Most anabolic steroids have medical uses, like the treatment of muscle wasting diseases or supplementing testosterone for the deficient. They can also be used to treat burns, remedy asthma, and even bring on puberty. However, for the past few decades or so, steroids have been more of a nuisance; not because they no longer work but because they are being used for a lot of things that are not medical.
Arnold Schwarzenegger won the Mr. Olympia title seven times between 1970 and 1980. That was then, but if he were to be competing, he would be denied even a pro card. This is because of his body, which is clearly enhanced by the use of anabolic steroids. Back then, steroids were just beginning to make an appearance, and they were used as an easy way to get results and also to pack on more muscle mass in a shorter period. Various steroids are stacked with the intention to burn fat, lift heavy weights, and, most of all, appear strong and built. The result is quite a contradictory one. These bodybuilders end up with bodies that look like they could be hit by a missile and come out unscathed but in reality, are so fragile that a cold could do it in for them. This is because steroids could beef a body up but could also destroy the body it is building.
Here is what steroids do. Each muscle in the body is made up of individual fibers that are created by amino acids from the proteins you eat, and each fiber is made up of sarcomeres stacked and lined like concrete blocks. Causing stress to the muscle, say by lifting heavy weights, the body induces the greater manufacture of sarcomeres, and new blood vessels are created to keep nutrients and oxygen in continuous supply. At some point, this growth stops because of genetics or hormones; it’s the body’s way of saying ‘enough of that.‘ Steroids, on the contrary, tell the body to ‘shut it and get on with it.’ In the absence of a medical problem to correct, anabolic steroids enhance the body’s ability to build muscle, recover, and perform athletically – a lot more than the genes would allow. While you may look great, the body loses quite a bit, which is why WADA stepped in and banned the use of Steroids, SARMs, and other performance-enhancing drugs or hormones, which was a very smart call. However, this has not stopped the use of steroids completely, and we have to deal with questions like ‘Is Deca better or NPP?’ all the time.

Let’s put this to rest once and for all. We shall compare the two esters for you, but we shall also offer a safer and smarter option that we guarantee would change the way you see casual steroid use.
Deca vs. NPP: What Are They & What Do They Do?
When most think of an anabolic steroid, they think of synthetic testosterone and several versions of it. Technically, that is true, but you also have esters. Esters are compounds that are tinkered with slightly for very specific results like enhanced bioavailability or a longer half-life. For this case, let’s take a closer look at Nandrolone; this anabolic steroid is a muscle growth agent that bodybuilders take to increase muscle growth and overall size. Originally developed to remedy osteoporosis, anemia, and other medical conditions, Nandrolone can help boost fat-free muscle mass in healthy adults. There are many Nandrolone esters, two of which prevalently feature in the bodybuilding world-
- Nandrolone Decanoate, also known as Deca Durabolin (the long ester), and
- Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (the short ester).
These esters are equally potent when it comes to results, but athletes often choose one over the other depending on the results they want and also for the duration they use the drug. In the long run, both hold the potential to ruin the body.
Nandrolone Decanoate or Deca Durabolin is an androgenic anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders for muscle growth, more strength, and stamina. Often combined with other steroids for better results, Deca Durabolin is a slow-acting but potent steroid that must be administered through intramuscular injection. The effects of one dose can last up to two weeks. The drug increases protein synthesis, which results in bigger muscles, helps the body retain nitric oxide, and also improves bone mineral density. Most users prefer Deca Durabolin for its ability to reduce inflammation and reduce recovery time.
- The recommended dosage for anabolic effects is 200mg to 500mg per week for men and 50mg to 100mg for women.
Dosage depends on the length of the cycle and the extent of muscle growth the user is aiming for. A standard cycle lasts 8 to 16 weeks however, some athletes are known to cycle for 20 weeks. This may reap greater muscle mass, but it would also increase the severity of side effects, of which there are a few.
Benefits | Side Effects |
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, or NPP, is yet another androgenic anabolic steroid, and it provides pretty much the same results as that of Deca Durabolin. However, there are several differences. NPP is the shorter ester, which translates to faster action in terms of results. The main difference, though, is the duration of the half-life. While a dose of Deca Durabolin lasts a week, NPP has to be refreshed every alternate day. NPP cycles are not as long as 12 weeks, but the results manifest a lot quicker here. However, the effects wane quicker, too, which means that NPP has to be refreshed very often to keep the gains up.
- Men can dose up to 100mg a week divided into 3 evenly spaced injections.
- On the other hand, women are advised not to exceed 50mg a week.
