There are a few blessed women who don’t feel any different during menopause. While the rest of the mortals have a tough few years ahead. Yes, years.
Studies have shown that menopause can sometimes last for up to 10 years. Menopause elicits all sorts of reactions and responses but fear and apprehension are the most common. This may be because menopause symptoms are some of the worst, especially hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and the inevitable, loss of sex drive or low libido. Many women believe that menopause pauses romances, sexual pleasure, and sexual appetite and in many cases, this is true. However, this does not happen overnight. The transition is slow and often a roller coaster.
It all begins with perimenopause. This phase can begin 8 to 10 years before your ovaries decide to lower the production of estrogen. This stage begins in the 40s and lasts till the ovaries stop making and releasing eggs. During the latter years of perimenopause, estrogen levels drop drastically and this brings on the menopause symptoms. However, you can still get pregnant and will continue to menstruate during this time. Menopause is when you stop bleeding every month and it becomes official when you have not had a menstrual cycle for 12 months. Post-menopause is when the menopause symptoms intensify and insist on appearing all at once – hot flashes may get more intense. It is during menopause and post-menopause that a lot of women experience changes in their sex lives. Because of the drop in female sex hormones, there is a definitive decline in sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, sexual appetite, and sexual sensations. The absence of hormonal balance also means that women find it hard to achieve the same intense orgasms or sensitivity or even experience full-body arousal. Sex becomes a task and this further lowers the female libido.
You will find medications that can help with some menopause symptoms but they come with the standard ‘ifs and buts’. Not to mention the fact that you have to get prescriptions and doctors’ appointments and deal with the side effects that will inexorably make an appearance. Most women opt to quietly surrender to a life of unsatisfactory sexual activity. But is that any way to live?
Vaginal dryness and low libido are eventual problems but they can be fixed and fixed without prescription medicines too. But how? Well, that is where Supplements come in. Some supplements over-promise and under-deliver and there is a fair chance that you have come across a few. Other supplements vow that they contain natural and safe ingredients but in truth, may add dubious components that may cause you harm. Most supplements work to re-ignite sexual desire and re-instate natural vaginal lubrication. Here, you will find two such effective female enhancement supplements.
- Provestra and
- Hersolution.
These brands have been around for a while and there is a standing claim that they are the best female enhancement pills around. Today, we are here to compare the two to see how and to what extent they can influence female sexual health.

Provestra & HerSolution: What Are They & What Do They Do?
Almost 40% of women experience vaginal dryness or inadequate vaginal lubrication at some point in their lives. This could be due to several reasons; the most common of which is menopause or a change in hormonal balance. Very rarely is it the onset of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder which is a rather serious medical issue that affects sexual arousal and performance. Keeping this in mind, several supplement brands have taken it upon themselves to help alleviate sexual dysfunction.
No. #1: Provestra Dietary Supplement

Provestra is a female libido enhancer that is designed to help women with sexual performance issues, menopausal symptoms, and low sexual desire. Provestra by Leading Edge Health is marketed to those women who have and are facing sexual health issues because of menopause. This dietary supplement is a safe and better alternative to prescription medication that provides long-term sexual health and menopause support. It is a supplement free of hormones and it claims to help with vaginal dryness, sex drive, sexual arousal, sexual sensitivity, sleep, hot flashes, and mood swings.
All it takes is one pill a day. There is no fear of side effects as the supplement uses only safe and natural ingredients.
Click to learn how the Provestra enhances sexual desire and alleviates symptoms of menopause.
No. #2: Hersolution Pills

