There are certain realities in a woman’s life that are unavoidable and the scariest of them all is probably menopause. The stigma of being labeled old and unattractive aside, the physical changes and symptoms that plague female physiology would be enough to make the bravest women shake in their boots. There is also a certain sorrow that accompanies menopause which is the end of the possibility of being reproductive. Menopause also signals that a woman is no longer young and can now be easily addressed as the “old lady” next door.
Probably the biggest fear factor of menopause is the end of sex. To some, menopause may mean the end of periods and fearless sexual encounters without a pregnancy test that needs to be taken. Unfortunately, this isn’t the truth. Menopause would, for approximately 90% of women, change their feeling toward sex and the actual sexual experience. This is because of the turmoil the hormones are in. Estrogen levels plummet during menopause and this lowers sexual desire and makes arousal a difficult situation. Because of the hormones again, the vaginal canal would lose elasticity, and many report vaginal dryness to be a constant companion. This makes intercourse painful and obviously, there is no satisfaction in sight.
You are here because your body has the clear signs of menopausal women.
- Vaginal dryness
- Hot flashes
- The constant need to urinate
- Heartburn
- Joint pain and aches
- Fatigue or nervous energy
- Sleep disturbances
- Mood swings.
If you have been experiencing more than a few of the menopausal symptoms mentioned above, you are either beginning menopause (perimenopause) or are in the menopause stage now (if you have not had a menstrual cycle in over 12 months). The bad news is, studies show that menopause can sometimes last up to ten years. That is a long time to be miserable. This sends ladies running to the gynecologist’s office looking for some relief. Medically, there is a solution – hormone replacement therapy. But the treatment is expensive, usually not covered by insurance, comes with a laundry list of side effects, and requires you to make repetitive embarrassing trips to the doctors.
So, if you are looking for a safer, easier, and inexpensive way to relieve menopause symptoms, you could consider natural supplements. These supplements use natural ingredients to re-establish hormonal balance which would award you relief from several, if not all, symptoms. Several options are available to you and the task now is to choose the best one. To help you make that choice, here is a comparative study of three of the best menopause supplements. At the end of this, you should be able to find the one that you could invest your money and trust in.

About Profemin, Amberen & Provestra; Menopause Supplements
No. #3 – Profemin

- Profemin is a natural supplement that claims to relieve all major menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and cold sweat without the use of hormones.
- The dietary supplement uses a blend of ingredients from Asia to help you deal with perimenopause and menopause. Profemin claims that its use of traditional tried and tested Asian herbs provides not only relief from menopause symptoms but would also help to revive your sex drive.
- The greatest selling point of the product is the clinical tests that have proven Profemin to work.
- These tests revealed that the continuous use of Profemin was able to relieve 96.6% of women of at least 4 symptoms of menopause and it was possible to do so without any side effects.
- The benefits that Profemin provides are said to rival results from hormone therapy. The product is also recommended by a doctor and author Marcus Laux.
- Dosage: 1 pill twice a day with meals.
No. #2 – Amberen Safe Multi-System Menopause Relief

Amberen Safe Multi-System Menopause Relief is a product built on similar lines as Profemin. The product claims to provide resort from the 12 major unpleasant menopause symptoms. Amberen claims that the specific symptoms of menopause can be effectively dealt with and that the product can also provide other numerous benefits for health.
The product is designed for the menopausal female body and is said to work because of the proprietary blend of natural substances. Amberen’s greatest selling point is that it uses only natural compounds that can help the body and unlike many other supplements for menopause, does not use plant extracts that mimic the actions of estrogen in the body. This, according to Amberen, provides only little and temporary relief from symptoms.
Clinical results featured by the brand claim that Amberen can provide
- A 91% reduction in hot flashes,
- A 78% reduction in night sweats,
- 80% lesser mood swings, and
- 77% more energy.
This is a percentage of women in the study and not a figure of change in said symptoms and these were not peer-reviewed studies.
- Dosage: 2 pills – 1 orange and 1 white, once a day after breakfast.
No. #1 – Provestra

