Hey, girl, if you have made the decision to lose weight, then well done for committing to this difficult process. It won’t be an easy process, and we wish you luck and perseverance. However, before you start your weight loss journey, there may be a few things you want to keep in mind. This is only so that you do not lose heart when you see others burn fat faster than you.
- Each body is different, and even if you are on the same diet as your girlfriend, both of you will not lose weight at the same rate. You may shed water weight first while your pal burns fat faster. Each human body responds to weight loss measures contrarily, so don’t compare your goals and gains with anybody else. Celebrate whatever small achievements you earn.
- Weight gain could be a result of bad lifestyle habits like an unhealthy diet, stress, or bad sleeping patterns. But it could also be the symptom of an underlying medical condition like metabolic disturbances, thyroid gland malfunction, or PCOD – you may want to rule the medical reasons out before you start your diet.
- Body fat is stubborn, and there will be times when you simply want to give up and get on with your life. When it comes to dieting, your mindset is just as important as what you eat. Consider eliminating any tempting foods from your environment, finding a hobby that keeps your mind and body active, or practicing meditation to help stay focused on your goals.
- Do not stop eating. This would send your body into survival mode, and it would begin to store more food as fat stores. Eating smaller, healthier meals is the way to go.
- Women have a lower metabolic rate than that of men. It isn’t a patriarchal thing but an unfair combination of physiology, psychology, genes, and society. Hence, following a diet or using weight loss supplements that were made for men will not work for women alike.
- Weight loss pills or appetite suppressant pills could help the weight loss effort to a great extent. However, choosing the right one for you makes all the difference.
Because there are so many diet pills available, the choice becomes a difficult one. Natural supplements have the worst reputation ever, mainly because spurious brands claim to burn fat in days but don’t actually deliver. But when you come to think of it, natural diet supplements are the best as they work with the body to help you lose weight. Natural dietary supplements are safer, better, and, best of all, don’t need a prescription. To help cull out the better appetite suppressants, we compared two popular brands – Leanbean and Zotrim. Let’s take a closer look at these natural appetite-suppressant supplements to see whether they are worth all the hype.

Leanbean & Zotrim: What Are They?

Ultimate Life LTD is a UK-based supplement company that makes products tailored to women’s needs. Leanbean is one of the company’s biggest sellers. A thermogenic fat burner that works in tandem with the female body to induce fat oxidation, reduce food cravings, and enhance energy production without the use of unhealthy chemical stimulants. Through intensive research, Leanbean has developed a formula that is specific to female weight loss mechanisms and put together a potent fat burner that sheds the extra weight and also arrests further weight gains.
Leanbean focuses on the three main aspects of weight loss such as:
- Fat metabolism,
- Lack of appetite control and
- Low energy levels.
…as these factors cause the most pain during any diet. So, by using all-natural ingredients only, Leanbean has created the ultimate weight loss aid to support you and help you reach your goals faster.
How to use Leanbean?
Women should take 2 capsules of Leanbean three times a day.
For more info on LeanBean, visit here!

