Many face a hard time losing weight and that is when they consider fat-burning pills or weight-loss supplements. These fat-burning supplements usually contain natural or synthesized compounds that help you slim down. Some are genuine, most are not. Many turn to weight loss pills in the hope that these concoctions would magic the extra weight away, unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. For fat burners to work, you have to put in more than a little effort. The easiest thing to change though is what you eat and how you eat.
But before you give up on the whole diet plan, try the following, they have helped more than a few.
- Fiber is your friend. Found in whole grains, fruits, and veggies, the more fiber you consume, the healthier your gut and lower the chances of you snacking at odd hours.
- When you eat, only eat. Distractions like the TV, your phone, or music would veer your attention away from signals that the body sends saying that it is full.
- Walking is the best exercise you’ll get. The gym helps but nothing gets your body used to movement like walking. Ditch the car or bus when you can and walk your way to health.
- Cook your own meals. Ready-to-eat meals and take-out have a lot of things that could destroy your weight loss plans. When you cook, you control the portions, oils, and additions.
- Breakfast should include a high protein intake. Proteins take longer to process so this should stop the snacking tendencies and are a great way to build muscle.
- Added sugar is sneaky. Especially that of sugary drinks. Cut these extra sugars out and you should be set.
- Not all fat is unhealthy. Omega-3s and omega-6s can actually grease the way to weight loss. Healthy fats also promote satiety.
- Add weight lifting to your gym routine. Cardio and aerobics work for burning fat but lifting weights can help tone and build muscle.
- Set a realistic goal. You would be setting yourself up for failure if you try to lose 10 lbs in a week. Start slow and up the ante when your body is ready.
- Get some help. A dietician, a food diary, and a fat loss supplement that works for you would be the best decision you make on your weight loss journey.
Speaking of fat-burning supplements, so many have flooded into the market over the past few decades, it has become near impossible to figure out the good ones from the bad. A good fat burner should be able to boost your metabolism, preserve lean muscle mass, spike up energy levels, suppress appetite, burn stored fat and curb fat accumulation.
Instant Knockout Cut and Burn Lab Pro state that they can do just that. But to help you figure out if they can or not, here is a comparison of the two – we compare ingredients, benefits, reviews, prices, refund policies, and the pros and cons of using them.
Let’s see if they 1) Do what they claim and 2) Are a safe and natural option for you.

Instant Knockout Cut & Burn Lab Pro: What Are They?
There are weight loss supplements of all sorts: fat burners for men and women, fat loss pills for those of advanced ages, fat-burning pills for those who are physically less active, and others for those who spend hours at the gym. The difference in these products is ingredients and dosages. However, potent fat burners should work across all demographics. Instant Knockout Cut & Burn Lab Pro is designed for those who wish to preserve muscle mass while shedding stubborn fat. This is why they can be used by all and anyone wishing to hit goal weights.
No. #1 – Instant Knockout

Instant Knockout is a range of dietary supplements from the fitness brand Roar Ambitions. The range was originally designed for professional athletes and MMA fighters but after the success of the range, the products were marketed to everyone else as well. Instant Knockout consists of a two-part system –
- Cut and
- Complete.
Cut is a fat-burning supplement while Complete is a meal replacement powder that helps you lose weight quicker. For the purpose of this review, we will be looking at Cut alone. The fat burner is designed to shed weight, preserve muscle and keep energy levels high. Vegetarian and vegan-friendly, Instant Knockout Cut claims to cut through stubborn fat to reveal the muscles that you worked so hard to gain.
Unlike other fat burners, Instant Knockout Cut is designed to suppress hunger and work throughout the day to help you lose weight. With the three-step method of boosting metabolism, working on appetite suppression, and rising energy output, this weight loss supplement would have you hitting your goal weight in no time at all.
How to Dose Instant Knockout Cut?
4 capsules a day, taken at equal intervals during waking hours, preferably 1 capsule each with breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.
Click here to learn how you can Knock Out Extra Fat with Instant Knockout Cut.
