Online searches for ‘SARMs’, ‘selective androgen receptor modulators, and ‘Ostarine’ have increased over the past five years. This is because even though they have been around for a while, their ability to build muscle mass, burn body fat, and increase lean body mass is just being discovered. With anabolic steroids becoming a strict no-no in the sports community, athletes, bodybuilders, and gym enthusiasts have turned to SARMs for anabolic gains. And there is no lying, SARMs work. And are doing a better job than the average anabolic steroid would. Steroids would cause the extra testosterone to be metabolized into DHT attaching it to androgen receptors 5 times stronger than natural testosterone ever would. Along with building muscle mass, one would also have to suffer hair loss, acne, and failing prostate health. SARMs do not do this and are designed to attach to specific tissues. This makes them comparatively safer; the lesser evil, so to speak.
However, SARMs too are not safe, legal, or approved for human consumption. SARMs were created as a possible remedy for muscle atrophy, muscle-wasting conditions, and bone density issues and also as a possible remedy for certain cancers. Because of the effects, it has on muscle tissues, it became an instant hit with bodybuilders. Recreational use of SARMs began and as far as is known, thus use continues. The question is, why? To explain this phenomenon, we shall discuss two popularly abused SARMs – MK 677 Ibutamoren and MK 2866 Ostarine. We shall explain what SARMs are, why they are so prevalent, and the side effects and alternatives that can beat SARMs out of the water.