Zotrim unequivocally originates from Health Nutrition LTD and is a natural appetite suppressant that is designed to suit the female body. Made exclusively with natural ingredients, Zotrim is formulated to suppress hunger, hasten the metabolic rate, and support energy production. This fat burner aims to stop unhealthy eating habits like giving in to sugar cravings, following an unbalanced diet plan, or eating between meals. By using natural components that stop you from feeling hungry, Zotrim can significantly improve weight loss efforts, and there is proof of that claim.
A clinical study conducted using Zotrim found that users lost weight as they were able to consume 112 calories lesser on average, consumed lesser fatty foods, and stopped eating earlier than otherwise. Zotrim has been part of five clinical trials, 10-expert-approved papers and has been published as an effective weight loss aid in several of the most respected medical journals. That is a lot of backing.
How to use Zotrim?
Women should take 2 or 3 tablets before each meal.
For more info on Zotrim, visit here!
What Do These Natural Fat Burners Promise?
When it comes to results, both fat-burning supplements promise, more or less, the same things. However, these results do not appear on their own. It is imperative that you make significant changes to your diet and lifestyle in order to improve your health. Both diet pills are designed to support diet and exercise. Here is a list of what each appetite suppressant claims to do.
Leanbean | Zotrim |
*Note – There have been a few reports of abdominal bloating, headaches, or stomach discomfort when starting the use of either fat burner. These symptoms usually settle down after a few days. However, if they don’t, you may want to speak to your personal physician. |
How Does Leanbean & Zotrim Work?
Both weight loss supplements use only natural ingredients. This ensures that your body’s natural weight-loss processes are not artificially enhanced.
- They both work by first reducing the tendency to eat more than what the body needs.
- Secondly, both products use body fat to keep your body supplied with energy. Fatigue and energy drops are a part of dieting, but these supplements ensure that energy and stamina are not a problem.
- Thirdly, both work to stop the production of new fat cells so that you do not have new fat to worry about.
Let’s get this out of the way: Neither Leanbean nor Zotrim is a non-caffeinated appetite suppressant. Caffeine is not a bad ingredient to add to a fat burner. Why this is so we shall explain in a bit, so if you are looking for an appetite suppressant that does not include caffeine, then Leanbean and Zotrim would be off the list for you. But you should know that the dosage of caffeine in either supplement is less than your average cup of coffee.
Leanbean & Zotrim Common Ingredients
Vitamin B6
Vital for brain, neural, and immune function, vitamin B6 also supports the metabolism of proteins, carbs, and fats. When there are sufficient levels of this vitamin present in the body, it enables faster metabolism, which helps to burn calories faster. This helps you to lose weight quicker, and you will have more energy than usual.
Green Coffee Bean Extract/ Caffeine
Caffeine has a bad reputation, but it can increase levels of the enzyme lipase, which facilitates the breakdown of fat. It is also believed that caffeine can arrest abdominal weight gain, aid the melting of belly fat, and support healthy blood sugar levels. However, caffeine must be consumed sensibly.
Ingredients Exclusive to Leanbean
Vitamin B12
Again, involved in efficient digestion, B12 also facilitates fat burning through the liver and adrenal gland. B12 aids in the removal of excess fat from the body by switching to fat cells as the primary energy source. Low levels of B12 are associated with obesity and weight gain.
An essential mineral that plays a role in several body functions, choline is also required for burning fat and weight loss. Choline also promotes a feeling of satiety and can help to reduce calorie intake. It is also being looked at as a possible remedy for fatty liver.
Glucomannan is a dietary fiber that binds with water to form a gel-like substance; when consumed, the fiber promotes a feeling of fullness and delays the emptying of the stomach. Additionally, it is an excellent source of prebiotics, so you are looking at improved gut health, which can help you lose weight quicker.
Cabbage Palm
This low-fat, low-calorie, and low-carb plant product is rich in vital nutrients and promotes healthy digestion, weight loss, and cardiovascular health. Another rich source of fiber, this too can promote satiety by working as an appetite suppressant.
Acai Berry
A strong antioxidant, the acai berry is gaining popularity as a superfood. When supplemented with a calorie-controlled diet, the berry can facilitate optimal digestion and weight loss, reduce inflammation, and fight free radical stress.

Ingredients Exclusive to Zotrim
Yerba Maté – Leaf Extract
A traditional herb from South America, Yerba Mate is used as one would green tea. The herb can improve energy levels and has strong antioxidant properties. Furthermore, it can boost mood and motivation, enhance physical performance, and may also strengthen the immune system.
Guarana – Seed Extract
A staple in energy drinks, Guarana is used because of its high caffeine content. This helps to promote thermogenesis – raising the body’s temperature to facilitate fat burning. It revs the metabolic rate that encourages your body to use fat cells as an alternative fuel source.
Damiana – Leaf Extract
The Damina leaf is used for a number of ailments like headaches, menopause, stress, and weight management. The herb acts as a mental and physical performance booster and can suppress appetite. It also balances out hormones in the body, so it may help with stress-eating habits, too.
Vitamin B3
When supplemented with B6 and B12, vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, can increase the rate at which the body converts food into potential energy. When used with a caloric-deficit diet, it facilitates the burning of fat as fuel, which supports weight loss efforts.