HerSolution from Leading Edge Health is marketed as female libido support. Unlike, Provestra which is marketed towards menopausal women, HerSolution claims that the supplement can be used by any woman suffering from sexual dysfunction. HerSolution enhances sexual stimulation by helping the female body to naturally produce the hormones that are needed and to improve blood flow to the genitals. By increasing sexual desire, there would be better vaginal lubrication, better sexual performance, and more intense orgasms. HerSolution pills aim to enhance a female sexual encounter.
One tablet of HerSolution must be taken once a day and, like Provestra, it has been formulated using natural ingredients so it is safe to use.
Click to learn how the Hersolution Pill can boost sexual appetite and sexual fantasies with an all-natural blend.
Both products are instant female arousal pills. There are lots of female enhancement products like topical creams and gels, but the pills help the female reproductive system to adjust or repair itself internally as the case may be. The pills can help you by fixing the problem and not simply addressing the symptoms.
Provestra and HerSolution have their own set of benefits that they claim you would see in about a month of use. Let’s take a close look at what these products claim to do.
Provestra – Female Libido Enhancement | HerSolution – Female Libido Support |
Provestra vs HerSolution: How Do They Work?
While Provestra aims to mitigate the symptoms of menopause while enhancing female sexual health, HerSolution is a female arousal pill that helps to enhance your experience of sexual intercourse. This differentiation is clearly visible in the formula that the supplements use. Provestra has a grand total of 18 ingredients while HerSolution uses only 6.
Common Ingredient in Provestra and HerSolution
Ginkgo Biloba is a common ingredient that the two enhancement pills share.
Another adaptogen, Ginkgo Biloba influences nitric oxide systems and these systems are vital for the sexual responses of the body. When used by post-menopausal women, it was shown to improve mood, cognition, and hot flashes.
The Provestra Formula
- L-Arginine
This amino acid helps to lower blood pressure and has been found to be effective at enhancing sexual desire in women. Studies have proven that when supplemented with L-arginine, women claimed an improvement in sex life. It can also boost the female sex hormone – estrogen, in menopausal women. - Theobromine
Theobromine, from the cacao plant, can help with blood pressure, improve blood flow throughout the body and positively influence cholesterol levels. It can even affect mood, motivation, and energy levels. For older women, theobromine can help with skin hydration and density and contribute to the maintenance of female sex hormones. - Indole 3-Carbinol
I3C supports the health of the female reproductive system by facilitating estrogen metabolism in the liver. Moreover, I3C may significantly lower the risk of breast cancer. - Vitamin A
This vitamin is key for the production and release of sex hormones and for maintaining the normal reproductive cycle in women. It is also considered to be beneficial for female sexual function and improves sexual performance. - Vitamin C
This vitamin helps to lessen cortisol – the stress hormone, the output which can aid improvement in mood and energy. It is also critical for the production of androgens and progesterone which influences the sex drive and sexual function. - Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps to maintain energy levels and stamina. It is also great for blood circulation to the sexual organs and genitalia. Furthermore, vitamin E supports eye health, skin, brain, blood, and reproductive health. - B Complex Vitamins
The B vitamins are responsible for the conversion of carbs, proteins, and fats into energy. B12, especially, boosts sexual desire and regulates mood. B complex also helps to ward off infections and promotes cell health. - Calcium Carbonate
This is especially vital for women as calcium is lost during and post-menopause. This leads to brittle bones that are likely to fracture and joint pains. Calcium carbonate is also vital for healthy muscles, the brain, the heart, and the nervous system. - Iron
Anemic women seem to suffer from sexual dysfunctions. The link seems to be iron levels. Needed for growth and development, iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin. Iron is vital for women as a lot of it is lost during monthly menstrual cycles. - Zinc Gluconate
Studies show that zinc supplementation can help improve female libido; particularly in menopausal women. It even helps to improve immunity and metabolism in the body. Taste and wound healing also improve with zinc supplementation. - Korean Ginseng
This botanical is an adaptogen that has several health benefits and some of them are sexual in nature. For women, ginseng can prove to improve sexual arousal and act as an alternative remedy to lessen the severity of menopausal symptoms. Ginseng can also stimulate the biosynthesis of estrogen. - Damiana Leaf
Though not proven scientifically, damiana leaf is used commonly for sexual appetite and stamina in both men and women. Traditionally used for urinary and bladder discomforts, the leaf is capable of keeping estrogen levels in check and can help normalize hormonal imbalances. - Black Cohosh Root
This herb has been used as an alternative to medical remedies for menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal lubrication issues, tinnitus, and vertigo. Not entirely, but in some organs, the herb can increase the effects of estrogen. - Red Raspberry
The leaf, not the fruit, has traditionally been used as a diuretic and may improve blood flow to the uterus and the uterine muscles. It supports the female reproductive system as a whole and can help with menstrual cycle regulation and helps with menstrual pains and morning sickness. - Licorice Root
When menopausal women were supplemented with licorice root, there was a conclusive reduction in the duration and severity of hot flashes. Licorice root can also revive or activate the estrogen receptors in the body correcting the hormonal imbalances caused by menopause. Moreover, it is very nourishing. - Ginger Root
This spice root is still used as a remedy for digestive and gut issues. Apart from that, adding ginger to your diet can improve blood circulation, reduce oxidative stress and enhance fertility for both sexes. For pregnant women, ginger can help with nausea and morning sickness. It may also help improve sex life by upping sex drive. - Valerian Root
Added to supplements for insomnia and anxiety, valerian root can promote relaxation, and mood and improve sleep quality. Moreover, valerian helps to correct thyroid hormone and stress hormone imbalances. It can also reduce menstrual cramps and pains. - Kudzu Root
Kudzu root contains isoflavones – estrogen-like elements which help to reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms. It also has several health benefits that help to relieve diarrhea, migraines, injuries, measles, muscle pains, gastritis, and fever.

The HerSolution Formula
- Niacin
Vitamin B3 helps to facilitate orgasms and aids blood circulation in the genital increasing the intensity of sexual sensations. It also aids the adrenal glands to produce sex hormones and gives the libido a helpful boost. - Hops Extract
Hops contain chemicals that act as phytoestrogen and can help with anxiety, sleeplessness, restlessness, and irritability. For menopause, it can help with alleviating the intensity of the symptoms. - Mucuna Pruriens
Still a part of Indian traditional medicine, this herb is an adaptogen that supports nervous system health. It also enhances sexual energy and maintains the reproductive system. It is sometimes used as an alternative treatment for infertility. - Epimedium Sagittatum with 40% Icarriin or Horny Goat Weed
Also simply known as horny goat weed, this herb is popular among sexual supplements. Used for centuries as a sexual enhancement remedy, horny goat weed helps to improve blood flow and improve sexual function. It also acts as an estrogen, which could help with the body’s natural responses to arousal. - Cayenne Pepper
Because cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, it induces thermogenesis in the body. This process naturally improves libido, and sexual drive and improves blood flow, especially to the genitals.

