In 1935, testosterone was synthesized in Germany to treat depression and the world changed forever. Medically, the discovery and synthesis of steroids was a massive leap as it was able to treat a number of diseases that were, till then, condemned inoperable. This also signified the first-time medicine was able to completely eradicate a disease or the occurrence of its symptoms, like asthma. However, as a side effect, a few changes began to appear – an increase in muscle mass, immense strength, greater stamina and endurance, and more power and energy. And thus, steroids became the ultimate fitness supplement.
The use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) or simply, anabolic steroids, is so deep-rooted in the bodybuilding community that a ban by WADA and several severe warnings from the FDA have not deterred its popularity. The reason for this is the benefits that steroids have. However, that is just one side of the story. Where there are easy gains, there are easy losses. Many steroids deliver exactly what the bodybuilder wants – bigger muscles, loss of body fat, arrest of weight gain, water-shedding, and enormous strength. On the flip side though, powerful steroids also deliver potent side effects. These consequences vary from one anabolic steroid to the next but the bottom line is – the long-term effects are never pretty. You may have the muscle mass and strength now but as time goes by you would have to deal with liver damage, prostate enlargement, and hair loss. With casual steroid use, you may never be healthy again.
Trenbolone and Superdrol are considered to be the best for lean muscle gain, improved muscle definition, and strength gains. However, it isn’t all joy with their use. Let’s take a closer look at what these synthesized drugs are capable of doing for and to you.

Trenbolone & Superdrol
Considered to be one of the most potent anabolic steroids, Trenbolone has a reputation in the bodybuilding community. The steroid was never made for human consumption but as a veterinary agent to help bulk up cattle before slaughter. The effect it had on lean muscle mass caught the eye of some keen fitness fellows and Trenbolone became a staple in gym lockers. Trenbolone is an injectable anabolic steroid and is introduced directly into the muscle. Unlike other similar drugs, Trenbolone does not convert to estrogen which makes a ‘dry’ compound. You would not have to worry about water retention or body fat accumulation. It can be used during the cutting or the bulking cycle but most prefer it for bulking purposes as its ability to burn fat are not as great as that of muscle growth.
Trenbolone can be used on its own but is often stacked with other steroids to maximize anabolic effects. A Trenbolone-only cycle can last for up to 10 weeks. Trenbolone can be stacked with Testosterone, Anadrol, and Winstrol. Each stack would bring bulking, fat loss, and its own side effects.
Dosage: For Trenbolone, it is relatively safe to dose at 150 mg per day for 8 to 10 weeks.
Superdrol is the marketed name for Methasterone, an oral anabolic steroid first synthesized in 1956. It was developed as a possible compound with anti-tumor properties. The steroid got into a bit of trouble as it was being marketed as a prohormone (in an attempt to dupe the Steroids Control Act of 1990). Sold as an OTC product, Superdrol gained popularity because of its capacity to grow significant amounts of muscle without water retention. The company got found out in 2006 after which it was pulled off the market. However, the compound continues to be found in the bodybuilding community because of the anabolic gain it can furnish.
Provided that you are able to get the unadulterated product in the black market, the only steroid that can compete with Superdrol in terms of benefits is Trenbolone.
It is pertinent that you do not stack Superdrol with other steroids. The reason for this warning will become clear as we go forward. The maximum Superdrol cycle length is 4 weeks.
Dosage: Superdrol dosage must not exceed 20 mg per day. The pills are dosed at 10mg each and 2 pills a day for 4 weeks is the safest path to follow. Superdrol has a half-life of 8 to 12 hours.
What to Expect from Trenbolone & Superdrol?
Both synthetic compounds are prevalent for a reason – Noticeable gains in muscle mass and strength gains. The fact that Superdrol can provide these gains within 4 weeks makes it especially potent and, therefore, must be used with extreme caution.
Trenbolone | Superdrol | ||
Benefits | Side Effects | Benefits | Side Effects |
Regardless of how great the muscle mass gains, the list of side effects for both steroids is ridiculously long. The fact that bodybuilders still choose to add one or the other steroid to a fitness regime is scary.
So, What’s the Verdict?
Let’s break Trenbolone and Superdrol down.
Trenbolone and Superdrol can both deliver a lot in terms of muscle. They help you gain muscle mass; muscle growth is quick and efficient because they both can increase protein synthesis within the muscle cells. There are improvements in muscle size and you will see more muscle in a matter of weeks. When used for cutting, Trenbolone and Superdrol can maintain muscle mass while the body is burning fat. When it comes to gains, both steroids are almost equally matched.
When considering usage, Trenbolone is an injectable while Superdrol is an oral steroid – ease is with Superdrol. However, because Trenbolone is injected directly into the muscle, the liver is relatively safer. Superdrol is methylated and has to be broken down twice. This kills your liver and there were several reports of liver damage beyond repair.
Post-cycle therapy is a must for both compounds. Testosterone suppression is very real with them and without PCT, there is a very real possibility of your natural testosterone levels not getting back to normal.
Superdrol has a wider extent of influence on the heart and liver; oftentimes these effects are drastic and irreparable. So, if you have to choose between the two, Trenbolone should be your poison of choice. This does not mean that Trenbolone is in any way safer – it was never designed for human use. Trenbolone is just a slightly safer option of the two.
None of the information stated here is from clinically-backed sources. Unfortunately, all the information we have about Trenbolone and Superdrol use is based on the experience of steroid users. Dosage, cycles, stacks, and possible side effects are all based on what users have to say and they have to be taken with a pinch of salt. The only thing we know for sure is that either drug should not be used recreationally and that the use of them could lead to dire consequences.
So, if steroid use is frowned upon (put very lightly), and if you still need some support when it comes to muscle mass and strength, what options are you left with? Steroid alternatives, of course. Because of the widespread and unhealthy use of steroids, SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators), and other similar chemicals in the fitness community, brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have dedicated efforts to finding natural, safe, and legal steroid alternatives. These alternatives are designed to emulate synthetic chemicals in terms of benefits but have none of the side effects. And, they have been successful.
Because Superdrol was withdrawn from circulation and because the severity of side effects outweighs the benefits, neither CrazyBulk nor Brutal Force have a natural alternative for it. They do, though, have a natural option for Trenbolone, which is the preferred drug, in any case.
Natural Steroid Alternatives to Trenbolone
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force are two fitness brands that are determined to discourage the use of harmful substances for more muscle and endurance. They have spent time, money, and resources on finding the right natural components that fit together to emulate the results that one expects from steroids or SARMs. They have thus created safer and legal options for several chemicals and have been applauded and well-received in the fitness community.
For Trenbolone, CrazyBulk has Tren-Max and Brutal Force has TBulk.