However, there is some anecdotal evidence of many bodybuilders using up to 400mg a week. These athletes were rewarded with marvelous muscle size and quick bulk, but the side effects were drastic, severe, and very unsavory. Running NPP cycles would hit the system quicker than Deca Durabolin and the system is hit with too much too fast. There are consequences.
Benefits | Side Effects |
Deca vs. NPP: So, Which Is the Better Nandrolone Ester?
Using either the decanoate ester or the NPP steroid is a bad idea. However, if pressed, Deca Durabolin is the slightly better evil. The significant difference between the two is the speed at which they affect the androgen receptors, inciting the body into protein synthesis overdrive. A 100mg of Deca Durabolin may be alright for as long as 20 weeks, but the same dose in NPP cycles would cause your body some serious health concerns. A Deca cycle plays the long game – smaller but steady changes coaxing the body into becoming a higher functioning unit. NPP has shorter cycles because of the frequent injections and the compound effect it has on the body. It practically torpedoes the body into working double time to gain muscle, facilitate weight loss, or recompose. When thought of rationally, Deca is slightly safer and makes for lasting results.
Having said that, the use of either drug is not condoned. The possible side effects are enough to put fear into the minds of most bodybuilders. Joint pain and loss of hair follicles become secondary when the body can no longer produce testosterone, and you are in desperate need of a liver transplant. The question of side effects is not an ‘if’ but that of a ‘when.’ Since an NPP cycle is shorter, there is a fleeting chance that the side effects may not be as severe, but a lot depends on the dose you decide to take.
You cannot use either drug and still expect to be able to compete professionally. WADA and most sports associations across the globe have very strict rules in place when it comes to substance abuse. None of them look too kindly on the use of performance enhancers, and if found positive, you may be looking at a lifetime ban from competing altogether.
Also, it is next to impossible to purchase Deca Durabolin or NPP legally for anabolic gains. No doctor would write you a prescription and still keep his or her license, so no medical professional would be taking that risk for you. All purchases must be underhand; illegal and obnoxious prices are the norm. And even if you have the drugs in hand, there is no way to confirm that you have pure and unadulterated injectables. This adds risk to the already risky practice.
The availability of natural, legal, and safe alternatives that offer the same benefits as illegal compounds raises significant doubts about the justification for using such substances. Why use steroids when you have something even better, safer, and way cheaper? Since we already established that Deca works better than NPP, let’s look at the natural options available for this Nandrolone ester.
The Better & Natural Fitness Aid; Legit Deca Durabolin Alternatives
Nandrolone Decanoate is the better ester, and that much has been established. However, when we say ‘better,’ you should take that comment with some salt as there are still consequences to face in addition to the aromatase inhibitor and post-cycle therapy you need during and after use. A few fitness brands took this as a cue to find a safer and convenient alternative to drug use. Where many failed, some successfully put forth fitness aids that emulate the results of Deca Durabolin but without the needles, the side effects, or the PCT. Here are two of the success stories.
Crazy Bulk Deca-Max

Crazy Bulk is a fitness supplement brand that has dedicated resources towards ending the use of illegal compounds in bodybuilding. To this end, it has successfully developed and marketed natural alternatives that mimic the results of the most prevalently used steroids and SARMs, and if customer reviews are anything to go by, these alternatives do work. By using all-natural ingredients, eliminating the use of needles, and developing side-effect-free formulae, Crazy Bulk has made the ultimate alternative to illegal substances, and yes, there is an option for Deca Durabolin, too.
Deca-Max is a natural, legal, safe, and effective fitness supplement designed to deliver all the benefits of the Nandrolone ester.
- Deca-Max can be used for bulking and cutting by supporting muscle building, strength gains, quick recovery, and joint pain relief.
- Just like the steroid, you can also stack the supplement with D-Bal (Dianabol), Trenorol (Trenbolone), and Testo-Max (Sustanon) which are all other Crazy Bulk supplements.
- The formula is designed to support nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, and red blood cell production, all of which enhance strength and muscle building.
- The supplements support you and your body to reach its potential and push the lines further. As a result, you would find yourself spending longer and more fruitful hours at the gym without having to force your muscles to work.
- Unlike the ester, Deca-Max does not deal with needles.
- You have easy-to-swallow pills, 3 of which you should take about 45 minutes before you hit the gym. On non-workout days, take 1 pill at dinnertime.
- Continue use for at least two months for the best results to set in.
Unleash the Power of 3 Deca-Max: Buy 2, Get 1 FREE – Click Now to Visit the Official CrazyBulk Website!