Ibutamoren MK 677 & Ostarine MK 2866
Ibutamoren MK-677
Ibutamoren MK-677 is technically, not a SARM but a growth hormone secretagogue. That is quite a mouthful and does not make for successful marketing. Ibutamoren MK 677 can increase levels of growth hormone in the body by binding to ghrelin receptors which, as you already know, can enhance muscle development. In addition to this, the compound can also influence IGF-1 – insulin-like growth factor, which can build muscle, melt fat cells, and also restrict the breakdown of muscle tissue. Developed by Merck & Co. in 1995, MK 677 was created as a possible remedy for fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, and muscle wasting with kidney failure. When its effect on growth hormone levels became clear, the compound became an immediate hit with athletes. What also helped was that MK 677 was able to raise growth hormone without disrupting natural testosterone or growth hormone production. Because human growth hormone or HGH can aid muscle repair, induce protein synthesis for new muscle building, and use stored fat as an energy source, the use of Ibutamoren MK-677 became the obvious way to go.
With a half-life of 24 hours, Ibutamoren may seem like an easy dosage but that is not the case. The drug goes to work almost immediately and when the effects dissipate, fatigue creeps in. Many tend to divide the oral dosage into two, so that the effects are even and continue for a 24-hour cycle. The recommendation is to start low at 10mg and work your way up to 20 or 25 mg if you are on a 12-week cycle. Longer cycles can be done with a standard 15mg dose throughout. The consensus is 25mg for bulking, 20mg for cutting, and 10 or 20mg for the maintenance and repair of muscle tissue. Ibutamoren on its own does not need PCT but if you are stacking it with RAD 140 or S23, PCT becomes a must.
Ostarine MK 2866
Ostarine MK 2866 is a muscle growth agent. It attaches itself to androgen receptors in the muscle and incites the muscle cells to replicate and grow faster resulting in greater muscle mass. It does this by altering the genes for protein synthesis aiding muscle building more. Like MK 677, it influences IGF-1 which helps with recovery and muscle and tendon repair. Developed by Gtx, Inc in the late 1990s, Ostarine was meant to remedy osteoporosis and cachexia – muscle atrophy caused by AIDS or certain cancers. Because of its ability to build muscle and do so quickly, this SARM too became a gym locker favorite. Ostarine is, pure and simple, a muscle mass growth agent and will do whatever it takes to make that happen. It will also increase testosterone levels and burn fat to fuel the protein synthesis required for muscle tissue. Ostarine became the quickest way, after Deca Durabolin, to put on lean muscle mass.
Similar to Ibutamoren, Ostarine has a half-life of 24 hours but the effects last longer so a single dose would do. The drug is available as tablets making for easy administration. Ostarine cycles last anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks. With low doses as small as 3mg a day, you could experience plenty of anabolic gains. However, the standard dose followed is 10mg with a maximum of 30mg for bulking and up to 20mg for cutting. With Ostarine use, PCT is a must as it does do a number on natural testosterone production. Ostarine and Cardarine are mostly stacked together.
Ibutamoren MK 677 & Ostarine MK 2866: Benefits & Serious Side Effects
There are some serious benefits to be had, which is why these substances are so popular. However, these benefits come with a price.
Benefits | Side Effects | |
Ibutamoren MK 677 |
Ostarine MK 2866 |
What’s The Verdict on Them?
If you are looking for muscle gains, then yes, both MK 677 and MK 2866 work. Both SARMs are designed for muscle growth and bone strength and can help you with extra strength, endurance, and stamina. If you are looking for long-term gains and sustained muscle gains then Ibutamoren is the way to go but if you are looking for a quick increase in lean muscle mass, Ostarine is what you need.
However, there is a cost more than the dollar value you spend. There are side effects and plenty of them. And the ones listed above are just the consequences we know about. SARMs have not yet been through any long-term studies, so there is a fair chance that greater issues are waiting for you in the future. Everything we know about these SARMs – good or bad, is based on the experiences of people who have used them and not any clinical studies. These popular compounds may provide efficient results now, but there is no telling what they do for health conditions, say, 20 to 30 years down the line. This makes for very perilous use.
The SARMs would help you benefit more from your workout sessions but there is no chance that you would be allowed to compete professionally. A simple blood work or urine test would reveal traces of the drugs which would earn you a ban from competing. It is possible to dupe the authorities by stopping use early enough but the risk is always present.
It is not possible to purchase either compound legally for human consumption. Some companies may sell them to you under the pretext of stating that the drugs are for research use only, but they carry none of the liability if something untoward were to happen to you. If not from companies, you would have to be a part of very shady transactions and the cost of the SARMs would be a lot more than they are actually worth.
Imagine the struggle of calculating dosage, adjusting doses from the first to the next cycle, the post-cycle therapy, and running the risk of overdosing or using an impure form of the SARMs. These are some very real issues that you would have to face every day that you use the popular SARMs.
In case, the above statements are not enough to discontinue future use of the SARMs, how about this – there are natural, legal, and safe alternatives to the SARMs that are used by professional bodybuilders everywhere. These natural options not only boost your strength and muscle gains but are also mindful of your overall health and have no adverse effects. They are easily accessible, cost a fraction of what you would spend on the SARMs and you could also compete professionally. Let us introduce you to CrazyBulk & Brutal Force.
CrazyBulk & Brutal Force are two fitness and bodybuilding brands that have dedicated time, money, and research into finding natural alternatives to SARM and steroid use. These brands understand that increasing lean body mass and muscle gain is central to many athletes and that these athletes are only looking for an extra push to reach their fitness goals. These brands have alternatives to all the popular SARMs, even Ibutamoren MK-677 and Ostarine MK-288. So, before you decide to add a selective androgen receptor modulator to your exercise routine, take a look at the better options.

The Ibutamoren MK 677 Alternatives
The legal alternative from CrazyBulk is called Ibuta 677 and is designed to naturally raise human growth hormone levels. It delivers these benefits with a formula created strictly using naturally occurring components. With the use of this supplement, you get the following benefits:

- A natural and steady boost in growth hormone
- Quality muscle growth
- Quick muscle repair and recovery
- A surge in energy, strength, and stamina
- Boost in vascularity
- Better mood even if you are on a diet
- Mental focus like never before.
There are no dosage adjustments or cycles to be followed. All you need to do is take 4 capsules with water 30 to 45 minutes before lifting. Continue to use it for at least 2 months for best results or till the time you reach your goal image. Ibuta 677 can be used for bulking and cutting.
- For bulking, you could stack Ibuta 677 with Osta 2866, Ligan 4033, and Testol 140.
- The cutting stack includes C-Dine 501516, Ligan 4033, and Stena 9009.
With natural SARM alternatives like these, you wouldn’t go back to the real SARMs ever again.
The CrazyBulk’s Ibuta 677 Formula