Provestra is built differently. Provestra is first a libido enhancer for women and only then a menopausal supplement. Many menopause supplements fail to address the immediate problem that women face when menopause hits – the change in sexual function. This is probably your concern too and it is a valid fear; why should age and hormones have a say in your romantic life? Provestra is the menopause supplement to answer that question.
- A product from a supplement market leader, Leading Edge Health, Provestra uses active ingredients that are clinically proven to provide relief from menopausal symptoms and provide long-term sexual health benefits.
- A survey conducted on 488 menopausal women concluded that 97.74% benefitted sexually while using Provestra.
- The biggest plus of Provestra is the fact that it addresses other hormones apart from estrogen to provide you with menopause relief. Something the other two brands failed to do.
- Dosage: 1 pill a day.
To learn how Provestra can address all aspects of women’s health, visit this link!
What Can You Expect from Profemin, Amberen & Provestra?
The benefits that these dietary supplements claim to provide all surround menopausal symptoms and you must understand that nothing can cause the symptoms to completely stop. As expected, there would be some variation in results as they all take a varied path to ensure relief from menopause. The one factor they all agree on is that they can help to restore and balance hormone levels. As per each product, the benefits are as follows.
Profemin | Amberen | Provestra |
By count alone, Provestra seems to win this round. Also, Provestra is the only supplement that addresses the sexual changes that happen during menopause and offers a solution. This seems to be a gaffe on Profemin and Amberen’s part. It is as if, these products assume that menopausal women no longer have the need or desire to engage in sexual behavior.
How Do These Products Treat Menopause Symptoms?
Each menopause supplement takes a different path to provide comfort and rest to you. The goal of all the products is the same – to provide sanctuary from menopausal hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings by restoring the balance of hormones in your system. How they do that is where the difference lies.
The Profemin Formula
Profemin has a rather simple formula that includes only three natural ingredients. Why the product restricted itself to three is still unclear but what they have chosen to include are:
- Angelica Gigas is also known as Korean Angelica and has been in use in traditional medicine for ‘women’s problems.
- The extract of the herb is known to reduce hot flashes, reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, and even enhance cognitive function.
- It is a good addition to the diet of menopausal women because of its anti-inflammatory properties which safeguard the female body from cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
- Phlomis Umbrosa is commonly known as the Jerusalem sage and has been used to treat bronchitis, colds, profuse bleeding, rheumatic disease, and fractures.
- It may even be useful for inflammation-based diseases like diabetes, obesity, and gastric ulcers.
- It is usually used with evening primrose oil for menopausal relief.
- Cynanchum Wilfordii was used initially for musculoskeletal disorders and other geriatric issues.
- The herb has been shown to reduce the occurrence and intensity of various menopausal symptoms without actually affecting the female hormones.
The recipe for Profemin is simple to the point of scant. And there are a few issues here too. Profemin turns to Asia as a source of inspiration for menopausal relief which is a novelty in Western countries but the choice of herbs included are not the most potent, popular, or even the most used for menopause. Herbs like Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) are the most commonly used and effective herbs there. Others like bai shao, zhi mu, wild yam, and yin yan huo are all popularly employed by practitioners even today. The herbs that Profemin uses may be potent but aren’t the best that the brand could possibly include. They have their benefits but not as much for menopause.

