootropic support, supports the thyroid glands, and includes CCK boosters. The product is designed to induce thermogenesis, which burns fat while simultaneously preserving muscle mass. The fat shredding product includes 8 separate complexes that can help with all your weight loss needs. The product can be used by men and women and is your choice if you wish for a stimulant-free fat burner. The product is supplied in packs, and if you wish, you could avoid the caffeine pills, making Animal Cuts stimulant-free.
How to use Animal Cuts?
The recommended dose is 2 packs a day. The first pack you must take as soon as you wake up, and the next dose should be taken 5 to 6 hours later. After using it for 3 consecutive weeks, you must take a week off, after which you can start again. With the second dose, take the pack with a small meal and stay well hydrated. This is essential.
What Do These Fat Burning Supplements Claim to Do?
Considering that both supplements are fat burners, you can expect, of course, the fat-burning properties from them. But the benefits don’t stop there. Both weight loss supplements do give you and your body a whole range of benefits. Whether they can do so or otherwise remains to be seen, but for now, here is what they claim to do. Also included are warnings stated by the products.
Instant Knockout Cut | Animal Cuts | ||
Benefits | Warnings | Benefits | Warnings |
| Should not be used if pregnant or breastfeeding. No other warning was provided by the manufacturer. |
| Must not be used if pregnant or nursing. The label mentions ‘reproductive harm’. There may be side effects like enlarged prostate, nervousness, irritability, headaches, insomnia, difficulty urinating, elevated heartbeat, and many others. Also, it cannot be used if you or your family has a history of several medical conditions. |
The lengthy message beneath the Animal Cuts warnings immediately grabs one’s attention. This makes Instant Knockout Cut instantly more attractive. However, the above features are only the claims, and whether the products are actually potent enough to deliver on these claims can only be gauged from the ingredients used and reviews by existing customers. Let’s take a closer look at the formulae.
Instant Knockout vs Animal Cuts: The Fat-Burning Ingredients Used
There are some common ingredients that the two fat burners use, but we would not club them together. This is because Animal Cuts divides its ingredients into 8 complexes or blends, while Instant Knockout Cut simply lists its unique and effective fat burning ingredients.
Natural Ingredients in Instant Knockout Cut
Glucomannan, 1800 mg
A natural water-soluble fiber derived from the roots of the elephant yam, glucomannan is a supplement on its own and has several health benefits. It is a natural weight loss aid and works by suppressing appetite. When consumed, the fiber takes on water and moves slowly through the digestive system, promoting a feeling of fullness and acting as an appetite suppressant.
It is also good for blood sugar maintenance, reduces the absorption of protein and fats, and prevents diabetic kidney disease.
Cayenne Pepper Extract, 100 mg
This component boosts metabolism and helps you burn fat quicker. The spice factor increases the body temperature and the body rushes to cool down. This process of trying to normalize temperature helps in fat-burning efforts. It also reduces hunger pangs and reduces the feeling of hunger. It is also believed to help burn stubborn fat deposits like belly fat or the layer of fat that surrounds the organs.
Black Pepper Extract, 10 mg
Rich in the chemical piperine, black pepper is another thermogenic agent that can help with burning fat. It is added to many fat burner supplements because it can naturally boost metabolism, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce hunger. Piperine also improves the bioavailability of nutraceuticals. When added to supplements, it ensures that the nutrients are taken up by the body.
Green Tea Extract, 500 mg
Green tea extract promotes thermogenesis and increases the number of calories burned in the body. Rich in caffeine and catechins, green tea extract is famed for reducing belly fat, reducing cravings and also facilitating a sense of calm. Catechins are antioxidants and can help break down fat cells for fuel that the body can use. It is also believed to help with acne and random breakouts.
Caffeine, 300 mg
Caffeine on its own can result in a 3 to 11% boost in metabolism. This explains the boost of energy and focus you feel after a cup of java. It also reduces hunger pangs and revs up the metabolic rate, both of which are good for weight management. Coffee is also rich in antioxidants, but too much caffeine can give you the jitters and cause the famed “caffeine crash.”
L-Theanine, 100 mg
This amino acid is responsible for the umami flavor in green tea and can help with weight loss. The main benefits of l-theanine are that it helps to uplift mood, relieves stress disorders, and helps with sleep pattern maintenance. It increases levels of the ‘happy’ hormones, serotonin and dopamine, which counters the effects of the stress hormone cortisol.