Nature has its treasure trove of HGH enhancers, and these natural components come with other benefits too. They have no side effects either. The formula for Ibuta 677 includes the following:
10 mg of Zinc Citrate, a study performed confirmed low levels of growth hormone in zinc-deficient individuals. Zinc is believed to aid the production and release of the hormone and also acts as a testosterone booster.
6 mg of Vitamin B5 supports muscle repair, recovery, stress relief, and immune response and boosts the production of natural steroid hormones like testosterone and HGH.
550 mg of L-Arginine HCl, 500 mg of Glycine, 500 mg of L-Glutamine HCl, 450 mg of L-Lysine HCl, and100 mg of L-Ornithine HCl are believed to be central for growth hormone release in the body. These amino acids also support protein synthesis for lean muscle mass growth.
100 mg of L-Tyrosine is a mood enhancer. It also helps with motivation, focus, and concentration. It may also help with appetite suppression and aid fat metabolization.
As you can see, the above ingredients are natural and safe. The supplement’s formula has no trace of steroids or SARMs but is still able to deliver the same, if not better, results than Ibutamoren MK 677. To top it off, there is still another similar fitness aid to choose from.

IbutaLean from Brutal Force is an HGH stimulator that uses only natural components that work in tandem with the body. By naturally raising growth hormone levels, IbutaLean can help you go faster, longer, and harder at the gym and the quick recovery would have you back at the bench press early the next day. What else can you expect?
- Naturally, raise growth hormone levels
- Provides anti-inflammatory benefits
- Shortens recovery window
- Curbs fat accumulation
- Reduces soreness and joint pain
- Increase nitric oxide levels
- More muscle & strength.
Similar to the CrazyBulk supplement, the dosage is simple enough with 1 capsule to be taken 20 minutes before your first meal of the day and simply continue use for a minimum of 2 months. Brutal Force recommends that you use IbutaLean for cutting and suggests that you stack it with other supplements from the brand like CutSR9, AndaLean, and CardaLean.
The Brutal Force’s IbutaLean Formula

In addition to the amino acid L-arginine, 20 mg, IbutaLean uses herbs and botanicals that provide the body with the necessary nutrients for more gains and increase GH release.
200 mg of Maca Root Powder is an herb that is known to improve fertility, libido, and improve hormonal balance. The herb also improves mood and focus because of its ability to raise dopamine levels.
150 mg of Hawthorn Berry increases blood flow to the muscle tissues improving the delivery of nutrients and oxygen. It is also believed to support the synthesis of growth hormones.
150 mg of Mucuna Pruriens acts as an anti-inflammatory and aids recovery after physical stress to the muscle and bone tissue. It promotes HGH circulation which helps with muscle growth and repair.
These herbs have been proven to increase lean muscle mass and act as natural test boosters. The only condition is that you follow the recommended dosage and continue the use of the product without fail.
The Ostarine MK 2866 Alternatives

Osta 2866 from CrazyBulk is almost the perfect alternative for the SARM Ostarine MK-2866 as it is designed to have all the benefits but none of the side effects. This natural supplement can help you break through those stubborn plateaus and put on an incredible amount of muscle with no call for PCT at the end of your bulking cycle. Results-wise, there is quite a lot that the product can offer you like:
- Maximum muscle growth
- Increase in muscle size and quality
- Preservation of muscle mass
- Increasing natural testosterone levels
- Boosts ATP production
- Melts body fat
- More strength and power.
All that is expected of you is that you take 4 capsules with water 30 to 45 minutes before your lifting session along with a caloric deficit diet and ample exercise. To reach maximum bulk, continue use for 2 to 3 months. If you wish to go full out, you could stack Osta 2866 with Ibuta 677, Testol 140, and Ligan 4033, a range of legal SARM alternatives by the CrazyBulk itself.
The CrazyBulk’s Osta 2866 Formula