All the components mentioned above are either botanicals or naturally occurring. There is little to no risk of side effects unless you are pregnant or on blood thinners. However, before you start the use of these or any other supplement, please consult your physician. This is especially true if you are currently being medicated for a pre-existing medical condition.
How Are These Female Enhancement Product any Different?
This was already mentioned before but the major difference between both female libido enhancers is the audience.
- Provestra leans toward ladies who are in the perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopausal phase. The supplements aim to relieve menopausal symptoms while enhancing your sexual health and sexual appetite. Provestra includes the use of vitamins and minerals that helps to improve overall health along with sexual performance.
- HerSolution is meant for all women, not just those experiencing menopause. The product is meant to ease sexual health issues regardless of the cause of issues like vaginal dryness or low libido stem from. There are lesser ingredients in HerSolution than in Provestra and it fails to include nutrients like vitamins.
Both products are very effective though. Very many reviews online claim that both products are good at what they do and some even claim that they felt a difference in as less as a week. Many women struggling with sexual problems state that the supplements Provestra and HerSolution helped them to achieve better sexual experiences, correct hormonal imbalances, and enhance sexual desire. By far, women have only good things to say about these supplements.
Where & How Can You Buy These Sex Enhancers for Females?
For Provestra, the best way to buy the female libido enhancer is on the official website, Click to Buy Provestra Risk-Free! Purchases made here have a 67-day money-back guarantee.
- A pack of 30 pills – a month’s supply, would cost you $59.95.
The more you buy, the greater the discounts. The site offers you purchase packs of 2, 3-, 4-, 5-, or 6-month supply.
- The most cost-effective pack is the 6 monthly one where you get 6 month’s worth for a price of $219.95.
A monthly supply of HerSolution Pills can be yours at a price of $59.95, visit the Official HerSolution Website to get a deal! The prices for both products are the same and so is the refund policy, thus the Hersolution Pills too are covered by a 67-Day Money Back Guarantee. The only difference is the purchase pack. HerSolution is available for a 2-, 3-, or 6-month supply.
Q1. Do these products contain hormones?
Ans.: No. Neither Provestra nor HerSolution includes hormones in their formulae. Only natural ingredients are used that naturally enhance sexual desire and boost vaginal wetness for better sexual intercourse
Q2. How long must each product be used?
Ans.: Each body is unique, so, there is no clear answer to this question. Results depend on genes, health, diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Some women achieve results within weeks while it may be a month for others. You shall see results for sure though.
Q3. Can these products be used by all women?
Ans.: Provestra is the better product if you are experiencing menopausal symptoms along with low sexual desire. Whereas, HerSolution Pill is recommended if you suffer from vaginal lubrication issues and sexual dysfunction. These products must not be used by pregnant women or those who are on blood thinners. Do speak to your own medical professional before you begin to use and especially if you are on prescription medications.
Q4. Are these products habit-forming?
Ans.: No, they are not habit-forming. You can stop the use of either product with ease whenever you wish to do so.

Provestra vs. HerSolution: A Quick Recap
Considering that both products are rather good, here is a quick summary of the information we have so far.
Provestra – Female Libido Enhancement | HerSolution – Female Libido Support | |
Pros |
Cons | Available only online | Available only online> |
Dosage may be too low for some women | Can’t do much for menopausal symptoms | |
Ingredients | 18 active ingredients | 9 active ingredients |
Audience | Women experiencing symptoms of menopause and have sexual issues | Women facing sexual issues |
Cost | $59.95 | $59.95 |
Where to Buy the Best Female Enhancement Pills? | Click to buy Provestra from its Official Website. | Click to buy HerSolution from its Official Website. |
Summary & Verdict
A dip is experienced by most women in sexual pleasure and sexual desire as age gets on. Menopause is one of the most prevalent reasons for this change in female libido. Prescription medication can help with these issues but they have side effects and cost too much. The solution then is female libido enhancers – supplements that use natural ingredients to help restore hormonal balance, improve blood flow to sexual organs, and reignite female sexual desire. Provestra and HerSolution are two such supplements.
Both supplements have been positively reviewed by users in online forums alike. Many women claim a definite improvement in issues like vaginal dryness, sexual pleasure, and libido. Many women have also been able to achieve orgasms after the use of Provestra and HerSolution. Both products work and work well. However, Provestra seems to be the supplement of choice for menopausal women while HerSolution is the solution for women looking to only relive their sexual youth. Whichever product you opt for, either seems to be just as good.
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