No. #2 – Burn Lab Pro

Brought to you by Opti-Nutra (a dietary supplements giant), Burn Lab Pro is the ultimate fat burner – or so are the claims. A 100% plant-based and stimulant-free fat burner, Burn Lab Pro is designed to torch fat, keep lean muscle mass, and boost strength and energy levels. Team USA powerlifter Natalie Johnson is a strong endorser of the product and has quite a track record among users. The weight loss supplement has a strategy that reduces stored fat and increases exercise performance and stamina which results in an increase in lean muscle mass.
Burn Lab also doubles as a pre-workout boost that improves training intensity, helps the body burn calories better, aids recovery, and controls appetite too. Burn Lab Pro uses natural ingredients that can stimulate lipolysis – the burning of fat cells for energy, right before you begin your workout. This increases the number of calories you burn and maximizes the body’s ability to burn fat while you work on building bulks of muscle mass. Burn Lab Pro is a serious contender for Instant Knockout Pro.
How to Dose Burn Lab Pro?
2 to 4 capsules 15 minutes prior to training.
To learn how you can make progress on your cutting spree, click here to learn more about Burn Lab Pro Now!
What Benefits Do These Fat Burner Supplements Claim to Provide?
When it comes to the benefits claimed, you must understand that these fat burners can work only if you are on a healthy diet and a regular exercise plan. The fat-burning pills cannot do much on their own.
Since both dietary supplements are fat burners there would be some degree of overlap between the two. Whether the products actually deliver on these claims depends on the ingredients and the reviews of current users. We have also compiled a list of possible side effects that some users have experienced. These negative consequences though were few and far between.
Benefits | Possible Side Effects | Benefits | Possible Side Effects |
In terms of benefits and side effects, both fat burners have pretty impressive. The fat burners assure that you should see results quickly. How do they manage to do that, you ask? With the use of natural ingredients. Let’s take a closer look at that now.
What Are the Thermogenic Ingredients Used?
A fat burner is only as good as its ingredients. On that count, both, Instant Knockout Cut and Burn Lab Pro have got some impressive ingredients. What’s more, these ingredients have been tested over time to be found effective and safe when it comes to managing body weight. The two fat burner supplements have 2 ingredients in common.
- Black Pepper Extract [10 mg] (Instant Knockout Cut) & BioPerine (Burn Lab Pro) [3.75 mg]
- BioPerine is simply a tradename for a brand of black pepper extract. Black pepper is known to increase the bioavailability of supplements which is why you see it added to a number of dietary supplements.
- It also has powerful antioxidant properties and improves nutrient absorption.
- It may also be instrumental in promoting heart and brain health.
- Black pepper can improve digestion, boosts metabolism, and reduces the accumulation of fat. It may also help with belly fat.
- Cayenne Pepper Extract [100 mg] (Instant Knockout Cut) & Capsimax Powder (Instant Knockout Cut) [75 mg]
Like BioPerine, Capsimax is a tradename for red chili pepper extract. Though cayenne pepper is essentially different, the effects both have on fat loss are the same. Both boost metabolism and helps you burn calories because of the heat the spice causes.- The thermogenic ingredient raises body temperature and the body, in an attempt to cool down, uses up a lot of calories.
- Used in most thermogenic fat burners, this element also promotes a feeling of satiety which curbs appetite.
Ingredients Exclusive to Instant Knockout Cut
- Vitamins D3, B6 & B12 [45 mcg, 5 mg and 10 mcg respectively]
- Vitamin D boosts metabolism by raising testosterone levels. This translates to faster fat loss, a curb of fat deposits, and appetite suppression. Vitamin D also gives you stronger and denser bones.
- Vitamin B6 and B12 are responsible for the metabolism of fats, carbs, and proteins. Better the metabolism, the lesser the amount of food stored as fat.
- Vitamin B6 is central to neurotransmitters that help to promote focus and mood.
- Vitamin B12 actively stops the body from storing fat, improves protein synthesis, and reduces fatigue.
- Caffeine Anhydrous [300 mg]
- Capable of boosting metabolism up to 11%. A potent natural stimulant, caffeine can boost metabolism, aiding fat loss, reducing food cravings, and giving you a temporary but effective boost of energy.
- Also rich in antioxidants, caffeine can stop free radicals from attacking the muscle tissue. This reduces recovery times too.
- L-Theanine [100 mg]
The amino acid is naturally found in green tea and some mushrooms.- Known for weight loss, stress relief, and anti-anxiety properties, l-theanine also helps to maintain circadian rhythms.