Vitamin D3, 45 ug
This is the only vitamin that the body can synthesize on its own and helps to raise testosterone levels which boosts metabolism. This causes the body to eat through calories quicker, control appetite, and discourage body fat accumulation. It can limit weight gain, and when taken in tandem with a healthy diet and exercise, the effects improve exponentially. It also improves calcium retention, which results in healthier and denser bones.
Vitamin B6, 5 mg
Included in most fat burners, vitamin B6 can ensure the proper metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins. This means that more of the food consumed is converted to glucose, and lesser is stored as fat. The vitamin is also vital to red blood cell production and immune support. Moreover, it is central to the manufacture of neurotransmitters that enhance focus and mood.
Vitamin B12, 10 ug
The signs of vitamin B12 deficiency are an increase in body fat storage, impaired protein synthesis, and fatigue. The supplementation of B12 can improve exercise performance and boost energy levels. B12 may also improve hair growth and anemia symptoms.

Natural Ingredients Blend in Animal Cuts
Stimulant Complex, 750 mg
This complex includes caffeine anhydrous, Kola nut, Guarana seed, Yerba mate, raspberry ketones, Coleus forskohlii extract, and Evodiamine. With 750 mg of caffeine in this blend alone, the effects would include increased athletic performance and appetite suppression and can improve the way the body burns calories. As the name suggests, the main function of these fat-burning ingredients is to boost metabolic rate and enhance fat oxidation.
Metabolic Complex, 750 mg
Green tea leaf extract, Oolong tea leaf extract, black tea leaf extract, green coffee bean extract, and white tea leaf extract make up this group. Animal Cuts begins to add unnecessary additions to the fat burner. The point of green tea is to aid weight loss. Adding 3 types of tea leaves and coffee beans does nothing more than add to the caffeine content of an already potent concoction. It may help with your cutting phase, but this amount of caffeine cannot be healthy.
Thyroid Complex, 350 mg
This proprietary blend consists of L-theanine, olive leaf extract, and Salvia Officinalis. L-tyrosine influences the function of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, influences the metabolic rate of the body. L-tyrosine is a good enough agent to influence the gland. The inclusion of the other ingredients is simply extra.
Water Shedding Complex, 800 mg
Dandelion root, Uva Ursi leaf, Hydrangea Root, Juniper berry fruit, Buchu Leaf, and celery seed make up the water-shedding complex. These natural ingredients are all diuretics and stop the body from retaining water. They increase urine production and curb bloating.
Nootropic Complex, 500 mg
Cocoa powder, Cocoa Powder, DMAE bitartrate, and Huperzine A make up the blend. DMAE is added to many fitness and weight loss supplements as it is a stimulator of the central nervous system. It can improve mood, boost cognitive function, and enhance memory function. The other ingredients are redundant additions, as DMAE does a perfectly good job by itself. Why a fat burner supplement needs a nootropic complex is not very clear, though.
Cortisol Inhibiting Complex, 300 mg
This blend includes Ashwagandha Root Extract, Eleutherococcus Senticosus, Phosphatidylserine, and Magnolia Bark Extract. However, the effects of these ingredients are similar to l-tyrosine, dandelion root, DMAE, and many others already present in the fat burner. They are also pointless additions to a fat burner, as the primary function of either herb is increasing testosterone levels.
CCK Boosting Complex, 300 mg
This complex includes Cha-de-Bugre, Apple Pectin, and Cinnamon and adds nothing new that the previous inclusions cannot do. Hence, it is another inessential blend.
Bioavailability Complex, 500 mg
Ginger root, Cayenne, Grapefruit, Quercetin, Naringin, and Piper Nigrum Extract are designed to increase bioavailability. When added to supplements, these components ensure that the nutrients are absorbed into the body and not flushed out of the system.

What is the Price and Where to Buy these Fat Burners?
Fat burners cost anything upwards of $20. However, you must understand that the cheaper the cost, the less effective the product is. This is why when you decide to invest in higher-priced fat burners, it signifies that you are opting for superior ingredients and proper dosages, which is why it is recommended.
Buy Instant Knockout Cut
For Instant Knockout Cut, click here to visit its Official Website. It is only the official website, which makes dealings a lot easier.
- A single month’s supply of the fat burner would cost $65.00.
- If you buy 2 months’ supply at once for just $130, you get free shipping and free e-books and video guides that may help you find alternative ways to boost metabolism, lose fat, and retain muscle tissue.
- If you opt for the 4-month supply, you pay for three bottles and get a bottle absolutely free worth $195.