As you can see, the ingredients are natural and safe. In addition to weight loss, you are looking at additional health benefits. The formulae used by both products are designed exclusively for female physiology. That being said, there is still a chance of allergies or drug interactions. Therefore, before you begin the use of either, we recommend that you speak to a practicing medical doctor.
Where Can You Get These Supplements From?
It would be wise to buy dietary supplements directly from the manufacturers. This would ensure the quality of the product and, in the off chance that you are dissatisfied with the product, refunds would be an easier process. The official websites also offer savings and discounts that are not available elsewhere.
Buy Leanbean
Click here to Buy Leanbean from the Official Website;
- Where one month’s worth of product containing 180 capsules would cost $59.99.
- You can also order a 60-day supply for 119.98, and you get free shipping for orders within the USA and UK.
- The best bargain, though, is the ‘Complete Bundle’. Here, you pay for three bottles, and you get a fourth bottle free; you also get free shipping, a downloadable meal plan, and a workout guide. All this for $189.97. It is only with the Complete Bundle that you are given a 90-day money-back guarantee. The guarantee does not apply to the other purchase options.
Buy Zotrim
To purchase Zotrim, tap here to visit the Official Website.
- A 30-day supply would cost $49.99.
Here too, you save more with the more you buy.
- When you purchase two packs at once for $99.99, you get a third pack free, thus a total of 3 packs supply.
- And when you spend $149.99, you get a total of 5 packs of Zotrim.
Fast and free shipping is available on all purchases. If you are not happy with the product, Zotrim offers a 100-day money-back guarantee. There is a $15 shipping and admin cost involved, though.
What Is the Verdict on These Natural Appetite Suppressants?
Truth be told, it would be difficult to cite either Leanbean or Zotrim as the best appetite suppressant. This is because, in their own way, they are both good at what they claim to do. They are similar to a certain extent, but they are also different. The similarities first.
Both fat burners are capable of burning fat to facilitate weight loss. Because of the ingredients they use, they can support burning calories and melting fat alike. While most appetite suppressants work to suppress appetite. Leanbean and Zotrim work on that, plus other aspects of weight loss that women usually find difficulty getting a handle on.
While other fat burners look for a way to crowd their supplement labels with impressive-sounding ingredients like green tea extract, chromium picolinate, or BCAAs, Leanbean and Zotrim have come up with potent but simple formulae. This approach lowers the chance of allergies and drug interactions. The components included not only burn fat, but they also dissuade further fat production. Thus, this is a smarter approach to the making of a fat burner.
They are both vegetarian-friendly and are also suited to vegan diets. However, neither should be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
The differences now. The major difference between Leanbean and Zotrim is based on what you want from your fat burner. Leanbean offers you a weight loss supplement that can provide you with enough energy to help you replace fat with muscle mass. The official website states at several intervals that the product works better with a healthy diet and exercise.
Zotrim, on the other hand, offers maximum appetite suppression and even claims to be better than prescription appetite suppressants. The focus here is on you eating less so that fat loss can happen easily. Though both products can help you lose weight, their approach to weight loss is different.

To help you compare the two, here is a side-by-side look at Leanbean and Zotrim.
Leanbean | Zotrim | |
Purpose | Designed for women to support weight loss and an active lifestyle. | Designed for women to suppress appetite and facilitate weight loss. |
Pros |
Cons |
Ingredients | Vitamins B6 and B12, choline, glucomannan, cabbage palm, acai berry and green coffee bean extract. | Vitamins B3 and B6, yerba mate leaf extract, guarana, damiana and caffeine. |
Dosage | 2 capsules thrice a day | 2 or 3 tablets before each meal. |
Price | $59.99 | $49.99 |
Refund policy | 90-day money-back guarantee with the Complete Bundle. | 100-day money-back guarantee minus $15 for admin costs. |
Where to Buy? | Click here to visit the Official Leanbean Website. | Click here to visit the Official Zotrim Website. |
Q1. Are natural appetite suppressant supplements safe?
Ans.: Natural options are always safer, provided that you choose brands that have been vetted by users. They work with the body’s built-in weight loss mechanism, which is always better than artificially inducing it with weight loss chemicals.
Q2. When can results be expected?
Ans.: This is a tricky question. Results with natural fat burners cannot be predicted as the results are influenced to a great extent by the diet and lifestyle changes you make. The stricter the changes, the sooner the results would manifest.
Q3. Is it safe to raise body temperature?
Ans.: Yes, it is a safe process. Coffee, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and other such everyday foods induce a rise in body temperature, and they do not cause any adverse effects on your body.
Q4. Can these pills stop future weight gain?
Ans.: If you stick to a healthy diet and decent exercise regimes, you should be able to stop future weight gain.
Summary & Verdict
A woman’s weight loss journey is very different from that of men. So, when you are looking for diet pills that actually work, it would be best to choose an option that is an appetite suppressant for women. These supplements are more suited to the needs and workings of a female body and can aid the fat-burning process further.
We compared Leanbean and Zotrim to check which would be the better option for you. However, upon close inspection, we found no faults with either. Even though both use very different formulae, they are both able to support fat-burning and appetite suppression. Used with a healthy diet and exercise, you should be able to see positive results in no time at all. However, we do not recommend use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as both supplements contain caffeine.
Otherwise, Leanbean and Zotrim are both stellar products.
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