- Theanine also can increase levels of serotonin and dopamine which helps to improve focus, mood, and energy levels.
- Green Tea Leaf Extract [500 mg]
- Green tea extract can induce thermogenesis which increases the number of calories burnt.
- Also known to work with stubborn fat stores like belly fat, green tea can also work as an appetite suppressant.
- Rich in catechins that can change fat cells into energy sources, green tea may also help with various skin breakouts and acne.
- Glucomannan [1800 mg]
- A high-fiber component from the konjac root, glucomannan is a water-soluble fiber that expands in the stomach becoming a potent appetite suppressant.
- The fiber also provides nutrition to the bacteria present in the gut and this promotes digestive health.
- It also promotes healthy sugar levels, prevents kidney disease, and reduces the absorption of fats and proteins.

Ingredients Exclusive to Burn Lab Pro
- GTF Chromium [90 mcg]
GTF stands for Glucose Tolerance Factor. Chromium is a trace mineral, that enhances insulin activity which increases fat loss.- It can also regulate sugar levels,
- Enhance energy production and
- Improve stamina for physical exercise.
- Calcium [ 262.5 mg]
- Calcium is needed for stronger bones which are key for better exercise performance, especially in terms of lifting weights and performing high-intensity exercise.
- Calcium may also induce thermogenesis.
- HMB – HMB ß-Hydroxy ß-Methylbutyrate [1500 mg]
- This component assists with protein synthesis for muscle gain and decreases muscle damage during exercise.
- It can accelerate the rate at which the body burns fat.
- It does not directly influence fat loss but stops the body from muscle loss.
- The body turns to fat cells as a source of energy instead.
- ForsLean® or coleus forskohlii [375 mg]
- This herb helps to produce lipase and adenylate cyclase. These enzymes directly influence the storage and use of fat cells. This allows the body to use stored fat as a source of energy as opposed to protein or carbs. This is fat-burning.

The ingredients are notable indeed and prove that neither fat burner has left much to chance. Both use thermogenic ingredients that can increase the rate at which you lose weight and they are all-natural and safe. It is difficult to find fault with either product.
Where & How Can You Buy These Best Fat Burners?
To ensure that you get the original product, it would be wise to get the products directly from the official website. This way, if you are unhappy with the product, your refund process would be a lot less stressful.
Instant Knockout Cut can be bought at the Official Instant Knockout Cut Website, tap on the link to place order!
- A one-month supply would cost you $65.00.
- A two-month supply would cost you $130.00
- You also have the option of buying 3 bottles at once. When you do, you get a month’s supply for free and you get free nutritional e-books and a video program for free. This pack, which consists of 4 bottles (4 months supply) would cost you $195.00.
Free Worldwide shipping is available on purchasing the “Ultimate Cutting Stack” which is a 4 months supply. If you are dissatisfied with the product, you have a 30-day window within which you can return the product and get a refund of your payment.
Burn Lab Pro can be bought at the Official Burn Lab Pro Website, tap on the link to place an order!
- A single bottle of the fat burner supplement contains 90 capsules and lasts for month-long costs $35.40.
- Two bottles of the fat burner supplement contains 90 + 90 = 180 capsules and lasts for two-month costs $70.80.
- If you choose to purchase the 4-month supply, the cost per box would fall to $26.55, for a total cost of $106.20.
The latter offer which is the 4-month supply pack also includes fast and free shipping. Burn Lab Pro does offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases made.
So, How Do the Two Thermogenic Fat Burners Compare?

Let’s begin with what the two fat burner supplements have in common.
- They both are natural and legal for use.
- Thermogenic ingredients are used in both products and in appropriate dosages, so you can expect more energy and a serious boost in your body’s metabolism and they both should improve the way your body burns calories.
- The biggest plus for both products is the brand name.
- Instant Knockout Cut is brought to you by Roar Ambition. The brand already has several successes to its name and almost all products of the company are big sellers. Instant Knockout is a renowned name by itself and has several athletes of note endorsing the product. It’s not just athletes but everyday people like you who have seen major changes in their body fat ratios.
- Burn Lab Pro from Opti Nutra is similar. The brand is a trusted name in the dietary supplements market and is usually touted as being some of the best products because of the use of NutriGenesis® in all its products, visit the official platform for more details.