*Note – If you are dissatisfied with the product, you have a 30-day window within which you can return the product and get a refund of your payment.
Buy Animal Cuts
Animal Cut can be bought from Amazon, Walmart, GNC or from its Official Website.
- A one-time purchase of the fat burner would cost $43.95.
- You also have the option to subscribe, in which case you get free shipping, and the per-bottle cost falls to $39.56.
*Note – If you have issues with the product, you have a 90-day money-back guarantee.
Instant Knockout vs Animal Cuts: Which Is the Premium Fat Burner?
Before we go further, you must understand that a fat burner supplement would work only if you put in some work as well. A calorie-deficit diet, a rigorous exercise plan, and healthy lifestyle habits need to be followed. These fat-burning supplements won’t work overnight. You must give them some time as results vary from one person to the next. Patience is key.
Both Instant Knockout Cut and Animal Cuts claim to be the best fat-burning supplements. However, when compared, there are similarities, and there are differences. Both fat burners use natural ingredients to achieve fat loss. Either of them can be used during the cutting phase to preserve muscle mass while helping you shed stored fat. Both products are directed towards physically active men and women but can be used by everyday Janes and Johns, too. That is where the similarities end.
Reviews are a great judge of efficacy. And when looking at reviews, we avoid official websites as only a few would be bold enough to publish negative reviews. Instant Knockout Cut has mostly positive reviews. Many users say that the product produces heat (thermogenesis) and that they were able to reach goal weights when used alongside healthy diets and exercise. There are also some reviews that mention the customer service agents who were polite and easy to work with. There were some mentions of issues with refunds, but these were few and far between.
Animal Cuts has a similar review vibe. However, there were more than a few comments on the number of pills per pack and that the pills were too many to consume in a day. This comes from the fact that at 2 packs a day, the pill count becomes quite high. Many also mentioned the extreme and uncomfortable heat that the product produced. Some users mentioned that the product did not work for them at all and they had to fight some battles to secure a refund. Reviews are mixed for Animal Cuts, and most are negatively shaded.
The product warning associated with Animal Cuts is alarming. The mention of ‘reproductive harm’ comes with no explanation, leaving potential users wondering what the product could potentially damage. The fact that the users must be medically fit and free from pre-existing medical conditions narrows the customer pool down even further.
Also, the use of so many ingredients would mean that the chances of allergic reactions, side effects, and drug interaction would increase. Considering that fat-burning pills do not need to have a nootropic blend or a cortisol balancing blend only makes the additions of these extra components redundant. The biggest drawback of Animal Cuts is probably the use of one proprietary blend after another. Generally, blends are used as a mask by many fat burners to hide dosages. With proprietary blends, it is impossible to check whether an ingredient is included in effective dosages or otherwise. Instant Knockout Cut mentions dosages clearly and avoids the proprietary blend fiasco altogether.

To give you a better idea of what the two fat burners are like when compared, here is a recap of everything we know.
Instant Knockout Cut | Animal Cuts | |
Pros |
Cons |
Audience | Designed for professional athletes but works for all. | Designed for physically active men and women who wish to burn fat |
USP | The go-to product for MMA fighters and professional bodybuilders. | The product can be changed to stim-free by avoiding two pills. |
Dosage | 4 pills a day, 1 at equal intervals. | 2 pill packs a day. |
Reviews | Mixed reviews – mostly positive. | Mixed reviews – mostly negative. |
Price | $65.00 | One-time purchase: $43.95. Subscription: $39.56. |
Refund Policy | 30-day return window | 90-day refund guarantee |
Where to Buy? | Click here to Buy Instant Knockout Cut from its Exclusive and Secure Official Website. | You can Buy Animal Cuts from Amazon, GNC, Walmart, or its Official Portal. |
Instant Knockout vs Animal Cuts: Summary & Verdict
Fat loss is difficult and most fat burner supplements claim to be the best to help with your weight loss journey. Instant Knockout Cut and Animal Cuts are two such premium fat burners. When compared, Instant Knockout Cut rose victorious.
Instant Knockout Cut is the safer option, which includes just enough fat-burning ingredients without going overboard. It also keeps a close watch on the caffeine it includes and keeps dosage simple. Because of the restricted use of components, there is a low risk of interaction and allergies. Designed for pro athletes, Instant Knockout is an effective addition to weight loss journeys everywhere.
If you are looking for the best fat burner that can easily be incorporated into your weight loss plan, Instant Knockout Cut is our recommendation.
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