The Amberen Formula
Amberen does not use herbs or botanicals but bioactive antioxidants, acids, and minerals. If you look at the supplement label you would have trouble understanding the ingredients unless you have an advanced degree in chemistry. Amberen claims that since menopause is a biochemical change that takes place in the woman’s body, setting that balance right is all it takes to relieve the symptoms.
Amberen includes a Proprietary Compound which strengths at 400mg and the components of this blend are:
- Ammonium Succinate is a medically used acid that is already present in the human body. The acid is supplemented for the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. It is also available as a topical agent for joint pain and aches.
- Calcium Di-succinate is added possibly because of the menopausal symptom of weak bones. After menopause, women need a higher intake of calcium to keep bones healthy and prevent bone issues like osteoporosis.
- Monosodium L-Glutamate is something of a scandal. Though still thought of as an evil taste enhancer, MSG has been used as an agent of the amino acid l-glutamine. This can help lower cortisol levels but it does affect the pancreas and insulin which may throw other hormones off balance.
- Magnesium Di-succinate Hydrate is needed to support the bones. Magnesium and vitamin D are vital to stop the bones in menopause sufferers from becoming porous and susceptible to breaks.
- Zinc Di-fumarate Hydrate is needed to stimulate the release of luteinizing hormone and FSH which help to regulate cycles. It also supports the immune system, reduces anxiety, and aids with inflammation control.
- Tocopheryl Acetate could simply be addressed as vitamin E. This vitamin is a great anti-inflammatory agent and can also support eye health. It may help with mild cases of hot flashes.
Amberen gives you a blanket dose of 400mg. However, how much of which element is unclear. And may be a problem. As far as reviews go, many women are happy with Amberen’s efficacy at eliminating the common symptoms of menopause but we have no clear idea as to how Amberen manages to do that. Also, there is no arrangement for psychological symptoms of the phase like stress, anxiety, or depression. The sexual function issue is completely ignored. Amberen could have done better.

The Provestra Formula
Provestra takes a different approach to menopause itself. Instead of using components that may twist the body into doing things, Provestra uses its pill to incite the body’s ability to maintain balance. Not just overall health but Provestra also promises to improve mood and sex life. This is in addition to the relief you get from menopause symptoms. To do this, Provestra uses a potent formula that includes:
- Theobromine is found in chocolate and is responsible for the ‘happiness’ you feel when biting into a bar.
- A natural aphrodisiac, theobromine has a unique quality that helps you relax and gives you that boost of energy you get from coffee.
- This is healthier though and you won’t feel the jitters either.
- Indole 3-Carbinol is found in cruciferous vegetables and may be the answer to cancer prevention. The main role of I3C is to facilitate the metabolism of estrogen.
- Vitamins A, C, E & B Complex are all key players in the menopausal body.
- Vitamin A is needed to keep progesterone levels high and keeps the reproductive system healthy.
- Incontinence is a common problem during menopause and vitamin C can take care of that. It is also needed for sex hormone manufacture and collagen production.
- The B vitamins are responsible for a variety of processes, the most important of which is reducing anxiety and fatigue. B vitamins also increase energy, improve circulation, and balances hormones.
- Iron is vital for the production of hemoglobin to regulate oxygen intake and prevent anemia.
- Zinc Gluconate as discussed above.
- Calcium Carbonate is discussed above.
- Korean Ginseng from Asia has been in use to boost libido for over 500 years.
- It has numerous benefits like appetite suppression, lower glucose levels, combatting depression, increased mental and physical energy, and providing relief from major menopause symptoms.
- It has numerous benefits like appetite suppression, lower glucose levels, combatting depression, increased mental and physical energy, and providing relief from major menopause symptoms.
- Damiana Leaf
- It is from South America and has been used for years as an alternate remedy for anxiety, depression, and fatigue.
- The herb is also good for balancing hormones, controlling hot flashes, and reducing vaginal dryness.
- Black Cohosh Root
- It has been used by Native Americans to treat problems with menstruation and menopause for centuries.
- The herb incites estrogen-like activity in the female physiology which helps with night sweats, hot flashes, cramps, and heavy menstrual bleeding.
- Red Raspberry
- It has been traditionally used to bolster the reproductive system by keeping the uterine muscles healthy.
- It helps to balance estrogen, which reduces hot flashes and night sweats, reduces menstrual cramps, and can act as an antioxidant too.
- Licorice Root
- It is capable of waking estrogen receptors which would make the body more malleable to estrogen and other hormones.
- It can also reduce the duration, severity, and frequency of hot flashes.
- Ginger Root is a super root and does a lot more than spice up meat.
- The root does wonders for digestion and the gut and even incites thermogenesis and improves circulation.
- The root can also help sensitize the erogenous zones in the body which makes arousal less of a task.
- Gingko Biloba
- It is known as a nootropic agent but it can also improve sexual function and performance by improving blood flow.
- It can even reduce the severity of hot flashes, fatigue, and memory gaps in your menopausal body.
As far as a supplement recipe goes, Provestra is packed full of good things. It uses vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and botanicals. Almost everything most women would want from menopause supplements and Provestra address two problems with one pill –
- Menopause symptoms and
- Depreciating sex life.
Provestra takes this round as well.