This natural product uses a potent combination of minerals and botanicals to give you muscle-building results that rival those of Ostarine MK-2866. The formula used increases ATP production and boosts testosterone levels which results in anabolic gains like never before. Along with 10 mg of zinc, Osta 2866 uses:
375 mg of Magnesium aids muscle contraction and the transportation of calcium and potassium. It also supports bone density and prevents osteoporosis and the conversion of lipids into usable energy.
600 mg of Salacia increases glucose metabolism and can also induce weight loss.
550 mg of Southern Ginseng can improve focus, reduce fatigue and promote endurance. These factors would let you work longer in the gym, helping you to grow more muscle. It may also boost testosterone production.
400 mg of Fennel is a natural testosterone booster and is a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory too. Fennel is also known to have sexual-performance properties.
200 mg of Cinnamon is a natural muscle builder and can also bring about a significant reduction in body weight. It can help with insulin sensitivity and even improve protein synthesis for muscle growth.
200 mg of Reishi Mushroom Extract enhances athletic performance, boosts endurance, and improves health. It is especially potent when paired with resistance training and lifting.
These ingredients also influence other avenues of well-being like muscle control and contraction, immunity, cognitive function, and stress relief. And it provides these other benefits without charge.

Brutal Force offers OstaBulk as the safer option for the SARM Ostarine MK-2866. Formulated to give you the strength and muscle that you have always dreamed of without weighing in doses and the liver toxicity. This fitness aid is designed to:
- Enhance protein synthesis for quality muscle
- Boost natural testosterone
- Increase endurance and strength
- Melt fat
- Provide you with a ripped physique
- Smash through plateaus.
To make this your reality, you only need to take 3 capsules with water 45 minutes before your first meal of the day and continue to do this for at least 8 weeks. Brutal Force recommends that you stack OstaBulk with CardaLean and YKBulk for extra strength or stack with RadBulk, YKBulk, and LigaBulk for Bulking like never before.
The Brutal Force’s OstaBulk Formula

For an increase in lean muscle mass like never before, OstaBulk employs vitamins, minerals, and botanicals that are clinically proven to provide results. In addition to 150 mg of magnesium, 7.5 mg of zinc, 30 mg of ginseng, and 30 mg of fenugreek, this natural product uses:
15 mg of Vitamin B6 is required for the absorption of vitamin B12. They work together to produce red blood cells and bolster the immune system. Both these factors further aid muscle repair and maintenance.
39 mcg of Vitamin D3 is an active form of the vitamin which acts like a steroid hormone by binding to receptors in muscle cells to enhance protein synthesis resulting in quick growth of muscle mass and increase in muscle size.
15 mcg of Vitamin K1 significantly reduces the risk of fractures which is a very real risk in weightlifting and is also believed to play a role in energy metabolism.
1764 mg of D-Aspartic Acid supplementation results in increased levels of testosterone and growth hormones in the bloodstream. This directly results in enhanced muscle development and quicker repair of tendons and ligaments.
30 mg of Nettle Extract, also known as Urtica dioica, this herbaceous perennial flowering plant stops the binding of testosterone to SHBG – sex hormone-binding globulin. This raises free testosterone levels in the blood which results in anabolic gains.
6 mg of Boron Citrate is a staple in testosterone booster supplements as it can support muscle building, bone health, testosterone production, muscle coordination, and even cognitive function.
3.8 mg of BioPerine® induces thermogenesis in the body which supports fat-burning efforts. Moreover, piperine is also known to improve nutrient absorption and bioavailability of the supplements it is added to.
Just like its CrazyBulk counterpart, this Brutal Force formula also positively influences other physiological functions like the ideal metabolism of food, neurotransmitter production, bone strength, and thermogenesis for weight loss.
Where to Get the Natural Options?
Unlike the SARMs which you have to buy under pretenses and pay more than reasonable prices, CrazyBulk and Brutal Force offer their goods at prices that are adorable and you can buy them at the official websites too.
Buy Crazy Bulk Supplements
For the CrazyBulk supplements, you can click on this link to Buy Ibuta 677 (Ibutamoren MK-677 Alternative), and tap here to Buy Osta 2866 (Ostarine MK-2866 Alternative).
- 1 Bottle: A month’s worth of product would cost you $69.99.
- 3 Bottles: For $139.99, you get 2 bottles plus a third bottle free
- And 5 Bottles: For $209.99, you get 3 bottles and 2 bottles for free.
Fast and free shipping is available on all purchases. In case you are not happy with the results, CrazyBulk offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Buy Brutal Force Supplements
For Brutal Force, you could click on this link to Buy Ibutalean (Ibutamoren MK-677 Alternative) and tap here to buy Ostabulk (Ostarine MK-2866 Alternative).
- Where one bottle of the supplement would cost you $59.99.
- You could purchase 3 bottles at once and only have to pay the price of 2, set at just $119.98.
Free worldwide shipping is available on all purchases. And if you wish to get a refund for your purchase, Brutal Force furnishes a 100-day money-back guarantee on your purchase. However, this does not apply to single-bottle purchases.
Buying these alternatives is so much simpler than the SARMs and that alone is enough to go natural.
How Do the SARMs Compare with the Natural Options?
In terms of benefits, safety, legality, and accessibility, the natural alternatives are winning. So, how come they aren’t as prevalent as SARMs use? Here lies, the only flaw of natural alternatives.
With SARMs, you get the same results, always, regardless of your age, health condition, workout routine or genes. The only condition is that you use the SARMs as recommended, follow an intense exercise routine, and stop packing more calories than necessary. With SARMs, it is possible to predict results, when to expect them, and when to stop use. However, that is something you cannot do with natural supplements. Natural ingredients are affected by several factors – age, hereditary factors, health, diet, lifestyle, and environment. The results will be there but there is no way to predict when and to what extent. With natural supplements, you don’t have cycles but instead are provided with a time frame. The quality of the results would also depend on how quickly the body manages to adapt to the presence and action of the formula.
SARMs alter the very biochemistry of the body while natural aids work with the body to reach optimum function. Therefore, the difference. That being the only flaw, it is still a way off from having a toxic liver or having a stroke.
To show you the degree to which the natural options are better than the SARMs, here is a side-by-side comparison of the SARMs vs the legal alternative.