Brutal Force DekaBulk

Brutal Force is another legal fitness alternative success story. The brand is famed for producing effective and potent natural alternatives to steroids, SARMs, and hormones. All products are created exclusively based on clinically backed natural ingredients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. The brand also offers stacks that can be used for your bulking or cutting needs. Customers who opted to take a chance on the brand were left pleasantly surprised when the supplements were able to enhance results from workouts, and the fact that Brutal Force has an option for all steroids has made it a popular choice among athletes.
DekaBulk is designed to be a bulking and cutting agent that can both preserve muscle mass and help develop it simultaneously.
- This safe, legal, and natural fitness supplement is formulated to provide powerful pumps, boost strength, and cut your recovery time.
- This comes with the additional benefits of big muscle gains and freedom from joint and tendon pains.
- For better bulking results, you could stack DekaBulk with HBulk (Somatropin HGH), SBulk (Sustanon), and ABulk (Anadrol), also known as the Brutal Force’s Mass Stack (Bulking Stack).
- The supplement is formulated to meet the demands of a body when it comes to bulking, nitrogen retention, red blood cell production, and protein and collagen synthesis. Consequently, you would be able to pull past your threshold every day and set new records.
- DekaBulk makes your life easier by providing a helping hand in pill form. You are asked to take 3 capsules about 60 minutes before working out and that you take the pills only on workout days.
- With a healthy diet, exercise, and at least 2 months of continuous use, you should be able to see a major difference.
Click for Thrills: 2 + 1 FREE! Unleash the Power of 3 Dekabulk, Right Here at the Official Brutal Force Website!
What Can You Expect from Deca-Max & DekaBulk?
As you would expect from the tall claims made by the brands, both Deca-Max and DekaBulk have been designed to mimic the results of Durabolin. However, there are a few things you must know about the natural alternatives.
Durabolin works because it artificially induces protein synthesis and biochemically forces the body to produce more muscle than its actual capacity. This is why there are so many side effects. Well, that and the fact that Durabolin interacts with every androgen receptor in sight.
Conversely, natural ingredients work differently. The elements of nature collaborate with the body instead of coercing it into unnatural actions or changes. Your body already has muscle building, fat loss, and recovery mechanisms in place, and what these formulae do is that they enhance these systems. Instead of chemically inducing changes, Deca-Max and DekaBulk help to:
- Reduce inflammation
- Support antioxidation
- Boost collagen and protein synthesis
- Boost red blood cell production and nitrogen retention
- And maintain healthy blood levels of sugar and cholesterol
So, with the body working better, you will build muscle better. However, natural ingredients are affected by several factors like genetics, age, health condition, exposure to stress, diet, and lifestyle habits. Because of this, results vary from one individual to the next. Also, there is no way of predicting when the results will manifest which is why both natural supplements call for use over two months. This is the time frame by which most, if not all, benefits become visible. The benefits you can expect from these supplements are as follows.
- Enables the muscles to retain more nitrogen
- Promotes protein synthesis
- Increases collagen manufacture
- Increases red blood cell productions
- Ensures a steady supply of oxygen and nutrition to the muscles, joints, and bone
- Facilitates quicker recovery
- Provides joint pain relief
- Supports weight loss
- More energy, strength, and endurance.
How Do These Natural Options Work?
We’ve clubbed both supplements, namely CrazyBulk’s Deca-Max and Brutal Force’s Dekabulk, together because both of them use the same ingredients and the same formula. This is a testament to the fact that the combination and dosage of ingredients create the perfect formula for the results you want. The inclusions here are as follows:
750 mg of Wild Yam Root is often used as a natural way to build lean muscle mass and improve bone mineral density. The root also helps to maintain hormonal balance, and the potassium in the root helps to keep the electrolytes in place.
375 mg of Panax Ginseng is an adaptogen that improves natural testosterone production, maintains sugar levels, reduces fatigue, and supports the cardiovascular and immune systems. The root is also used for stress relief and promotes blood circulation.
150 mg of L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate is used by the body to build muscle. The amino acid also plays a role in nitric oxide retention, which dilates blood vessels, thereby improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissue. This also helps with high blood pressure.
75 mg of acetyl-L-carnitine is yet another amino, but this leans more towards muscle repair, maintenance, and recovery of muscle, tendons, and joints. Carnitine also helps the body to use stored fat cells as an alternative source of energy which facilitates fat loss.
75 mg of L-Citrulline removes ammonia deposits in the body. The ammonia reduces the body’s ability to recover after physical exercise and spreads fatigue and lethargy. This amino acid is closely linked to vasodilation, endurance, and lean muscle mass building.