How can You Get These Supplements?
Buy Profemin
The easiest way to get your hands on these supplements is to order them from a reliable source. Profemin can be bought at the Official site, Amazon, Walmart, and other health stores. Marketing is genius, to say the least. Profemin offers you a 2-month free trial of the product. Initially, you will be billed only for shipping and processing – a nominal fee of $9.95. Unless you cancel, your credit card would be billed $79.90 at $39.95 per bottle every 60 days. You will be sent a 60-day supply of the product every 2 months unless you cancel. You are covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee, in case you are unhappy with the product.
Buy Amberen
Amberen can be bought from several local and online sellers like Amazon, for instance, offers a 30-day supply of Amberen for as little as $29.77. Amberen offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. So, you can try the supplement risk-free.
Buy Provestra
Provestra can be obtained from the Official Website, visit this link!
- A single bottle, which should last you a month, would cost $60.
- You could also buy the product in packs of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 for $90, $130, $160, $190, and $220, respectively.
You also have a subscription offer where a bottle would be delivered to you every 30 days and your card would be charged $44.95 for it. This is a limited-time offer though.
Free shipping is available in the US. All purchases are covered by a 67-day money-back guarantee.
A Quick Summary

Seeing that the products may appear similar, here is a quick comparison of all three.
Profemin | Amberen | Provestra | |
Pros |
Cons |
Side effects | There are some negative reviews of increased sensitivity to sunlight. Kidney and liver damage have also been reported. | Migraines, headaches, bloating, joint pain, difficulty falling asleep, and nausea. | None reported |
Dosage | 1 pill a day | 2 pills a day | 1 pill a day |
Results in… | Results visible in 7 days. Recommended to use the product for 3 months. | 30 to 90 days | Results as early as 7 days. Full benefits after 3 months of use. |
Price | $39.95 | $29.77 | $60. |
Refunds | 30-day refund policy | 60-day money-back guarantee | 67-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy the Best Menopause Supplement? | Official site, Amazon, Walmart, and other health stores. | Can be bought from several local and online sellers like Amazon. | Click here to Buy Provestra from its Official Website. |
Menopause is sure to happen to women after a certain point in time and it comes with a laundry list of disagreeable symptoms. Also, women after menopause are at an increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. The physical health problem aside, mental stability takes a hit too. Many women approach this phase of life with apprehension and yet other opt for HRT rather than deal with the symptoms. Many supplement brands have taken on menopause by using natural ingredients that are backed by scientific research to offer a more affordable and easier way to deal with menopause.
Profemin, Amberen and Provestra are three such supplements. When compared, Provestra came out on top for a number of reasons.
- Firstly, Provestra not only addresses menopausal issues but also provides a remedy for the sexual function issues that arise as well.
- By using vitamins, minerals, and botanicals, this supplement can provide the solution without any side effects.
When looking for a reasonable alternative to HRT, supplements are the way to go and in the supplements arena, Provestra is a clear winner.
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