CrazyBulk Tren-Max

- Tren-Max from CrazyBulk is a natural alternative to the steroid Trenbolone a.k.a., Tren, and is designed to provide you with muscle gains, strength, and all-around healing and conditioning.
- It can also be used as a pre-workout boost, for bulking, or cutting.
- Tren-Max uses nature’s ingredients to trap more nitrogen in the muscle cells which leads to more protein synthesis resulting in muscle gains and quicker fat loss.
- It also increases red blood cell production which increases the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscle tissue.
- This translates to greater strength gains and vascularity without any water retention.
In short, it goes a step beyond what Trenbolone can do for you and that makes Tren-Max so much better than the steroid. For better and focused results, Tren-Max can be stacked with other CrazyBulk supplements like DecaDuro (Deca-Durabolin Alternative), D-Bal (Dianabol Alternative), Winsol (Winstrol Alternative), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol Alternative), and Testo-Max (Sustanon 250 Alternative).
With Tren-Max, there is no negative effect. It includes nothing that makes the liver toxic, suppresses testosterone, or causes acne or hair loss. It only provides you with increased athletic performance and extreme muscle gains.
What Goes into Tren-Max?
Tren-Max includes:
- Beta-Sitosterol – a plant sterol similar to cholesterol and is found in most fruits, vegetables, and herbs. It can help to keep blood cholesterol levels on point, reduce symptoms of an enlarged prostate, and may even reduce the risk of certain cancers. It can also promote muscle building, strength and increase endogenous testosterone production.
- Samento Inner Bark – is an herb that promotes repair and healing in muscle tissue and increases endurance. It also supports the immune system.
- Nettle Leaf Extract – can increase testosterone levels by preventing the conversion of the male sex hormone into estrogen and also prevents testosterone from binding to proteins called SHBG. The increased testosterone leads to better anabolic gains and also reduces inflammation resulting in quick recovery.
- Pepsin – can help the protein you consume to be put to better use. The enzyme can also improve nutrient absorption which provides the body with more fuel for a longer exercise program.

How to Dose Tren-Max Daily?
Take 3 capsules on a daily basis 45 minutes before you begin to work out.
Where to Buy Tren-Max?
Tren-Max can be bought from the Official CrazyBulk website, click on this link to take a stop.
- A month’s worth of the supplement would cost $64.99 and
- If you buy 2 bottles at once, you get a third bottle absolutely free at just $129.99.
There is also fast and free worldwide shipping on all orders. However, if in case you are not happy with the results, CrazyBulk also offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee. Because this supplement uses natural ingredients, there will be a cumulative effect, so the longer you use Tren-Max, the greater the gains. It is recommended that you use the product for 2 months for best results.
Brutal Force TBulk