37.5 mg of Tribulus Terrestris is a vine that is used to increase natural testosterone production and boost athletic and sexual stamina. The herb can also improve muscle quality, reduce recovery time, boost protein and collagen synthesis, and promote weight loss.
Since all the inclusions are natural and clinically proven to be safe, however, there is always a chance of allergies or drug interactions. So, it is advisable that you seek advice from a personal physician before you start the use of these supplements. This is especially important if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or being medicated for a pre-existing medical condition.

Where Can You Purchase These Safer Deca Durabolin Supplements?
Both supplements can be bought from their respective official websites without difficulties. They would be delivered to the address of your choice, and when purchased directly from the brand, you would also get discounts that you do not get elsewhere.
Buy Deca-Max
- Deca-Max can be bought from the Crazy Bulk Official Website at $64.99 per bottle – which should last you a month.
- When you purchase 2 bottles at once for a price of $129.99, you get a third bottle free and free shipping on your purchase.
If you feel that the fitness aid is not working for you, Crazy Bulk offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee on your purchases.
Buy Dekabulk
Go to the Brutal Force Official Website for your DekaBulk stash.
- A single bottle costs $64.99
- And like Deca-Max, you get a third bottle free when you purchase 2 bottles at once priced at $129.98.
All purchases warrant free shipping, too. There is a 100-day money-back guarantee in place, but this refund policy only applies to bulk purchases.
How Do the Supplements Compare to The Steroid?
In truth, there is no comparison. It’s almost like comparing apples to oranges – the only common factor being that they are fruits. Here, too, the only common factor is that by the end of the use of these fitness aids, you get a bulked and beefed body. Besides that, there are barely any similarities. To help you understand these differences better, here is a factor-by-factor analysis.

Comparison | |
Purpose of Formulation | The Nandrolone ester Nandrolone Decanoate was developed as a medical remedy for osteoporosis, muscle wastage, and anemia. The fact that it was able to help pack on muscle was just one of the many effects of the drug. Deca-Max and DekaBulk were designed to help you pack muscle, gain strength, and perform better at exercise. And these natural alternatives do so, naturally. |
Inner Workings | Durabolin attaches itself to the androgen receptors present in the muscle, bone, and pretty much everywhere else to artificially induce protein synthesis, which results in bulking. Deca-Max and DekaBulk use natural ingredients that boost the already present muscle-building systems in the body. The natural components come with additional health benefits, too, which help maintain overall health and wellness. |
Benefits | In terms of anabolic gains, the drug and the natural options are matched. They all result in helping you pack muscle tissue without fat gain, boost strength and energy, and help you recover. |
Results | This is probably the only factor where the drug one-ups the legal options. With the drug, you get the same results each time, regardless of external factors. The drug also sticks to a schedule. In contrast, these cannot be expected from natural supplements. |
Side Effects | Even though Durabolin is the slower-acting ester, the side effects are just as potent as those of every other Nandrolone ester. The consequences, like liver toxicity, failing cardiovascular health, and testosterone suppression, could last a lifetime and affect the quality of life. Deca-Max and DekaBulk, on the other hand, have no side effects at all. |
Ease of Purchase | Durabolin cannot be purchased for casual use. It must be bought on the black market and at inflated prices. There is also no guarantee of the quality of the product. Deca-Max and DekaBulk can be purchased easily from the brands’ dedicated websites at reasonable prices. There is a team in place at both brands that checks for the quality of the products. |
Professional Stand | If Durabolin is found in your bloodstream while you professionally compete, there is a fair chance that you would be banned for life and could also lose any titles that you have won in the past. Whereas, with natural alternatives, you can enjoy a seamless performance boost anytime—before, during, or after competitions—since they’re free from synthetic or artificial substances. Thus, these clean, competition-friendly options enhance your abilities without crossing lines or breaking rules. |
Summary & Verdict
Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) are both prevalently used steroids that allow for muscle building, fat loss, and more energy. However, as effective as these drugs are for bulking, they are also illegal, dangerous, and risky. The side effects are phenomenal and, in some cases, last for a lifetime. While they are both unsavory ways to grow muscle, Deca Durabolin is slightly better than NPP.
Keeping the popularity of the drug and its use in mind, Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force have developed natural, safe, and legal alternatives, Deca-Max and DekaBulk, respectively, which emulate the benefits of Durabolin without any adverse consequences. These natural supplements are even approved for use by sports associations across the world. If you are looking for a supplement that can safely help you get bigger and stronger, we suggest the natural alternatives – always.
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