Taking fat burners is a risk, especially if you don’t know how much of what is in them. Both Instant Knockout Cut and Burn Lab Pro have done a stellar job of not including proprietary blends (which a lot of brands do). Instead, each ingredient is listed out and the dosages are clearly stated so that you know how much of what you get.
The major difference between the two fat burners boils down to three factors.
- The first is caffeine. Instant Knockout Cut includes quite some caffeine in its formulas. Most users like the addition as it gives them an extra boost in energy and focus. Burn Lab is a stimulant-free potion. There is no caffeine in it whatsoever. So, if a caffeine-free fat burner is what you are looking for, Burn Lab Pro is for you.
- The second point of difference is the price. There is a marked difference in the dollar value of both supplements.
- Lastly, the audience. Instant Knockout Cut and Burn Lab Pro are both products designed to help you lose fat and as natural fat burners, they use excellent ingredients to promote weight loss. Instant Knockout Cut is designed for those who are looking for a quick way to burn fat. The pills are designed to give you faster results.
Burn Lab Pro, on the other hand, is designed for long-term use. This explains the lack of caffeine or other natural stimulants. The latter fat burner can help with stubborn issues like visceral fat and belly fat.
Reviews left on portals other than the official websites have positive things to say about both fat-burning supplements. The fat burners seem to help most lose weight while there were a few instances of jitters from Instant Knockout Cut and upset stomachs from Burn Lab Pro. However, the bad reviews were very few and far between. So far, both weight loss supplements are equally matched and both can help better your body composition.
To give you a better idea of how the two really compare, here is a side-by-side recap of all the information we have so far.
Instant Knockout Cut | Burn Lab Pro | |
Pros |
Cons |
Ingredients | Vitamins D3, B6 & B12, Caffeine Anhydrous, L-Theanine, Green Tea Extract, Cayenne Pepper extract, Black Pepper extract, and Glucomannan. | GTF Chromium, Calcium, HMB, Forslean®, Capsimax® powder, and BioPerine™. |
Audience | Adults over the age of 18 looking for a quick way to lose weight and preserve muscle | Adults over the age of 18 looking for a long-term solution to weight loss |
Dosage | 4 capsules in total a day at equal intervals | 2 or 4 capsules 15 minutes prior to working out |
Price | $65.00 | $35.40 |
Refund Policy | 30-day return window | 30-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy the Best Fat Burner Supplements? | Buy Instant Knockout Cut from the Official Website. | Buy Burn Lab Pro from the Official Website |
Q1. Are these products safe?
Ans.: Both supplements are natural fat burners so they are the safer option when compared to others. However, just to be on the safer side, do consult a medical practitioner before you start the use of any weight loss supplement. This is particularly important if you suffer from a pre-existing medical condition for which you are being medicated.
Q2. When during training would these products be most effective?
Ans.: These products would be most effective during the cutting phase. They are designed to burn fat faster and preserve lean muscle tissue.
Q3. Should diets and exercise routines change when these products are used?
Ans.: A healthy diet and a regular vigorous exercise plan are best followed to achieve goal weights. It is best to speak to your trainer and/or dietician about the best diet to follow and the better exercises that you could do to maximize fat loss.
Q4. Would the fat loss continue after the use of the fat burners is stopped?
Ans.: If your diet and exercise are on-point, weight loss should continue even after you have stopped the use of either fat burner. However, the rate at which you burn fat would definitely slump.
Summary & Verdict
Fat burner supplements are everywhere and if you choose the right one, you could be on your way to a healthier body in no time. Instant Knockout Cut and Burn Lab Pro are two such thermogenic fat burners and when compared both weight loss supplements proved themselves to be stellar products. While most fat burners hide behind proprietary blends and bogus components, Instant Knockout Cut and Burn Lab Pro has cut no corners. Including only the best and most effective fat-burning ingredients and that too in the portions that work. Created to preserve the muscle tissue that you worked so hard to gain, these fat burners can definitely help you shed the extra fat.
If you are looking for quick results – Instant Knockout Cut is the product for you and if you prefer a stimulant-free supplement, go the Burn Lab Pro way. You can’t go wrong with either product. They are both recommended.
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