Ibutamoren MK 677 | CrazyBulk Ibuta 677 | Brutal Force IbutaLean | |
Purpose | A growth hormone secretagogue to remedy fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases & muscle wasting | Designed to promote muscle growth by naturally increasing GH levels | Formulated as a lean muscle mass enhancer with quick recovery support |
Pros |
Cons |
PCT | If stacked with other SARMs, then, yes. | No | No |
WADA Approval | No | Yes | Yes |
Dosage | Maximum of 25mg a day | 4 capsules a day | 1 capsule a day |
Price | Depends on source | $69.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Refund unlikely | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy? | You can only buy Ibutamoren Mk-677 illegally or for research purpose. | To buy Ibuta 677, click here to visit the Official CrazyBulk Website. | To buy Ibutalean, click here to visit the Official Brutal Force Website. |

Ostarine MK 2866 | CrazyBulk Osta 2866 | Brutal Force OstaBulk | |
Purpose | Created as a possible remedy for remedy osteoporosis and cachexia | Designed for enhancing muscle growth, testosterone production, and melting excess fat | Formulated for quality muscle gains, enhance free testosterone and strength |
Pros |
Cons |
PCT | Yes | No | No |
WADA Approval | No | Yes | Yes |
Dosage | Maximum of 30mg a day | 4 capsules a day | 3 capsules a day |
Price | Depends on source | $69.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Refund unlikely | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy? | You can only buy Ostarine Mk-2866 illegally or for research purpose. | To buy Osta 2866, click here to visit the Official CrazyBulk Website. | To buy Ostabulk, click here to visit the Official Brutal Force Website. |
SARMs like Ibutamoren MK 677 and Ostarine MK 2866 are prevalent in the bodybuilding community because of their ability to enhance lean muscle mass, raise growth hormone levels, increase bone density, and arrest muscle wasting. However, the adverse effects of using such compounds are many and there may yet be some to be found out.
To discourage this practice, brands like CrazyBulk and Bruta Force have introduced a range of products that provide the same results without side effects, illegal purchases, or dicey dosage. You would also be able to professionally compete while using them and they comprise ingredients that are natural and safe. Whether for Ibutamoren, Ostarine, or any other anabolic steroid or SARM, we recommend the use of natural alternatives, every time.
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