- Brutal Force claims that TBulk is the solution if you are looking to reshape your physique completely.
- This dietary supplement is designed to match and outdo Trenbolone in every way (with the exception of side effects, of course).
- With extraordinary lean gains, improved athletic performance, and fat loss, this a great supplement to add to your fitness regime.
- TBulk can do this because the natural ingredients it uses lower estrogen levels which raises testosterone levels rewarding you with lean mass growth and improved strength.
Brutal Force recommends that you use TBulk with SBulk to support your muscle and weight goals. - Unlike the steroid, TBulk has no reported side effects.
- On the contrary, you should see an improvement in energy levels, general health, and well-being and even experience a boost in digestive health and the immune system.
What Goes into TBulk?
TBulk includes Beta Sitosterol and Pepsin, like Tren-Max. In addition to them, it also includes:
- Cat’s Claw – which can dilate blood vessels, relax muscles and improve immune response. It may also act as a diuretic preventing water retention.
- 3, 3 Diindolylmethane – is a supplement on its own and can promote weight loss, lower the effect of estrogen on cells, improve mood, enhance memory, and provide antioxidation.

How to Dose TBulk Daily?
Take 3 capsules approximately 20 mins before your first meal.
Where to Buy TBulk?
Click on this link to buy TBulk directly from the official Brutal Force Website.
- A month’s worth of product would cost you $59.99.
- Like with CrazyBulk, if you buy 2 bottles at once, you get a third bottle for free at just $119.98.
Shipping is free for all purchases. Brutal Force offers you a 100-day money-back guarantee. Like Tren-Max, the natural components may take some time to build within your system so the brand does recommend that you use TBulk for at least 2 months before you decide to judge and like it or not.
Steroids vs Natural Alternatives
If you are from within the bodybuilding community, you know why many prefer steroids to natural alternatives. If you are new to the fitness arena, let us explain.
Steroids were synthesized in order to deliver specific results. These chemicals were designed to fulfill a purpose and the anabolic effect is just one part of the action of the steroids. The only desirable result in the case of bodybuilding. The fact that steroids were designed to do that makes them the ultimate fitness aid. You know what you are going to get, with how much and after how long. When you plan a cutting cycle after a bulking cycle, it helps to know when your body would be ready for the next stage. Steroids also yield results quickly. You see results in a matter of weeks.
Natural supplements work a little differently. As is with everything natural, you cannot plan or predict results. With these alternatives, results depend on a variety of factors – age, gender, race, health condition, medical issues, and lifestyle in general. This makes natural alternatives a little unpredictable which doesn’t sit right with everyone. Also, results can vary from one individual to the next.
That being said, the unpredictability of when the results would appear is the only downside that natural alternatives have. Think about steroids for a minute, Trenbolone in particular. Trenbolone is not meant for human consumption. The only way you can get your hands on it is illegally, through some underhand deal made over the internet and the transaction would, no doubt, be an expensive one. Also, there is no guarantee that you would get the pure form of the veterinary agent. It has to be injected directly into the muscle (another whole can of worms there) and finally, you would have the phenomenal side effects to look forward to. For all that effort, you would get anabolic gains and strength. That does not look like a fair trade, does it?
With natural alternatives, there are results, you just don’t know when they would be here. But with natural and legal steroid alternatives there are no liver problems, hair loss, acne, or testosterone suppression. Your body, as a whole, would begin to benefit from the use of natural supplements. You get muscle gains, strength, endurance, stronger immune support, and health. You decide.

To drive the point home, here is a side-by-side comparison of Trenbolone, Tren-Max, and TBulk.
Trenbolone | Crazy Bulk Tren-Max | Brutal Force TBulk | |
Pros |
Cons |
Purpose | Designed as a veterinary agent to bulk up cattle before slaughter. | Designed to increase lean mass, increase fat loss and act as a pre-workout boost. | Designed for bulking & cutting, building muscle & burn fat, and improving conditioning. |
PCT Required | Yes | No | No |
WADA Restriction | Yes | No | No |
Price | Depends on source | $64.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | Mostly no | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Where to Buy? | Trenbolone can only be purchased illegally. | Click here to Buy Tren-Max from the Crazy Bulk Official Website. | Click here to Buy TBulk from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Summary & Verdict
Out of the many synthetic agents that are used in a gym setting, Trenbolone and Superdrol are the most potent in terms of gains and side effects too. In addition to giving the steroid user lean muscle mass and strength, both drugs are capable of causing lasting damage to health. Of the two, it was determined that Trenbolone is the safer of the anabolic steroids, however, this does not make it any legal, and still remains banned by the WADA.
As the urge to use aids that benefit anabolic gains, brands like CrazyBulk and Brutal Force have developed natural alternatives to Trenbolone that can not only mirror and outdo the benefits of the steroid but can do so without the side effects. Making them safer, legal, and better supplements. Tren-Max from CrazyBulk and TBulk from Brutal Force is what we would recommend that you add to your fitness regime for a safer and healthier life instead of taking Trenbolone.
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